Barebackers Run amok in Austin and SA

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
I'm guessing his known handle is probably banned. Originally Posted by Ember Simmers


Sigh...just when I think I can't be shocked by the cruelty of others I am reminded once again that for some people lying and hurting others is what makes them happy...

I held my tongue during the RACIST thread that one of my stalkers created about me:

I tried to use HUMOR & SARCASM on twitter to deal with the SLAVE NARCISSIST thread that Rick created about me...

And now THIS? Sigh, I am not sure if this is Rick or Chincho who has created this thread... I would like to believe that it is Chincho because the idea that someone that I once cared about very much could do something this vicious and vindictive saddens me greatly...

I also find that this is INTERESTING that this thread was created 48 hours after I opened up on an ad that I created a little over 48 hours ago... and ad in which I apologize to two beautiful ladies... Lilly and Ebony Jasmine Love Austin...

So, let me answer these questions...

1) Am I a racist?

No, I am not... I see men and women of all races, religions, ethnicities and size... I do not believe in racism of any kind and I have spoken out against racism on multiple occasions on this board...

2) Am I narcissistic?

No, I am not... I am however extremely introverted and sometimes when someone is extremely angry, overly emotional or if I am in pain then I tend to shut down emotionally and I have trouble discussing things in a logical and calm manner...

I apologize that sometimes my introverted nature can be confusing and difficult to deal with... However, if I am wrong then I do not mind apologizing for hurting or offending someone...

3) Do I offer BB?

No, I do not and I never have... Review after review talks about how well stocked my in calls are with a vast array of condoms so that any gentleman of any size may be able to play with me in a safe manner...

I hope that everyone has a wonderful week-end... Before I go... this is a copy of what I posted on my ad... and while, the apology was delayed in coming... it is heartfelt and sincere...

Your sad slave,


****************************** **

Slave Guinevere... Clearing the air...

Dear San Antonio...

I cannot tell you how GREAT it is to be HOME!! Over the last 6 months I have REALLY MISSED my home town and all of my wonderful men!! I wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU for your patience with me these last few months...

I know that a lot of you have wanted to see me and because of my hectic tour schedule I have not been able to pamper you boys as much nor as frequently as I would have liked...

However, it was always on my 5 year business plan for me to TRAVEL more in year 4 of being Slave Guinevere... I have a tendency to be shy and reclusive and this is one of the ways that I have been trying to push myself outside of my comfort zone...

I have always felt that the only way that we can grow and evolve is if we are constantly pushing ourselves harder and that we must consistently strive to always be evolving...

I begin my career as Slave G as a professional submissive and I have had the pleasure.... with your help... to explore the depths of my love an affection to be able to offer each of you the ultimate GFE... to push my body to be the best PSE experience that you boys can imagine and NOW, I will be exploring the realm of FBSM...

I do not consider any of these one activities to be SEPARATE... on the contrary... each of these sensual practices heightens and expands my growing sexual expertise... It is my desire to offer you the ULTIMATE SEXUAL EXPERIENCE...

It is my pleasure to announce that I recently found out that I am ranked in the TOP 10 MOST HIGHLY REVIEWED LADIES ON ECCIE... and I want to THANK EACH OF YOU for helping me to accomplish such an incredible feat...

Without each of you... I would not be where I am today... I want to let each of you know that you boys INSPIRE ME TO BE THE BEST that I could possibly be... I also want to THANK YOU for your kind words these last 18 months...

For whatever reason... I have a few devoted stalkers.... sigh... and I have to admit that many times their harsh and cruel words do wound my spirit and soul... it is RARE that I will speak out in anger and usually only if my children are loved ones are being threatened... and I want to THANK THOSE OF YOU who have been kind of enough to offer me both your support and your kind words these last 18 months... you have no idea how much your kindness has meant to me...

There have been times when I wanted to respond to some of the cruel, vitriolic attacks that have played out again and again in the coed forums.. but then I think... WHY? If I do not respond... then I am being a MARTYR... if I DO RESPOND then I am being a BITCH... Sigh, it is a lose-lose situation...

The one thing that I know for sure is that HATE will only beget HATE... and I DO NOT want to be a part of the drama and malicious drama that sometimes takes over some of the different coeds on Eccie...

Also, let's just be HONEST... I am not that GOOD at being MEAN... I will NEVER WIN THE FLAME WARS and NOR do I want to .... I LIKE being NICE to people... I like telling the girls that they are beautiful... I like to inspire my friends and I love to pamper my men...

