Georgia Election Problems - Continued...

VitaMan's Avatar
The investigation has now become meaningless.

But plenty of accusations still are tossed in the air.....
biomed1's Avatar
To Discuss the Original Topic . . .
#27 - Often times in online communities, members may display a tendency towards bringing their conflicts with other members to the board. This will be strongly discouraged and swift effort will be made to put it to rest. Additionally, staff will make every effort to stay uninvolved in conflicts and disputes between members off the board except in such cases where the board becomes directly affected.
VitaMan's Avatar

We're dealing with blatant Corruption... Additions of FAKE
vote tabulations and Phantom machines.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

These are the accusations referred to......not accusations toward another member.
Precious_b's Avatar
NaCl-y, your insiders just spilled the beans!

This came straight from the top. The Big Cheato put his seal of approval on it and personally picked from his maga crowd to get the brass tacks.

Ol' Ken really delivered for you.
No more "Wait and see."

... Hee Hee! ... Thanks for the laugh there, mate...

I had things to say concerning Ken Block in me other GA thread.
HOW did Mr. Block MISS the "mis-counting" of votes in Fulton County??
Somehow he did...

Good thing that Mr. Rossi surely pointed it out...

Mr. Block will need to update his book with CORRECTIONS. ...

... See? ... Ken Block is PART OF the GA Election Problem!

#### Salty
Originally Posted by Diligaf

... Blimey! ... Thanks there, mate.
You just reminded me - I'll surely pass-along that
some o' those GA elections people might have some
skeletons inside their closets! ...

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
Guess you missed the opening in the book by Georgia Secretary of State. Ken didn't discount it.

*BUT* he did acknowledge voter fraud is not party specific.
... No, what I mentioned is that Ken there MISSED the mis-count.
How is that possible? ... Joe Rossi found it - he simply added
the numbers and totals - AND - they did NOT match up correctly.

And Raffensperger (Sec. of State) doing the forward? ... Ken Block
surely found the right fellow to agree on "NO voter fraud"
the onley people Mr. Raffensperger wants to target with claims
of illegal voting are "his fellow" Republicans. ...

But Raffensperger will no doubt have A LOT of explaining to do
Next Year - when a new AG takes a long look at the GA voting fraud.
And the great LACK of investigation by Kemp and Raffensperger.

#### Salty
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... No, what I mentioned is that Ken there MISSED the mis-count.
How is that possible? ... Joe Rossi found it - he simply added
the numbers and totals - AND - they did NOT match up correctly.

And Raffensperger (Sec. of State) doing the forward? ... Ken Block
surely found the right fellow to agree on "NO voter fraud"
the onley people Mr. Raffensperger wants to target with claims
of illegal voting are "his fellow" Republicans. ...

But Raffensperger will no doubt have A LOT of explaining to do
Next Year - when a new AG takes a long look at the GA voting fraud.
And the great LACK of investigation by Kemp and Raffensperger.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
After Kemp and Raffensperger went against Trump and refused to reverse the 2020 election results in Georgia, Trump campaigned long and hard against their reelection bids and both won easily. Trump's contention of the Georgia election results also was the primary contributor in both of Georgia's U.S. Senators now being Democratic.

Kemp and Raffensperger are not up for reelection until November 2026 so there will be no new AG in Georgia next year.

Trump is an idiot. Had he admitted defeat in November 2020 and quietly handed over the keys to the WH in January 2021 he would be in a much better position to win this November. Many will vote against him for his election denial and the riot at the Capitol.So easy for the average person to admit defeat under the circumstances. Too difficult for Trump
... There will be a NEW United States AG coming next year.
And will no doubt order a full investigation of what happened
with the 2020 GA election.

And we will see what happens to Brad Raffensperger then.

What I DO know is that Mr. Raffensperger surely dodges every
attempt to have him give Court testimony. But it's gonna go
rather different for him Next Year. ... Nowhere to hide then.

#### Salty
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... There will be a NEW United States AG coming next year.
And will no doubt order a full investigation of what happened
with the 2020 GA election.

And we will see what happens to Brad Raffensperger then.

What I DO know is that Mr. Raffensperger surely dodges every
attempt to have him give Court testimony. But it's gonna go
rather different for him Next Year. ... Nowhere to hide then.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Will not happen. Wishful thinking on your part. But since Trump is the most vindictive politician probably in the history of our country, maybe it is possible.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I should have added this to my post #24.

Trump took confidential documents out of the WH when he left. He was asked to return them and did not do so. He was issued a subpeona asking for the return of the documents. He did not do so. Hence a lawsuit brought against him.

Once again all this idiot had to do was return the requested documents and all this would have disappeared.

Three lawsuits that Trump could very easily avoided. And he blames the DOJ and others for a "witch hunt" all of which could have been avoided by himself.
VitaMan's Avatar
... There will be a NEW United States AG coming next year.
And will no doubt order a full investigation of what happened
with the 2020 GA election.

And we will see what happens to Brad Raffensperger then.

What I DO know is that Mr. Raffensperger surely dodges every
attempt to have him give Court testimony. But it's gonna go
rather different for him Next Year. ... Nowhere to hide then.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

There is plenty of doubt. Next year is 2025......there is an election in 2024. No one will care about the year 2020 election....especially the 2020 GA election.
Will not happen. Wishful thinking on your part. But since Trump is the most vindictive politician probably in the history of our country, maybe it is possible. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
... ... ... ... ...

#### Salty
... A GREAT piece by Liz Harrington - which certainly explains
the 2020 Georgia Election Fraud and Corruption in Great Detail.
You can read it over at the Gateway Pundit website.

... It surely validates what I've been telling you lads for
the last two years here. ....

##### Salty