Selling Virginity

burkalini's Avatar
I'm taking some advice I recieved a few months ago and am auctioning my virginity. I'm a 27 year old virgin, I am educated, I go to the gym, I have an above average sized penis (according to most sources) and I like having fun. Private message me with your offers.

Thank you. Originally Posted by yitzchak
Quit your trolling bullshit posts. If your 27 and a virgin then your either the worlds ugliest dude or you have some big emotional problems. I don't think it's either. I think you get off by posting these stupid weird Aardvark posts. If it's any one of the three things then can I suggest you get some help. Your last post was just as fucked up. It's not funny anymore. It's just sad. Get off your bed. Quit reading your Superman comics and get some help.
Bobave's Avatar
Quit your trolling bullshit posts. .. It's not funny anymore.
Originally Posted by burkalini
Yep. T-R-O-L-L
I sometimes wonder if fancy lady is him in disquse lol hes just trying to.get a rise. Originally Posted by wendlo
That's what I've always suspected.
What does it mean to get help? You mean I should walk an hour to the hospital and ask them to put me into a mental health facility for a weekend? Which, by the way, costs about a thousand dollars a day. I wouldn't be able to afford any medication they decide to prescribe me, either. Even something like Zoloft is pretty pricey. But, I don't think I have a mental disorder. I can't afford nor do I really have access to the kind of professional help I think you're referring to.

If I went to a mental hospital, it would cost me a few thousand dollars for them to prescribe me Seroquel or Zoloft and tell me not to kill myself. If I go to the dentist, they could fix the teeth I chipped, and if I go to the dermatologist, I can get my acne and scars treated. Seems like a far better deal to go to the dentist or dermatologist. If I had the money, I would definitely go to the dentist or dermatologist over a mental health facility.
A black hole is an object that becomes so dense that it implodes under its own gravitational "pull;" incidentally, it becomes denser and its gravitational field stronger, until it reaches a critical point. At this point, the object becomes an infinitely dense infinitesimal spec in space with an escape velocity exceeding the speed of light.

Light is the transfer of electromagnetic "information," also known as electromagnetic radiation, photons or quanta. In fact, light is one of a category of special particles called bosons, which all have the same speed, the speed of light. Einstein's theory of general relativity told us that the speed of light represents how fast information can travel through space and time, and is now commonly called "the cosmic speed limit." Light not being able to escape a black hole, implies that no information can escape a black hole.

However, say you have a boson that undergoes spontaneous pair creation in the quantum vacuum, transmutating into an electron and positron pair. This boson has an intrinsic angular momentum of 0. Therefore, due to the law of conservation of momentum, the combined spins of the electron and positron must equal 0. The two particles are now said to be "quantum entangled." They are called entangled, because if you measure the spin of one of the particles, you automatically know that the other particle has a spin equal and opposite to it, no matter how far the two particles are apart. One particle may be in your laboratory underground in Russia, and the other could be in an Alpha Centauri nebula. As soon as you measure the spin of one, you automatically know the spin of the other. This implies information can and does travel faster than the speed of light.

Not only that, but if one of these particles falls into a black hole, you can still measure its entangled counterpart, and "pull" information about the other particle from out of the black hole.

This is an example of some inconsistencies between general relativity and quantum mechanics. Indeed, a unified field theory is required.
If I had stayed an art major, I would have gotten laid. Do you know how many girls are studying physics? If you guessed zero, you're pretty close.

This shit's hilarious.
Dumbass. When you copied and pasted this, did you think no one here would understand it? Half of it isn't even right, you need to steal from more reputable sources.

A black hole is an object ... Originally Posted by yitzchak
If that is so, please correct what is wrong.
Okay Yitzchack our 27 year old virgin. I think I know a couple (M and F) who are interested in taking your virginity. F wants proof that you are a virgin, then she'll negotiate a fair price for you to slide that pristine dick of yours in and out of her wet pusy until you blow your virgin wad. The over/under is set at 2 1/2 strokes. The M buyer isn't so picky about proof of virginity. He'll take your word for it but he's only going to pay 50 to service
You. His only request is that you go butt to mouth afterwards and lick his cum soaked dick clean. PM me for details. Won't get you rich but will enlighten you life.
How do I prove that I'm a virgin?


<Ψ|Ψ> ≡ 1

|Ψ> = √(1/2)(|↑>+|↓>)

H|Ψ> = (1/2)ħω|Ψ>

Dumbass. When you copied and pasted this, did you think no one here would understand it? Half of it isn't even right, you need to steal from more reputable sources. Originally Posted by Buying a *Way to Heaven
Today, my quiz is for you to tell me what the above statements describe, if you really know about it. This is open book, open notebook, open google quiz. If you know absolutely nothing about it, google will probably not help you. If you know a little about it, you will find the answers. What you see above is taught in any introductory quantum mechanics or physical chemistry course and does not require advanced knowledge of the subject. These are very basic but fundamental concepts.
Quit your trolling bullshit posts. ... It's not funny anymore...
Originally Posted by burkalini
When was it funny??

Yep. T-R-O-L-L Originally Posted by Bobave
Trollin' don't pay the bills!!
I am a monster. Most people don't acknowledge the monsters existence. Those who do must hate it with their heart and soul. The monster spends its time alone in darkness. Its imagination is full of horrid things. It is constantly terrified. The monster is filled with hate for itself. The monster wants to die. It is a pile of rotting flesh, a putrid thing. It might come as a surprise to know that the monster was at one time a human being, just like you. It would have had a human life if things were a little bit different. Monsters envy humans, so much that it fills them with rage. They want what was taken away from them, the one thing they can never hope to have, humanity. Their self contempt drives them into insanity. They fall deeper and deeper into darkness, until there is no cure. It is not a strange thing that you may have never witnessed a monster before. After all, we are told that they do not exist. They might as well not, for their existence is pitiful. They are not quite living nor are they dead. They are stuck in a dream somewhere in between, a dream of their former self, what could have been, which to them is an unending nightmare.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Are you an African American virgin perchance? I'll come back for the NBA thread. Or maybe the BB one? I haven't decided.
Tell ya what munchkin, since you're the one claiming to know physics, why don't YOU explain those equations? If you can do that, I think it would also prove that you are a virgin, so you could take advantage of Lucky's offer and get a monopole shoved up your ass.
How do I prove that I'm a virgin?


<Ψ|Ψ> ≡ 1

|Ψ> = √(1/2)(|↑>+|↓>)

H|Ψ> = (1/2)ħω|Ψ>

Today, my quiz is for you to tell me what the above statements describe, if you really know about it. This is open book, open notebook, open google quiz. If you know absolutely nothing about it, google will probably not help you. If you know a little about it, you will find the answers. What you see above is taught in any introductory quantum mechanics or physical chemistry course and does not require advanced knowledge of the subject. These are very basic but fundamental concepts. Originally Posted by yitzchak