Why Don't Providers Answer Their Phones?

Its actually really that some ladies aren't always on top of there game or about their business as they should be. I understand if they are busy but I have known ladies to just ignore their phone for whatever pointless reason and I just don't understand it especially if this is your all around life but I guess it depends. Nice to know some ladies are on their job so to speak! Originally Posted by exxotictaste93
I have to politely disagree with this. I don't ever answer my phone, but I am very on "top of my game." My phone chimes when I get a text, email, P411 or Datecheck request, PM on TER or a PM on here. I respond within 5 minutes to each text, email and PM unless I'm with a client. Then I'm all his and won't be conducting future business when I'm on his time.

If I don't respond within 5 - 10 minutes, you can guess I'm out of town having too good of time to check my phone (probably with my ankles behind my ears). But, don't call me - I won't answer. Text or Email only.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-05-2013, 02:39 PM
I suspect the answers depend to a large degree on the lady's overall life. For most of them this is a PART of their lives, not all of it. To assume that because she doesn't answer her phone on your schedule implies she has no common sense or business sense seems a very unsubstantiated conclusion.

Just a few reasons--far from exhaustive:
--She is with a client.
--She is with family.
--She is working her day job.
--She is sleeping, eating, driving, at a movie, showering, etc.
--Based upon the time she is filled up for the evening and assumes callers are looking for something that night; if they are looking for a future apointment they can leave a message.
--She has a stalker.

Not answering the phone doesn't bother me (unless we had arranged to talk at that time), but not responding in a reasonable amount of time afterwards does annoy me.
drsmooth1's Avatar
Very informative ladies. But I'll add that there are so many varying rules like, don't text, call only between said hours, email only, pm first, leave a message if no answer, mail box full, must pre book, and the list goes on. After the third attempt of contacting a few providers, complying with said forms of contact, I just might lose focus and by happenstance resort back to my hormonal instincts. That's usually when I let the little head do my thinking and I'm laid up with some skank and it hits me, next time read CAREFULLY when you want something more fulfilling.
London Rayne's Avatar
I think she was talking about women who list a phone number in ads and on a website. If you put it on the net, expect it to be called. I am like you, in that I don't have to "answer" a phone, because I don't use that to advertise.

Old-T..what happened to all of your reviews on here? You had like 13, did you not? Now, you have 4 lol.

I have to politely disagree with this. I don't ever answer my phone, but I am very on "top of my game." My phone chimes when I get a text, email, P411 or Datecheck request, PM on TER or a PM on here. I respond within 5 minutes to each text, email and PM unless I'm with a client. Then I'm all his and won't be conducting future business when I'm on his time.

If I don't respond within 5 - 10 minutes, you can guess I'm out of town having too good of time to check my phone (probably with my ankles behind my ears). But, don't call me - I won't answer. Text or Email only. Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-05-2013, 07:14 PM
Old-T..what happened to all of your reviews on here? You had like 13, did you not? Now, you have 4 lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I don't remember the number, but yes, there used to be more. This site burped and they disapeared. A lot of them are still on the other site.

Now I tend to see a ladies I have seen before, and many of them are retired/UTR so I don't write a lot of reviews any more. Fortunately for me I did get to meet a very lovely young lady not to long ago when we both were visiting Ohio at the same time. Truly one of the nicest evenings I have had in a long time. For her, I certainly did have to write a review.
Depends on the time of day if during the day NO i do not answer I'm at work and would prefer email which i can answer asap. Some girls are not 24/7 like most and dont work past a certain time so depends on what time you were trying to call them.
Your Ebony Dream's Avatar
I rarely answer my phone also, The only reason why I don't is that I clearly state on my ads "PM First, Send An Email 2nd && ALWAYS Call last.
Simply put I rarely answer my phone for unexpected calls.

Also I do have "general hours" but depending on how my day goes I may or may not be available during those hours also I'm not a provider who sees 5-10 guys a day so after a certain time I usually turn my ringer off & I'm only available for regular clients after that.
I am sure I am not the first person to notice or post that the vast majority of providers do not answer their phones.