So, with all that in mind... I moved most of my playful banter to twitter... Now, I understand that many of your are uncomfortable with Twitter and I promise you that I understand that completely... However, I was told OVER & OVER AGAIN that ECCIE was for the MEN... and that ANY WORDS that we women might have were not wanted or needed...

Now, instead of getting MAD about this... I said "OK"... and I went to find a PLAYGROUND where I can LAUGH, FLIRT, WATCH NAUGHTY PORN and in general just have FUN!! Occasionally, I get ANNOYED by some of the shenanigans of some of my stalkers but that is A NORMAL part of human interaction... So, with the exception of two people... and they know who they are... I humbly apologize if I offended you...

I tend to use sarcasm to deal with the frustrations of life... However, I did not mean to offend Ebony Jasmine Love Austin or the Beautiful Lilly... When Lilly bumped that thread where one of my stalkers had called me a racist... I was hurt and offended... That particular gentleman has been stalking me since December 25th 2013 and sent me over a 100 texts on that first day... Over the last 18 months he had created multiple different handles to try and see me and for him to accuse me of being a racist was completely unjust....Lilly could not have known that racism is a TRIGGER FOR ME... Nothing angers me more than DISCRIMINATION of ANY KIND...

Sigh... and like MOST INTROVERTS I tend to SHUT DOWN when I am ANGRY OR HURT... because of that I was not able to communicate with her or the beautiful Ebony... When an introvert is angry or hurt they need time to unwind and to understand WHY THEY ARE FEELING a certain way... and we are not as gifted as extroverts as being able to ascertain WHY something is causing us hurt or pain...

Also, I believe that each individual on this planet should be treated with respect and that means taking the TIME to figure out the BEST WORDS POSSIBLE to explain my feelings, the actions that I took and if necessary to form a proper apology... Ebony and Lilly I apologize for taking so long to apologize to both of you.... Like I said... I was hurting and in pain and I did not handle that situation as well as I would have liked...

In regards to RockerRick... all I will say is that I was always open with him in regards to my feelings for him... he did everything that he could to make a relationship with me work... However, when we met I told him up front that there was a man from my past... a man that I loved beyond time and space and that emotionally I was not available... When it got to a point where our friendship was hurting him... I ended the relationship in hope that he could move on with his life and yes, with the hope that I could possibly get over my Lancelot...

There was a reason that I chose the name "GUINEVERE"...and there was a man that I loved so much that I would rather be an escort then to ever mislead another gentleman into thinking that I was capable of having a deep and loving relationship with anyone other than him...

After the horror of last year I was pretty beat up emotionally and hurting Rick made it even worse... it is very hard for an INTJ to let go of anyone that they are close to... we are by nature solitary creatures... However, by the grace of God... while I was touring... I met a man...

I honestly did not think that I could ever love another man like I had loved my Lancelot... but I was wrong... I met a man who not only LOVES ME but he has an unlimited amount of patience with not only me but also my introverted nature...

Now, how does that affect me being SLAVE GUINEVERE? He grounds me when everything is going crazy in my life... he supports me when I am sad and he praises my accomplishments.. he is my perfect partner...

Since, we live in different cities we spend every week-end together and after 8 months we are more deeply in love than ever... Next year we will be taking our relationship to the NEXT level after that i will be enrolling in Massage Therapy School and yes... I will hang up my SLUTTY WHIPS & MY NAUGHTY HANDCUFFS...

However, until that time I want to LAUGH AND TO LOVE and I want to do everything in my power to make each of you boys feel as special as you have made me feel...

Without EACH OF YOU I would not be where I am right now... Thank you for helping me... for teaching me... and for loving me...faults and all...

Your adoring & devoted slave,



One of my FAVORITE SONGS that has brought me great comfort... I hope that you enjoy it just as much as I have...

"Joan Of Arc"

Each time they take the photograph
I lose a part I can't get back
I want to hide
This is the part where I detach
Each time they write a hateful word
Dragging my soul into the dirt
I wanna die
Never admit it but it hurts

I don't wanna talk about it right now
Just hold me while I cry my eyes out
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
But I'm in the dark, yeah
I can't be a superhero right now
Even hearts made out of steel can break down
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
I'm only human

Anything they did to me, said to me
Doesn't mean a thing cuz you're here with me now
Even when the world turns its back on me
There could be a war but I'm not going down

One little lie can ruin my day
Words are like weapons, they betray
When I am afraid
One word of kindness, it can save me

