workout buddy needed!!

Mojojo's Avatar
I feel you on the workout buddy. I've never had one but wonder if that gives or takes from the overall workout. Will having a buddy finally get my arms sculpted the way i want??

What's y'alls take on the over all benefit of the workout buddy? Yea or nay? Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Workout buddies are great if both gals are truly motivated and can push each other and are close to each other in level of fitness. Both gals need to know what they are doing as well when it comes to strength training. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
Great answer WC!

If you're a beginner looking to get into something like cardio then workout partners are good just as long as the other person is just as motivated. If you're in strength training you'll probably want another person as your spotter. I think the whole fear of working out is people being scared of what they look like doing it in front of others however keep in mind everyone starts somewhere. Once you get over that and start to see results that fear goes out the window.

Also remember diet is an extremely important part of it, it won't do you any good if you run a mile then eat a super sized combo from McDonalds right after.
Nay for me, I have tried both male and female buddies and groups. The problem I have with it may be a positive to others though.
My issue is I do what I want to do when I want to do it. If I am into my run or routine I get very annoyed when my other(s) are loitering waiting for "us" to do something else. I also don't feel or understand the need to converse about the gym, equipment, or goals...pick something and do it until you can't go on then move to something else and repeat.

The other side with not flying solo is setting and keeping the appointment, my schedule varies hour to hour compound that with other peoples schedule and it becomes tedious trying to find a "good" time to meet.
Again just my dos pennies, the social structure I don't like could be others nirvana. Originally Posted by bored@home
I feel you. I get annoyed very easily with chatters at the gym when I'm there to workout by myself. I've noticed that people who workout together may workout longer because of taking turns and i've always thought the heartrate drops too frequently when taking extended turns.

However I agree with the commitment factor. I used to be very determined to meet my personal commitments. I can say with brutal honesty that i think providing has enabled me to be become significantly more blasé about my personal goals. Certainly not intentional, but overtime it becomes more and more evident - which is why teaming up with a workout buddy seems like a better idea.

Edit: +1000 on the diet! I'm going back on my raw-ish diet starting 1/2/14 (gotta give myself a day of yummy hangover grub! Lol): only raw fruits and veggies, nuts (joke not lost there lol) and only lean meat proteins (the only cooked food from the diet). I lived on this for over three years in the early 2000's. Great way to eat!

My body is still very flexible and strong from years of gymnastics but the older i get the more I can identify with the endless stream of diet commercials lol. Don't get me wrong, I'm very blessed to still look the way I do for a 36yr old woman who's had four kids and no surgery. I'm definitely not complaining at all. But there is always room for improvement.
whitechocolate's Avatar
If both parties know what they are doing in strength training, taking turns is excellent as each makes sure the other is using correct form. Keeping your heart rate up is not a concern in strength training with most workout routines. Doing 3 or 4 sets of 10 reps with perfect form should be your goal with at least 30 seconds to a minute rest between is best. I agree diet is essential and buddies can monitor each others eating as well.
champr199's Avatar
If your is interested in a guy workout buddy . let me know im trying to get back into a good routine. been slacking since i moved from florida
TinMan's Avatar
I met the OP a few weeks ago, and she appears to be a sweet, genuine person. I hope you find that workout buddy...several that have posted here would be fine choices!
How about an e mail or PM workout buddy? Really all you need is a list of reasonable goals and someone to keep you accountable to them. You are your own best workout buddy. Lacing up is the hardest part of any workout. I'm back hard at my goals if you want to chat with someone about exercise.
TinMan's Avatar
While the supporting email may help, I think it's difficult for most folks to feel truly "accountable" unless they know they are expected to meet someone. It's harder to convince yourself you're letting someone down if all the other person is waiting on is an email from you.

At least, that's the way my mind would work.
Meeting physically every week or so to talk and hold each other accountable is easy enough. Anyone that wants to be my actual workout buddy needs to join my gym and be there by 6 am most days.... Face it that ain't happening. I have friends though that keep me accountable to my goals, and that helps a lot. You can't fool the scale, measuring tape, clock or your friends eyes. It's pretty obvious I've slupped lately. I'm going to hobby less and kick ass more this year. Trust me everyone has different exercise goals and mine are often considered insane.

I have friends.... unlikely, imo

Trust me.... Why would anybody do that?
Originally Posted by pfmtony
"Manslut try to enjoy 2014 and remember you do not need to put down anyone, you are welcome to point others to information so they can make informed decisions, and Jordan so may you, but if you start stalking each others post then that is not cool." Namssa.

So post stalking EN, what do you have on the mods around here? Your posts contribute negatively, yet you are still here. I'd say it amazes me, or that its surprising, but honestly its not surprising. If the rules were applied equally around here, no inert would hear a peep from you for months.

I'd tell you exactly what you are, but you know, and we all know the rules don't get applied equally. I'd get suspended for pulling the shit you pull and so would any provider.
Shaun T is a great workout buddy, lol. He'll push you to the max, rip your abs, tone your butt, sculpt your legs and arms.

And when you're done, he'll leave quietly.

So...EN, what do you have on the mods around here? Originally Posted by pfmtony
Paranoid, much?

Oh, yeah, you're the guy who thought I could magically make posts appear, disappear, and then reappear:

So now we can add paranoia to the list along with that Napoleonic complex and aversion to truth that you're already so well known for.

Interesting combination of traits. Or at least it would be from the perspective of a psych student....
I could be someones trainer. Just let me know what you are trying to improve and I can help you to achieve your goal. trying to get a 6-pack, loosing weight, building muscle or just trying to maintain a healthier life style. Let me know and I can help you out.
qualifications: I was a college athlete, and have been a swim coach
Just let me know.
whitechocolate's Avatar
An email or PM workout buddy doesnt work unless you are emailing with a personal trainer who has set you up in a program and is just monitoring the program that he or she knows you can do on your own.
The best workout buddy for London would be another female who can workout a mutual convenient schedule with London and make each other stick to it. Both should be at about the same fitness level although having another female who is in great shape and patient would be great.In my opinion,Both should have at least a few sessions with a personal trainer. A male buddy would be very distracting knowing London is a provider. I guess London could do workout "sessions" but not likely to result in increased physical fitness for either.
TSPURS123's Avatar
+1 Prolongus..Tony Horton does as well. Did asylum - speed n agility yesterday. Hadn't done it in a few months, had been doing p90x. Needless to say, I think I burned a couple of calories.