Last night I was in some one horse town in Louisiana with a client and we decided to add another girl to the mix, so we hopped online and checked here, P411, and BP. There were about 20 girls and we called them all. Not one answered the phone.

I have had the same experience in Dallas. Is this what it is like to be a client? Calling girl after girl until you get to the point were you will see anyone that answers? YIKES!! I have found myself in several situations where my client has a friend that would like to see a girl, I always try but it is rare that a provider actually shows.

I want to know why this is. Personally, I am happy when my phone rings, its always near me, and I am rarely too busy to answer. If I do miss a call, I return it. I did not post my photos on this site and a bunch of others to entertain myself. This is my job, my business, and I am here to make money.

It is hard to deal with the stigma and legality of being an escort. Why out yourself through that if you do not care to make money at it? I have known many girls and none of them have been in a position to turn down money. Yet girls look for reasons not to go on calls. They make it extremely difficult for guys to make appointments and then don't show up for them.

I guess I should be happy about this. I certainly am happy to get the money another girl blows off. The thing is, I take pride in being an escort and another girl's bad business practices effects how clients view me. Who knows how many guys have wanted to call me but don't because they have been discouraged by bad experiences?

Ladies, these guys are calling to offer you a pretty good chunk of change. If you don't like doing calls or are scared too, remove your profile. Make it easier for clients to find girls that are serious about their business. Originally Posted by EroticMorgan
So not living beside the phone 24/7 means I'm not serious about my business? Should I hire a body double to take my appointments for me so that I can answer that all important drunk dialer the instant the phone rings?

Cause yanno, providers never take appointments, sleep, or have real lives.

No wait, let me re-phrase that. Real providers who take their business seriously do not take appointments, sleep, or have lives.
If providers are using google voice or text now, the phones don't ring on our end. At least mine doesn't although from my understanding they are suppose to. I only know that someone called because it offers me a transcript of the voicemail.

I prefer texts just because they are more discreet if I have other people around me. However this proves to be troublesome because for some this is the way the convo goes:

Hobbiest: "Hey."
Me: "Hello! Are you looking for Jessie?"
Hobbiest: "Yes, how are you?"
Me: "great! would you like to set up an appointment?"
Hobbiest: "maybe, what are your rates?"
Me: "please check my website."
Hobbiest: "I don't know how to do that."
Me: "ummm...how did you find me then?"

Drives me nuts! State your name, what you are looking for and when. This is too much conversation and I'm not going to do the work for you. Guys need to TCB also.
For some, there seems to be a misconception that escorts are/should be available 24/7 and accept to talk to and see everyone who contacts her. That simply is not true.

Many list that they prefer to be contacted in a certain way...if she prefers email, or text or phone it makes sense that her preferred method of contact is the best way to reach her...if you ignore that then know she may not be able to respond right away.

Also, may have posted hours that they are available...its safe to assume she wil not be available outside of those hours to take your call/respond to you right away. And also as soneone else mentioned....not all of us are willing to take short notice dates, and instead take the time to screen who we see.

I guess the thing to keep in mind is, there isnt any entitlement involved in seeing an escort....no lady has to see everyone, or has to talk to everyone, or is a bad businesswoman /doesnt have her stuff together because she has a personal life and boundaries.
PS. Well played Madam, well played. Very nice "Hey look at ME" threAD

I hope it improves your business. The busier you are, the less time you will have to devote to lecturing the rest of us on how to run OUR business.
For me, the phone is rarely a good method to be contacted for several reasons (none of which are because I don't enjoy escorting or take potential dates seriously!). but I think the biggest which has been stated her several times already is that men very rarely call to introduce themselves and talk about meeting next week, or when they are in town in a few days etc. The callers 99% of the time are looking for right now and are used to calling girls who take those calls and see men with no information about them, sight unseen--so to speak. Since, I don't make last minute (un-verified) dates, it does seem that I do prioritize answering that phone less and less all the time. And I mean, answering when I am not with a gentleman currently at that time, not at work, not in a class, not driving with the music cranked so I don't hear the phone, not with friends out on the town, not in the midst of one of my 10 workouts per week etc etc! LOL!