I don't wanna talk about it right now
Just hold me while I cry my eyes out
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
But I'm in the dark, yeah
I can't be a superhero right now
Even hearts made out of steel can break down
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
I'm only human

Anything they did to me, said to me
Doesn't mean a thing cuz you're here with me now
Even when the world turns its back on me
There could be a war but I'm not going down

Being destructive isn't brave
They couldn't say it to my face
One day I won't care
But for the moment I'm not there
I'll just close my eyes and let you catch me now

I don't wanna talk about it right now
Just hold me while I cry my eyes out
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
But I'm in the dark, yeah
I can't be a superhero right now
Even hearts made out of steel can break down
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
I'm only human

Anything they did to me, said to me
Doesn't mean a thing cuz you're here with me now
Even when the world turns its back on me
There could be a war but I'm not going down

Anything they did to me, said to me
Doesn't mean a thing cuz you're here with me now
Even when the world turns its back on me
There could be a war but I'm not Joan of Arc

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-10-2015, 05:46 PM
I find it interesting to see someone with all of 5 posts claim to be such a wonderful expert on so much. And all in their first day. Amazing.

I find it disturbing that so many accusations can be combined in one post, including accusations I thought fell into the forbidden topics categories, and is still standing.

But I do feel better seeing the ridicule heaped upon the OP. That is one positive point.

This is nothing but a cowardly, vindictive post. A disgruntled client who didn't get what he wanted. A competitor's pimp. Certainly not anyone who thought a one-day old handle with no credibility would get much traction.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Another newbie troll!

Still Looking's Avatar
Still Looking's Avatar

Sigh...just when I think I can't be shocked by the cruelty of others I am reminded once again that for some people lying and hurting others is what makes them happy...

I held my tongue during the RACIST thread that one of my stalkers created about me:

I tried to use HUMOR & SARCASM on twitter to deal with the SLAVE NARCISSIST thread that Rick created about me...

And now THIS? Sigh, I am not sure if this is Rick or Chincho who has created this thread... I would like to believe that it is Chincho because the idea that someone that I once cared about very much could do something this vicious and vindictive saddens me greatly...

I also find that this is INTERESTING that this thread was created 48 hours after I opened up on an ad that I created a little over 48 hours ago... and ad in which I apologize to two beautiful ladies... Lilly and Ebony Jasmine Love Austin...

So, let me answer these questions...

1) Am I a racist?

No, I am not... I see men and women of all races, religions, ethnicities and size... I do not believe in racism of any kind and I have spoken out against racism on multiple occasions on this board...

2) Am I narcissistic?

No, I am not... I am however extremely introverted and sometimes when someone is extremely angry, overly emotional or if I am in pain then I tend to shut down emotionally and I have trouble discussing things in a logical and calm manner...

I apologize that sometimes my introverted nature can be confusing and difficult to deal with... However, if I am wrong then I do not mind apologizing for hurting or offending someone...

3) Do I offer BB?

No, I do not and I never have... Review after review talks about how well stocked my in calls are with a vast array of condoms so that any gentleman of any size may be able to play with me in a safe manner...

I hope that everyone has a wonderful week-end... Before I go... this is a copy of what I posted on my ad... and while, the apology was delayed in coming... it is heartfelt and sincere...

Your sad slave,


****************************** **

Slave Guinevere... Clearing the air...

Dear San Antonio...

I cannot tell you how GREAT it is to be HOME!! Over the last 6 months I have REALLY MISSED my home town and all of my wonderful men!! I wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU for your patience with me these last few months...

I know that a lot of you have wanted to see me and because of my hectic tour schedule I have not been able to pamper you boys as much nor as frequently as I would have liked...

However, it was always on my 5 year business plan for me to TRAVEL more in year 4 of being Slave Guinevere... I have a tendency to be shy and reclusive and this is one of the ways that I have been trying to push myself outside of my comfort zone...

I have always felt that the only way that we can grow and evolve is if we are constantly pushing ourselves harder and that we must consistently strive to always be evolving...

I begin my career as Slave G as a professional submissive and I have had the pleasure.... with your help... to explore the depths of my love an affection to be able to offer each of you the ultimate GFE... to push my body to be the best PSE experience that you boys can imagine and NOW, I will be exploring the realm of FBSM...

I do not consider any of these one activities to be SEPARATE... on the contrary... each of these sensual practices heightens and expands my growing sexual expertise... It is my desire to offer you the ULTIMATE SEXUAL EXPERIENCE...

It is my pleasure to announce that I recently found out that I am ranked in the TOP 10 MOST HIGHLY REVIEWED LADIES ON ECCIE... and I want to THANK EACH OF YOU for helping me to accomplish such an incredible feat...

