There goes next Saints season.

nolatribalwarfare's Avatar
Most teams pay the same bounties
Every team Gregg Williams ever coached on had a bounty system. It was just kept in the locker room. No paper trail. Its like the old Nash Roberts system of tracking hurricanes. IMHO Williams learned the system from one of the best Def. Cord. in the business. Buddy Ryan. Now best believe they had the same system in Dallas and New York Jets. Like father like sons. And if Williams and the Saints didn't get caught this year the Rams would had the same bounty system in place.
gimme_that's Avatar
I think peyton and eli will meet in the next superbowl in new orleans

If the saints couldn't make it, Id want to see that. Nothing like a lil hometown sibling rivalry.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by runkle
he's not the snitch. this bounty is a defensive thing.. the snitch is a defensive player, not o-player.
man if governor Edwards was in office,he would have put up a fight for the saints or paid the commissioner off
Imagine we’re all starting to tire of the many comments on the Saints deal, but here’s one friend posted that sums up how over the top these penalties are:

So, Sean Payton gets suspended longer than Michael Vick got for gambling and murdering dogs....longer than Ben Roethlisberger got for multiple rape accusations...longer than Bill Belichek got for actually cheating...longer than Ray Lewis got for being part of a murder committed by his posse...longer than Michael Irvin got for cocaine possession.....longer than Tank Johnson got for his arsenal of guns and assaults........longer than Plaxico Burress got for illegally discharging a gun in a New York nightclub.........unbelievable .

Go Saints!!!!!!
Wow, I just heard Sean Peyton approached Bill Parcells about coaching the Saints next year. That would be very interesting!!!
commissioner gotohell said he might let payton coach if he appeals,he has the first week in april to file his appeal
runkle's Avatar
he's not the snitch. this bounty is a defensive thing.. the snitch is a defensive player, not o-player. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
A snitch could be anyone that knew about it and wanted to screw someone over. Just because he is offense, doesnt mean he didnt know or didnt rat everyone out. Hell who knows who it was. This whole thing is bullshit.
nolatribalwarfare's Avatar
Wow, I just heard Sean Peyton approached Bill Parcells about coaching the Saints next year. Originally Posted by Stick1969
Yeah but it will probably hinge on the signing of Drew. Parcells will never come here with a backup QB. IMHO the snitch would probably be an offensive player since he would never be in on any of the payments.