So with all due respect to the OP here, we all have our reasons that might not be anything what you assume MUST be true! By the way, I don't mind callers who prefer to not e-mail. Just call and leave a message when you call and I will call you back! If you prefer to not have me call back, since you might be with someone or doing something too, just leave a name and tell me what you are interested in and when etc and ask me to watch for your number and keep trying. Be professional and I will too! I know it gets frustrating trying to make connections, but if they way you have always done it is not resulting in the connections you wish you were making, then don't keep doing it the way you have always done it!

All the best!

Friends are rare, Handle with care!
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
PS. Well played Madam, well played. Very nice "Hey look at ME" threAD

I hope it improves your business. The busier you are, the less time you will have to devote to lecturing the rest of us on how to run OUR business. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Well well, aren't you feeling snarky today? It certainly got her added high on my list LOL!

If you bothered to notice, she asked it as question and then put her own thoughts on how she approaches her biz out for discussion.

I think she has an excellent point that many providers out there have no idea how to be professional and run that part of their lives as a business. It isn't just phone, but also text, e-mail, PM etc... Lots of ladies post 24/7 but aren't available all the time. It isn't always easy for a hobbyist who wants to respect a provider to know the best way to communicate because providers don't often post about that and often aren't straightforward when they do. Even when I see a provider is online here and PM, text or call them I sometimes get no response (likely because her computer is online, but she is in session or asleep).

First lesson in business is usually that it is "all about the customer" so one would think providers would try to communicate by the method the customer finds easiest and most preferable (though there are many notable exceptions to this as well so I may not be talking about you). That just isn't usually the case in this biz since it seems ladies often use whatever they prefer the most. That often works because on our end the little head is driving things in many cases and there are also safety concerns so comfort with channels of communication is also important. I would say that probably 80% of the providers out there are inconsistent in responding to text, PM and e-mail as well. This may not be drastically different from business as a whole though because somewhere around 50% of businesses do a pretty poor job of communicating too.

To understand her point on professionalism in this biz and in general all you have to know is that a very high percentage of startups in any business don't make it through the first year or two. All you have to do is look at the threads SL puts out there about the pictures lots of providers use in their ads and showcases. Most get the title, "WTF were you thinking when you took this and posted it?" There are essentially three main parts of any business, marketing (showcases, ads, reviews, word of mouth), sales (TCB or closing the deal) and delivery (BCD). Few of us in any business are really good at all three and this is particularly true of providers, partly because being a provider has very low investment requirements and barriers to entry (remove panties and all barriers to entry are gone - pun intended). Also, because there are few good accredited Provider Business Schools teaching the skills to do well in all aspects of this biz. Maybe there should be or you smart ladies should put together a cooperative with some who are good at marketing, clothing, makeup, nice incalls etc.., some who specialize in closing the deal (phone voice, responsiveness, etc...) and some who are great at BCD. Then you could help and teach each other how to do it all right LOL. This happens to some extent already with mentors, girls teaming up and even agencies, but I doubt it is terribly effective and I don't see too many providers who really seem to want to be teachable. The model there would have been Japanese Geishas or Persian courtesans from some centuries ago.

I think she had a very fair point and it if was a ThreAD it was a good one!
I have done it a few times because I am in an uncomfertable setting to be answering the phone so usually I will text them right away, or yes the 3-4 am calls after a busy day lol I am sorry but they will have to wait until 8 am lol but yes being on your money is the best way, just like any other job you cant just show up when ever you want.
Thuck Fat's Avatar
Isn't there an acronym for what you're talking about in the industry? TCB, or taking care of business? It's a big reason why a site like Eccie is so important. It's not just to punish providers who don't do what they say they're going to do. It's to reward providers who have great follow up. Originally Posted by proudoftexas
Bingo! TCB says a lot about a provider. Even if there's another preferred way of contacting her, I would still expect good follow-up. Basic communication skills at the very least are required to effectively run a business. I'm okay with never talking on the phone as some of the ladies I've seen were pm/text only up until walking through their door. The providers with sound business practices are the ones who excel IMO. Good thread Morgan.