Without each of you... I would not be where I am today... I want to let each of you know that you boys INSPIRE ME TO BE THE BEST that I could possibly be... I also want to THANK YOU for your kind words these last 18 months...

For whatever reason... I have a few devoted stalkers.... sigh... and I have to admit that many times their harsh and cruel words do wound my spirit and soul... it is RARE that I will speak out in anger and usually only if my children are loved ones are being threatened... and I want to THANK THOSE OF YOU who have been kind of enough to offer me both your support and your kind words these last 18 months... you have no idea how much your kindness has meant to me...

There have been times when I wanted to respond to some of the cruel, vitriolic attacks that have played out again and again in the coed forums.. but then I think... WHY? If I do not respond... then I am being a MARTYR... if I DO RESPOND then I am being a BITCH... Sigh, it is a lose-lose situation...

The one thing that I know for sure is that HATE will only beget HATE... and I DO NOT want to be a part of the drama and malicious drama that sometimes takes over some of the different coeds on Eccie...

Also, let's just be HONEST... I am not that GOOD at being MEAN... I will NEVER WIN THE FLAME WARS and NOR do I want to .... I LIKE being NICE to people... I like telling the girls that they are beautiful... I like to inspire my friends and I love to pamper my men...

So, with all that in mind... I moved most of my playful banter to twitter... Now, I understand that many of your are uncomfortable with Twitter and I promise you that I understand that completely... However, I was told OVER & OVER AGAIN that ECCIE was for the MEN... and that ANY WORDS that we women might have were not wanted or needed...

Now, instead of getting MAD about this... I said "OK"... and I went to find a PLAYGROUND where I can LAUGH, FLIRT, WATCH NAUGHTY PORN and in general just have FUN!! Occasionally, I get ANNOYED by some of the shenanigans of some of my stalkers but that is A NORMAL part of human interaction... So, with the exception of two people... and they know who they are... I humbly apologize if I offended you...

I tend to use sarcasm to deal with the frustrations of life... However, I did not mean to offend Ebony Jasmine Love Austin or the Beautiful Lilly... When Lilly bumped that thread where one of my stalkers had called me a racist... I was hurt and offended... That particular gentleman has been stalking me since December 25th 2013 and sent me over a 100 texts on that first day... Over the last 18 months he had created multiple different handles to try and see me and for him to accuse me of being a racist was completely unjust....Lilly could not have known that racism is a TRIGGER FOR ME... Nothing angers me more than DISCRIMINATION of ANY KIND...

Sigh... and like MOST INTROVERTS I tend to SHUT DOWN when I am ANGRY OR HURT... because of that I was not able to communicate with her or the beautiful Ebony... When an introvert is angry or hurt they need time to unwind and to understand WHY THEY ARE FEELING a certain way... and we are not as gifted as extroverts as being able to ascertain WHY something is causing us hurt or pain...

Also, I believe that each individual on this planet should be treated with respect and that means taking the TIME to figure out the BEST WORDS POSSIBLE to explain my feelings, the actions that I took and if necessary to form a proper apology... Ebony and Lilly I apologize for taking so long to apologize to both of you.... Like I said... I was hurting and in pain and I did not handle that situation as well as I would have liked...

In regards to RockerRick... all I will say is that I was always open with him in regards to my feelings for him... he did everything that he could to make a relationship with me work... However, when we met I told him up front that there was a man from my past... a man that I loved beyond time and space and that emotionally I was not available... When it got to a point where our friendship was hurting him... I ended the relationship in hope that he could move on with his life and yes, with the hope that I could possibly get over my Lancelot...

There was a reason that I chose the name "GUINEVERE"...and there was a man that I loved so much that I would rather be an escort then to ever mislead another gentleman into thinking that I was capable of having a deep and loving relationship with anyone other than him...

After the horror of last year I was pretty beat up emotionally and hurting Rick made it even worse... it is very hard for an INTJ to let go of anyone that they are close to... we are by nature solitary creatures... However, by the grace of God... while I was touring... I met a man...

I honestly did not think that I could ever love another man like I had loved my Lancelot... but I was wrong... I met a man who not only LOVES ME but he has an unlimited amount of patience with not only me but also my introverted nature...

Now, how does that affect me being SLAVE GUINEVERE? He grounds me when everything is going crazy in my life... he supports me when I am sad and he praises my accomplishments.. he is my perfect partner...

