Let's all grill Fani Willis for buying $100 dinner for her man, while ignoring Clarence Thomas being a money grubbing whore himself

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Fani is laundering money, Thomas is filling a stringer with Brook Trout. Big difference.
winn dixie's Avatar
Bias to a core. I'm a big Thomas fan. But no doubt his gifts are influence based
That's big boy politics. But in Thomas's case it's blatant. Big time ethics questions
I guess maybe one can be that naive.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Bias to a core. I'm a big Thomas fan. But no doubt his gifts are influence based
That's big boy politics. But in Thomas's case it's blatant. Big time ethics questions Originally Posted by winn dixie
In what case did Thomas change his opinion due to being bought? If you’re going to make this claim, back it up.
winn dixie's Avatar
A 100 dollar dinner for a colleague is hardly worth talking about. No problem I see.

Please. His big vacations and trips are paid for by others for what?
Huge ethics problems he should've avoided.
As far as fani didn't know that she's been convicted of anything regarding the trump case. Maybe I missed something.
bambino's Avatar
OK. Fani has a close friend too.
Both are guilty of ethics violations.
Thomas has received years of gifts. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Was Thomas fucking his subordinate? NO
Democrats are the biggest racists period... Originally Posted by chizzy
They’re not even trying to sell crappy sneakers!
Fani is laundering money, Thomas is filling a stringer with Brook Trout. Big difference. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
If you care to put forth any evidence of Fani "laundering money", now would be a good time
Welp... apparently there's no evidence... again...
Jacuzzme's Avatar
When you give big fat checks that aren’t your money to someone you’re fucking and then share in that wealth, it’s money laundering.
When you give big fat checks that aren’t your money to someone you’re fucking and then share in that wealth, it’s money laundering. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Except that's not what's happening, but ok. We have a definition, at least.
eyecu2's Avatar
Fani is laundering money, Thomas is filling a stringer with Brook Trout. Big difference. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Ehh. not really even close to what Thomas has recieved sir.



More than two months after authorizing subpoenas for key figures in the Supreme Court’s ethics controversies, Senate Democrats have yet to issue them. The delay has caused outside activists to demand that Democrats press ahead with their investigation.

On Nov. 30, the Democratic-led Senate Judiciary Committee voted to approve subpoenas for Republican donor Harlan Crow and conservative legal activist Leonard Leo after the two men had refused to voluntarily provide all the information requested by the committee about gifts for Supreme Court justices.

“Both Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow are central players in this crisis,” Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., who chairs the Judiciary Committee, said at the time. “Their attempts to thwart legitimate oversight efforts of Congress should concern all of us.”

Durbin on issuing the subpoenas'- “Still working on it.”

The decision to authorize subpoenas came in response to stories by ProPublica that detailed how, for decades, Crow had paid for lavish vacations for Justice Clarence Thomas. In 2014, Crow purchased Thomas’ mother’s home in Georgia. Crow even paid private school tuition for Thomas’ grandnephew, whom the justice said he was raising “as a son.”

not saying that being a good caretaker needs to be criminalized, but Thomas not declaring things like purchase of a home- (inflated price), or private education- $$$$ etc. is not some small meaningless contribution. Nor is it a stringer of fish as you might claim. It's closer to 200-250k in values all in. Maybe more.

Thomas has said that he did not need to disclose the free vacations and that he didn’t report the real estate sale because he misunderstood the rules.

How fucking rich is that?

The judge didn't understand either the law or the rules. Clarence doesn't know them rules, or 'da laws'....cause you know- He's a SCOTUS! Doesn't need them!

You cannot make that shit up!!
The judge didn't understand either the law or the rules. Clarence doesn't know them rules, or 'da laws'....cause you know- He's a SCOTUS! Doesn't need them!

You cannot make that shit up!![/B] Originally Posted by eyecu2
It's a pathetic miscarriage of justice that this old fool is even on the SCOTUS. One of more corrupt individuals in American history. Needed the help of something most conservatives today hate just to get into law school. Doesn't give two shits about the law. It's a travesty.