Eccie compromised? What's the bug?

barrybarry39's Avatar
so what your saying Honey is that, more chance than not that this could turn into another shit storm.
Wakeup's Avatar
Because I implicitly trust a hooker when it comes to computer system security problem...
All the websites in the list are all the crap ads that are on eccie.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
All the websites in the list are all the crap ads that are on eccie. Originally Posted by royamcr
To clarify roy's comment:
It's not ECCIE, the only issue is if any of the ads lead to an XXS issue.

Cross site scripting (XXS) has been around since the 90s.
Common attack method, but also easily defended.
Is your browser, virus software, flash, java, active-x, etc, current?
Gotyour6's Avatar
dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda

Walking away now tossing my phone in the garbage on my way by a trash can...
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
That's an oldy but goody
Btw, your fingerprints are on the phone.