Since, we live in different cities we spend every week-end together and after 8 months we are more deeply in love than ever... Next year we will be taking our relationship to the NEXT level after that i will be enrolling in Massage Therapy School and yes... I will hang up my SLUTTY WHIPS & MY NAUGHTY HANDCUFFS...

However, until that time I want to LAUGH AND TO LOVE and I want to do everything in my power to make each of you boys feel as special as you have made me feel...

Without EACH OF YOU I would not be where I am right now... Thank you for helping me... for teaching me... and for loving me...faults and all...

Your adoring & devoted slave,



One of my FAVORITE SONGS that has brought me great comfort... I hope that you enjoy it just as much as I have...

"Joan Of Arc"

Each time they take the photograph
I lose a part I can't get back
I want to hide
This is the part where I detach
Each time they write a hateful word
Dragging my soul into the dirt
I wanna die
Never admit it but it hurts

I don't wanna talk about it right now
Just hold me while I cry my eyes out
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
But I'm in the dark, yeah
I can't be a superhero right now
Even hearts made out of steel can break down
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
I'm only human

Anything they did to me, said to me
Doesn't mean a thing cuz you're here with me now
Even when the world turns its back on me
There could be a war but I'm not going down

One little lie can ruin my day
Words are like weapons, they betray
When I am afraid
One word of kindness, it can save me

I don't wanna talk about it right now
Just hold me while I cry my eyes out
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
But I'm in the dark, yeah
I can't be a superhero right now
Even hearts made out of steel can break down
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
I'm only human

Anything they did to me, said to me
Doesn't mean a thing cuz you're here with me now
Even when the world turns its back on me
There could be a war but I'm not going down

Being destructive isn't brave
They couldn't say it to my face
One day I won't care
But for the moment I'm not there
I'll just close my eyes and let you catch me now

I don't wanna talk about it right now
Just hold me while I cry my eyes out
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
But I'm in the dark, yeah
I can't be a superhero right now
Even hearts made out of steel can break down
I'm not Joan of Arc, not yet
I'm only human

Anything they did to me, said to me
Doesn't mean a thing cuz you're here with me now
Even when the world turns its back on me
There could be a war but I'm not going down

Anything they did to me, said to me
Doesn't mean a thing cuz you're here with me now
Even when the world turns its back on me
There could be a war but I'm not Joan of Arc
Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere
Bobave's Avatar
gfejunkie's picked up the scent! Sic 'em, you old bloodhound......ARF! Originally Posted by Txcruiser
Yep. And I think he has connected the right dots.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
H'yars why Ah ne'er unnerstood 'bout peeple pitchin' a durn fit thet thars bear-backin' a-goin' on.

Besides pree-ventin' knockin' up a gal, Ah use condominiums because Ah'm assumin' thet tha gal jus' mite have an STP an' tha condominium is s'pposed ta keep meh frum gittin' it.

So, if'n Ah'm usin' proteck-shun when Ah'm wif a gal, why tha fukk shuld Ah give a good gottdamm if'n she ain't when she's bangin' sum utha fella? Ah wuz alreddy a-ssumin' thet ennnyways. Thet's why Ah wuz wrappin' mah rascal inna furst place.
dearhunter's Avatar
Nothing new here
Definitely nothing new here. Same old pimp and ho and robbery stuff and same names on the Dallas Don's List about Barebacking. We all know it happens and we know some many of the girls with repeat reviews and have the most white knights are the ones who offer bareback. Then when shit goes south, every board troll is stalking them. I am going to get the popcorn.
Skip_8's Avatar
Nothing new here Originally Posted by dearhunter
To make a long story short, I couldn't have said it better myself.
First it's anti hobby scorned wife and now it's anti hobby/barebacker monger who saw the light and went sugar baby. Anyone else see a pattern?

This is like the 6 ft 8 one legged pan handler in a small town putting on a Groucho mask and hopping into the bank.
sue_nami's Avatar
hmmmmm seems like someone maybe sad, bored and lonely. let me stick my neck out here and say next on the chopping block are the plush sized older women perhaps?
dearhunter's Avatar
Whale Wars............too late.........already been done
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Another BANNED troll! Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
I think that's more accurate.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
...This is like the 6 ft 8 one legged pan handler in a small town putting on a Groucho mask and hopping into the bank. Originally Posted by Windinhishair
I think the analogy, while generally excellent, might be improved by using an extremely obese fellow robbing the bank — or holding a ripoff fundraiser — rather than a tall nondescript fellow.

Except in this particular case he's more likely to be a runt with a mullet.