The race be the judge

I was around during the LBJ Vietnam protests...and let me say that deserved or not, LBJ was absoultly hated and abused in the worst most vile of ways...and I was one who was marching against the war !

"Hey, hey LBJ how many kids did you kill today !"

So to say that Obama is getting the worse treatment is just silly. People died in the streets figting against the polcies of LBJ...the hatred that many many in America had for LBJ and Nixon during the war was very real and frightening. Not anyting like it is today......

LBJ and Nixon had hundreds of thousand of protesters drawn to Washington over their outrage over Vietnam. The biggest anti-obama crowd was the Beck rally which was extremely tame and had no signs of hate or sterotypes that you refer to !

The treatment that Obama is getting is benign in comparison to LBJ, Nixon, Regan and Bush II.
BigBaldBlk's Avatar
Real simple; Blacks make up 12% of the nations population. Even if EVERY Black person over the age of 18 voted for Obama, he would ONLY secure 12% or less of the vote. Many Caucasians HAD to vote for him, some maybe b/c of skin color, but more on the belief he was the right person at the right time to lead the country.

Yes, there are racist ppl in every walk of life, but NO, I don't believe if you oppose Obama that you are automatically racist!

BTW, I too like that .gif Marcus!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Let's be honest here- of course there are some GOP/TEA party who have trouble with Obama's skin color but I wouldn't say it's a huge number- if a person disagrees with his policies it's not racist, but when you look at Tea party rallies and there's signs with innuendos of his heritage or people saying hang him with nooses yes those are racist- but what ore do you expect from redneck inbreds. However, I will say that he's perhaps been treated worst than any other President I can think of for no apparent reasons. George Bush was treated bad as well, but keep in mind George Bush got us in to 2 wars- (bin Laden started one of those wars – Obama still has Iraq and Afghanistan and has added Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan) with the latter being unjustified and Americans saw the war with Iraq as blood for oil and they hated Bush for that reason. Hmmm Obama tries to get affordable insurance for americans- he's hated
He speaks to elementary school students and parents pull their children out of school.
He's called a Liar out loud during the State of Union Address.
Name some recent Presidents that's been threw this crap? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
We won’t talk about what happened when Nixon was in office. However, do you recall why the press referred to Reagan as “The Teflon President”? It was because no matter what shit they hurled at him or his administration, he came through it personally unscathed—but they tried their damnedest. For instance, remember the Iran-Contra Affair? Reagan was accused of illegally trafficking weapons to Iran to finance anti-communist forces in Nicaragua. The scandal was in every major newspaper and on every channel of the boob-tube, and there were rumors of impending impeachment. Jump forward twenty-five years. The current administration has been caught providing weapons to known criminal cartels in a foreign country in violation of both national and international laws: Code name “Operation Fast and Furious.” Where is the liberal press on this issue? Oh, they’re still rehashing the Casey Anthony trial.

In 2004, the Dems delivered a “Chorus Of Boos” during Bush's Bush’s State Of The Union when he called for renewal of the Patriot Act., according to the Washington Times.

In 2005, the Dems howled, hissed and shouted "No!" when Bush pushed for Social Security reform in the SOU: "Foreshadowing the contentiousness of the coming debate, Democrats broke decorum and booed twice," according to the National Journal.

At the time, CNN's Bill Schneider remarked, “It was unusual. I had never heard it at least at that level before. The Dems clearly were booing, heckling, saying no when the president talked about the crisis in Social Security."

In 2008, 12,000 people in San Francisco signed a petition in support of a proposition on a local ballot to rename an Oceanside sewage plant after George W. Bush.

Last year I saw comedian Robin William’s “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” He parodied every politician (Bush, Biden, etc.) in D.C. except one. Guess who? Compare that with Whoopi Goldberg’s rendition .

And there were these incidents:
drgris's Avatar
That's pretty funny though. See, they put photos of Bush next to monkeys because he kin of looks like one from the right angles. If you can't laugh at that, there's no hope for you!
I B Hankering's Avatar
That's pretty funny though. See, they put photos of Bush next to monkeys because he kin of looks like one from the right angles. If you can't laugh at that, there's no hope for you! Originally Posted by drgris
But you do realize there is a double-standard at play here. There was a New York Post cartoonist who two years ago was deemed racist when he tried to connect two headline stories - one political and the other a rampaging pet - into one cartoon.

Lampoonists were particularly merciless in their depictions of Abraham Lincoln. There was no such thing as PC back in his day, and besides, despite his awkward appearance, Ol' Abe was a pretty d@mn3d good fighter (wrestler).
You forgot the assassinate George Bush movie.........

"Operation Fast and Furious" was financed by the stimulus, at least it created job OPENINGS, if not jobs, due to the border agent deaths.....

I don't think Bush looks like Odumbo.......

PS: I recall that Lincoln was challenged to a duel for some nasty political comments he made earlier in his career. He backed down and never got the taste of the shit sandwich out of his mouth....his political comments were tamer from that day forward.....such cowardice reminds me of the current repubs......too bad dueling isn't socially acceptable anymore, we'd extinct liberals........
I B Hankering's Avatar
You forgot the assassinate George Bush movie.........

