WTF is wrong with people??

I agree with Chella's thoughts on this subject, and it can be taken even further. Technology can be a blessing and a curse. The bad aspects seem to be making the news more than the positive.
How many people were SO absorbed in texting, that they lose all awareness of their surroundings? From walking down the street and bumping into someone, or falling off a curb and into the street! Texting and driving, extremely dangerous and I have been guilty of doing it myself. Even voice to text is distracting while driving because you have to look for the damn microphone icon to use it.
So many are tweeting and facebooking every move they make. I do have both of those, but I don't LIVE for them like I have seen so many others do. Including my own family members. And I have noticed some ads from lawyers offering to help with litigation if someone had been injured or lost a family member from being operated on by a robot!
Technology is a great thing to have. But so is having real life interactions with other human beings. I would rather SEE someone and talk across the table at a cafe than chat or text on the phone. I would rather take my chances with a surgeon than a robot.
Whatever happened to reach out and touch someone?
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--just when I was reading the last post to this thread....................
My SO is sitting on couch beside me,the grandkid and daughter are on other couch,so my SO is texting me dirty things so they cant hear! lol
Word, Chell-Bell.
Most of those people have trouble making eye contact in face to face conversation too. Some don't intend to be rude, but have the smart phone/social networking addiction problem.

Personally, I prefer text messaging to correspond with clients. In fact, I ONLY use text messaging w/hobbyists. Why is this? I use text only with my clients b/c that is how my hobby phone is set up. I lost the voice mail password and do not have talk minutes anymore. I have text only now on my Hobby
gimme_that's Avatar
Text friendly chicks in the hobby are convient, but rare. Especially via BP. Don't get me wrong, the phone conversation prior to meeting is very pertinent and germaine to the actual meet and still a requirement, but texting for small last second info prior makes things easier. Texting seems to be more of a young ladies marketing tool in the 18 to 24 provider range mostly.

A good texter can build comfortability quick. A bad texter or one who doesn't type responses quickly or that makes sense is worse.So if texting isn't your strong suit, don't do it to compete. But realize their are some client that need to text discreetly during work hours just for the chance to book and see you.

Now on BP I use texting as a screening tool as well. Ill ask a lady her rates and services that she doesn't do. I will admit most will not answer as they might feel nervous about answering,but those that do usually are more personable via phone as well. Texting that info is inadmissable evidence maybe if you were caught by LE.........rather than the sound of your voice bein recorded. They can't rightfully guarantee in court that it was you. So on BP I let them answer what they don't do first, then I get intricate and explicit in my response to seal the deal. The way a lady responds usually will seal the deal.

The other thing about texting that's cool, is it allows me access to info I'm not totally comfortable asking via phone. I still want to be respectful and have a conversation that confirms my interest and isn't devalued by the fact that I want to know if she swallows lol. It makes the phone conversation less businessey based and feel more like a date and shows more personability.
Get this! She just posted a rant on her facebook page about how people on their cell phones in line at the store really irritate her LOL. She loves confrontation so rather than say something, Ill just avoid and ignore her from now on.

In the hobby I have to hear a voice. Its part of how I screen. I can usually tell who is going to be a total asshole in a short conversation, and thats when I will decide to see them or not.
I think that the older "offenders" don't know that their behavior is rude. They've been taught to say please and thank you and to put their napkin in their lap, but the "Miss Manners Guide to Polite Mobile Phone Usage" wasn't a part of their etiquette curriculum. The under-thirty crowd hasn't been taught it either, I know, but somewhere along the way they've also developed a distorted (and sad) understanding of how to hold a conversation. They don't know how to be present and in the moment with the person to whom they are communicating. I think that one solution would be to add a class to the high school curriculum and teach young adults the dos and don'ts of mobile device usage including when to put their phone away. Then they can go home and teach us old dogs some new tricks.
She isnt old lol, 30 isnt old is it? Im the old one at 44 with manners.
Age is a state of mind
I've seen senior citizens, aka "older offenders", check their text messages, discuss the text with their spouse, and then giggle while replying...while they're sitting in front of me at the movie theater. Certainly they know how to behave in public, but they don't know that they're being rude.
Regarding your 30 yr old pal, she just needs you to show her how a lady behaves...and maybe how to misbehave too 😄