Al Smith Dinner

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Here is what she is doing instead of "the catholic thing"

She will be campaigning with Usher.

Yes, that Usher.

The one who bragged about giving Justin Bieber to P. Diddy for a weekend as a 'gift', and then deleted all his posts after P. Diddy was arrested for sex trafficking, rape, etc.

Yeah, that Usher. 😬 Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
me thinking roo don't want ta play Sir

so it may take time

So in my best roo
they both nice guy, much nicer than T...

if the demontards just left Super Trump alone

to his own devices they wouldn't have shined such a light

on him , they literally have spent untold millionsprob billions

on trying to indict him, imprison him, Russia collusion, 24/7/365

since 2015 when if they just stepped back after they figured out

how to rig the polling beyond the margins last time around

they prob had a better chance of just re racking that ballot drop

box situation but they shined such a spotlight on their underhanded

shit that margin of cheating this time around may just bite them

in the ass .

just throwing money out the window and think they can just get away

with the majority of people loosing their ass just trying to survive these days
if you idiots think people that aren't receiving

their same amount of benefits as years past and are seeing

the nation being flooded with people that are getting put up into hotel rooms

all the while Citizens of this country are being put out and replaced

they are waking up in droves dumb asses

maybe shoulda not been spiking the ball to hard yet

but in a couple weeks , well more like months for caos and election

"carneavalle" at least this year will be a def clarifier that s

sorely needed
offshoredrilling's Avatar
me thinking roo don't want ta play Sir

so it may take time

So in my best roo
they both nice guy, much nicer than T...

Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
mmmmm I need to work on overly wordy and a bit... mmmm never mind

or is that Heels Up word salad
Flair4Drama's Avatar
rooster's Avatar
Manager: "You want LIES with that?"

Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
Manager: "You want LIES with that?" Originally Posted by rooster
I know you are, but what am I?

Jesus. I'm done with this. It's not boring. Or even frustrating. It's depressing.

Say whatever the fuck you want.

Turn the lies up to 11.
I wish your life was more fulfilling. Mine is, and so I am out of this kind of nonsense. It makes me a worse man. And I fucking hate it.
I am forcing a massive reset
fortunate! And I sure AF don't need this.

I sure AF ain't spending no more time on playing into this bullshit. Ever.

. Originally Posted by rooster

rooster's Avatar
That Kamala video is definitely cringeworthy. Kept thinking to myself…”wtf is this? You gotta be kidding me!” Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
That.. would be called...humor...or something like that. I know you probably didn't "get" it...since it wasn't filled with direct personal insults and profanity (at a "catholic thing" even!)...but at least it gave ya a fresh chance to pile on..

Here is what she is doing instead of "the catholic thing"

She will be campaigning with Usher.

Yes, that Usher.

The one who bragged about giving Justin Bieber to P. Diddy for a weekend as a 'gift', and then deleted all his posts after P. Diddy was arrested for sex trafficking, rape, etc.

Yeah, that Usher. 😬 Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
Yup. Trump was absolutely doing "the catholic thing." Appearing alongside one of his bestest pals, the illustrious Cardinal Dolan. Yes...the SAME Cardinal Dolan who....moved 10's of Millions of $$ of church funds to protect the money from the mountains of damage suits by victims of abuse by priests. Who...attended "the catholic thing" on the same day that the Archdiocese of Los Angeles...agreed to pay $1.5 Billion (BILLION!) to hundreds of sexual abuse victims.

Not sure how many of those priests were arrested. But hopefully some of them are getting butt-fucked right alongside Diddy....

me thinking roo don't want ta play Sir

so it may take time

So in my best roo
they both nice guy, much nicer than T...

Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
roo will play. Lightly. From time to time. When the hypocrisy is too funny to ignore. Which this "dinner" was just the latest highlight of Catholic Church hypocrisy...

rooster's Avatar
right Originally Posted by JONBALLS
I'm flattered that you missed me so much that you were ready to "like" on my post within mere minutes!...

Some would call it stalking...but not me! I'd only call it that if you did something...WEIRD... like following me into the Florida forum or something.

But...back on should THANK ME!!

What fun is it if the same old group of tired ol' white, misled, brainwashed cucks post the same nonsense back and forth to each other without anyone pointing out their gaslighting and detachment from reality?

So....don't worry yer bald li'l head over this. We are still gonna have FUN. Ocassionally. Yer gonna have to wait once in awhile. But it seems you have nothing better to do, so....

You ARE welcome!

(I should quote Brando or something...but fuck it. I still get to pick and choose...and their isn't anything more worthwhile than breaking a vow of silence over hypocrisy about religion...especially the Catholic Church. Mutherfukkin pedophiles. And y'all are worried about things like Transgender people playing sports. Hysterical)

narcissism is no

substitute for reality
rooster's Avatar
obtuseness is no sustitute for....intelligence..

stick with your

strong suits

self denial
rooster's Avatar
MAGAts be the biggest bunch of gaslighting denying deniers goin...

But since we are trading posting tips...

Please continue to enthrall us all with naive dissociations with political realities...

May I suggest...


Or if that don't work, you could always fall back on bashing immigrants again. Most of this crowd never tires of that.

(I'm tempted to say I could do this all day, but this sure AF ain't worth it. Take your time to think of one last good one, then let's stop boring everyone)

straight from the desk

of the "joy campaign"
any more "joy"

you'll need to

be committed