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Yes, I do not believe a lot of ignorant people collectively make good decisions. I believe a lot of narrow perspective people make very poor decisions when they try to micromanage. Originally Posted by Old-T
You just made a very contradictory and confusing post. Want to enlighten me?
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  • Old-T
  • 05-05-2015, 04:20 PM
I will try.

"Yes, I do not believe a lot of ignorant people collectively make good decisions."
--Get a lot of ignorant people together and they will usually make ignorant decisions.

"I believe a lot of narrow perspective people make very poor decisions when they try to micromanage."
--Get a lot of people together who do not have a broad understanding of how things are interrelated and they will usually make poor decisions.

I will try.

"Yes, I do not believe a lot of ignorant people collectively make good decisions."
--Get a lot of ignorant people together and they will usually make ignorant decisions.

"I believe a lot of narrow perspective people make very poor decisions when they try to micromanage."
--Get a lot of people together who do not have a broad understanding of how things are interrelated and they will usually make poor decisions.

Clearer? Originally Posted by Old-T
Your theory is preposterous. I'll tell you why. People, individual people, are a product of genetics, home environment (let's hope it was loving), and the experiences they have in life. There are too many variables for you to conclude a certain theory such as yours.
No, it does not. I will rephrase it more directly:

--Your post seemed to be in favor of "the people" allocating where they want their tax dollars to go

--I pointed out that majority decisions based upon a lot of ignorance (often well meaning, but still ignorance) can be very detrimental

--I gave examples of many of the unintended consequences and asked your opinions on them

You ask, "I wonder what would happen if the world was not ruled by money, but instead by mutual respect for all of humanity." I think that is a wonderful ideal. I do not have any idea how to get there, nor any examples from history where it has been implemented in large scale.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Yes, I am for the common man, and you are not? How dare you try and tell the majority what they should think!
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  • Old-T
  • 05-16-2015, 04:37 PM
You are missing the point totally. I am not doubting the genetics of the masses, nor their morals. Just the fact that too many of the people have the "experiences" needed to make good decisions. Most things are interrelated, and without knowing what those interrelationships are, how can you expect to have a clue what is "right"? People do what they THINK is right, but it often is not.