"Operation Fast and Furious" was financed by the stimulus, at least it created job OPENINGS, if not jobs, due to the border agent deaths...... Originally Posted by Marshall
There is a whole list of such parodies that take a swipe at Bush, and that doesn’t include any of Michael Moore’s numerous, but weak attempts at character assassination.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-20-2011, 03:21 PM

Ok, which one of you righties thought this fax funny?

I B , Whirlaway, you have anything you'd like to tell us?

Ok, which one of you righties thought this fax funny?

I B , Whirlaway, you have anything you'd like to tell us? Originally Posted by WTF
Looks like someone's pulling a "Tawana Brawley"............what is wrong with you butt-fucking monkeys"?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I was around during the LBJ Vietnam protests...and let me say that deserved or not, LBJ was absoultly hated and abused in the worst most vile of ways...and I was one who was marching against the war !

"Hey, hey LBJ how many kids did you kill today !"

So to say that Obama is getting the worse treatment is just silly. People died in the streets figting against the polcies of LBJ...the hatred that many many in America had for LBJ and Nixon during the war was very real and frightening. Not anyting like it is today......

LBJ and Nixon had hundreds of thousand of protesters drawn to Washington over their outrage over Vietnam. The biggest anti-obama crowd was the Beck rally which was extremely tame and had no signs of hate or sterotypes that you refer to !

The treatment that Obama is getting is benign in comparison to LBJ, Nixon, Regan and Bush II. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I dont know your age Whirl, but LBJ was way before my time- so I as going by the Presidents I recall- also note that I said in times of war- people tend to make very rude comments for obvious reasons- a lot of Americans just don't justify war unless we are invaded that's just how it goes, but name a non war President that has gotten as much abuse as Obama?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I dont know your age Whirl, but LBJ was way before my time- so I as going by the Presidents I recall- also note that I said in times of war- people tend to make very rude comments for obvious reasons- a lot of Americans just don't justify war unless we are invaded that's just how it goes, but name a non war President that has gotten as much abuse as Obama? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Every President since Hoover has been a war president to some degree.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-20-2011, 06:28 PM
but name a non war President that has gotten as much abuse as Obama? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
It's never "abusive" to the ones who are slinging the mud.

Like i tell my Republican friends (and family). You keep voting for Presidents who lie us into trillion dollar wars, and i'll keep voting for Presidents who pass trillion dollar health care reform laws.....and i'll feel pretty good about myself.
Like i tell my Republican friends (and family). You keep voting for Presidents who lie us into trillion dollar wars, and i'll keep voting for Presidents who pass trillion dollar health care reform laws.....and i'll feel pretty good about myself. Originally Posted by Doofus

DOOFUS IS THE LOSER SON OF A REPUBLICAN FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! He believes what he believes not because there's intellectual thought behind it, but because he wants to give his family a big FUCK YOU! juvenile rebellion! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Doofus' family hates him! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Hey Doofus, what happens to Odumbocare when we can't borrow anymore money? You don't believe it's possible for the US to run out of money, do you?..........

it'll be funny when you're a little old man living in your 600 sq. ft. Buffalo Soviet-style apartment wondering why you're not getting a SS check even though you paid in all those open up a can of cat food, share it with your 2 cats then take your pain medication while wondering why you weren't allowed to have the heart surgery........HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! in the winter you'll try to raise the thermostat up from 54, but the government got it set and you can't budge take public transportation to the library, surf the web for those $50 HDH who you can't afford anymore and dream about the Bush years when you were rolling!........HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
I B Hankering's Avatar
quote=Doove;1492419 It's never "abusive" to the ones who are slinging the mud.

Like i tell my Republican friends (and family). You keep voting for Presidents who lie us into trillion dollar wars, and i'll keep voting for Presidents who pass trillion dollar health care reform laws.....and i'll feel pretty good about myself.

DOOFUS IS THE LOSER SON OF A REPUBLICAN FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! He believes what he believes not because there's intellectual thought behind it, but because he wants to give his family a big FUCK YOU! [Doofus’] juvenile rebellion! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
Originally Posted by Marshall
Indeed! This does explain much about Ol’ Doofus. Author Eric Hoffer once wrote, in True Believer, about the allure of Communism and how it “holds a following not by its doctrine and promises but by the refuge it offers from the anxieties, barrenness and meaninglessness of an [their] individual existence.”
Maybe she give good head? Nothing else would make sense.
Her being in office this long defies logic.
Only democrat I've ever voted for is Gene Green. Awesome dude. Originally Posted by lilred_robin
This is why she keeps getting reelected:

U.S. Census data put Representative Jackson-Lee's record in the context of the people who she represents. Texas District 18 is 99.85 percent urban, 62.02 percent non-white, and has a population that is 35.61 percent Latino and 20.41 percent foreign-born. 9.75 percent of adults working in Rep. Jackson-Lee's district commute using public transportation, on a bike or on foot. 4.67 percent of adults aged 25 and older in Jackson-Lee's district have a Master's, PhD or Professional Degree. (Here's the link:

Her district is so gerrymandered that there is a huge, Hispanic populated, hole in the middle of it. (Here’s the link to the map:

Her’s isn’t the only gerrymandered district designed to predict race and party of the winning candidate. I live in District 7. ( It looks contiguous, but it really isn’t. It goes on a diagonal through the city and picks up all the affluent, white neighborhoods in Houston. PC and race relations at its finest. It’s institutionalized classism and racism. It sickens me.