Wakeup - A Punitive Proposal For Your Consideration

...and serve as a deterrent to rogue and unbalanced RTM'ers.
... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
RTM'ed. Violation of the general rudeness rule: calling people unbalanced.
I want to help you out bro. I know you recognize my brilliance based on our last private communication so I'd like to help make your job easier with a new rule.

Since there's been paranoia amongst the politico *aka* political forum participants I suggest that everytime they misuse the RTM button you hit them with a 1 point penalty. That should free up your time and serve as a deterrent to rogue and unbalanced RTM'ers.

To ensure we're following current rules you can enforce this suggestion under the general disrespect of forum moderator as you have pretty wide leeway in interpretation of the rules. After a warning of RTM abuse then you start the penalty phase. Get these guys under control.

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Bancation is of consideration. SC gets away with racial comments because he claims he is black.

Is this forum anti-white? If so I am switching my nationality.
SC is a juggler? Who knew?

Originally Posted by lustylad
Ya know on second thought its best to go for the Carotid that's an artery. The Jugular is a vein. Oh by the way SC can't juggle he doesn't have that kind of skill, unless of course he's juggling words, lol.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i am particularly impressed by the mod's immediate response to this urgent issue!!!!


Sistine Chapel's Avatar
RTM'ed. Violation of the general rudeness rule: calling people unbalanced. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Following the new rules is hard for you huh?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Bancation is of consideration. SC gets away with racial comments because he claims he is black.

Is this forum anti-white? If so I am switching my nationality. Originally Posted by canuckeight
Racial comments and racial insults are 2 different things. If I get away with anything (which by the way is a false premise) it would logically be because I'm smart not because I'm black. I wish this board handed out affirmative action and food stamps. I'd b the first in line ;-) be careful with that bait when you're fishing for SC....
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Fuck the points. I say go for the juggler and ban his ass.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I am pleased with Wakeup's moderation thus far...he's doing an excellent job.
I am pleased with Wakeup's moderation thus far...he's doing an excellent job. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You always did have a thing for the Mods.
