One word to say to my POTUS, President Trump


I'm making right at 21-23% on my money this year. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

I'm with John on this one. My portfolio has never looked better

However.....according to several of you pudknockers, we owe it all to Barry and his razor-sharp economic acumen, right? lol

Guess ALL of this would've simply happened organically even if HiLIARy had won......or Bernie, had she not stolen the nomination from him.

NoTell's Avatar
Donald Trump is doing a GREAT JOB!!! Not Perfect, but it takes time !!
It's too popular to hope he fails to allow the time. Sad. Most don't even know why their on the hate train. Just do it to follow along.
BigLouie's Avatar

Be sure and click on either YTD or 1 year.

I'm making right at 21-23% on my money this year. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
John. Trump had little to do with it. Obama TRIPLED the stock market going from 7900 to 21,000 Trump would have to go to 60,000 to match what Obama did. Plus the worse thing you can do with the stock market is look at very short term gains and see it as long term trends.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
In 2008-2009 the economy had nowhere to go but up. It just about cratered during the end days of W's term.
^^^^ Thanks to bill clinton and barney frank.
oilman12's Avatar
Why do you people get upset when people talk bad about Obama or Trump? It's not like the motherfuckers pay your rent. Hell they dont even know you exist, yet you get your panties in a bunch! Turds!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar

John. Trump had little to do with it. Obama TRIPLED the stock market going from 7900 to 21,000 Trump would have to go to 60,000 to match what Obama did. Plus the worse thing you can do with the stock market is look at very short term gains and see it as long term trends. Originally Posted by BigLouie

You can't tell that to these peasants. Trump wants to fuck his own daughter they know it and still support agent orange. lol But like Trump said: He loves the Poorly Educated.

But like Trump said: He loves the Poorly Educated. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

That said, then you're right in his wheelhouse, gurl.......

Why do you people get upset when people talk bad about Obama or Trump? It's not like the motherfuckers pay your rent. Hell they dont even know you exist, yet you get your panties in a bunch! Turds! Originally Posted by oilman12
if you look back over time, a good chunk of the country hated each and every president.

it was a well known fact that the 2016 winner would start out with record low starting approval.

sad a country of 300 plus million people can't produce better candidates.

I'm just glad it's Pres Trump being hated by you bitches and not Pres Hillary being hated by me

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
That said, then you're right in his wheelhouse, gurl....... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

You're problem is Trump loves the Poorly educated and guess what?

They love him back.

VitaMan's Avatar
You're problem is Trump loves the Poorly educated and guess what?

They love him back. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Pay attention much in school, dimwit? Classic SissyChaps.....all hat and no cattle.

YOUR (determiner) pronoun, singular, possessive thy or thine
1. belonging to or associated with any person in general

YOU'RE (contraction, pronoun)
1. you are

Carry on, gurl.....