The thing I admire the most about the ladies in the community is

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  • kSoze
  • 10-13-2012, 09:28 AM
Well, I have not broken any rules to merit a ban furthermore, unlike you RR, I know how to keep my cool and not go postal with the mods.
I know how also,but choose not to,after all I'm not a pussy,who's affraid to stand up to authority!
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  • kSoze
  • 10-13-2012, 09:34 AM
I know how also,but choose not to,after all I'm not a pussy,who's affraid to stand up to authority! Originally Posted by rocketride
standing up to authority when you are RIGHT is one thing, but
standing up to authority when you are NOT, well you now see where that got you, BANNED!

So here you are DH trying to rebuild a reputation of a hard-ass looking for anything to get into to get your post count up. And no one is calling you a pussy but your own conscience. Maybe this is why you do it huh?
PERSONALLY, I am thankful the owners of this board are smart enough to see past your BS and the belittlement of other members and NOT give you such power. ztonk has already given you a response, take the time to read it and STFU.

Stop creating threAds about BS just to give you a bigger audience to continue your bitching and crying about things out of your control. I mean you didn't just create one, you created several it is VERY obvious when you hijack your own threAds and the only people chiming in to support you are your sidekicks. (homer13, diehard aka rocketride, codybeast, and last but not least your boy sixx) Originally Posted by kSoze

So Marco you've resorted to outing people AGAIN? Surprise everyone knew its only a matter of time,before you reveal your true nature!
standing up to authority when you are RIGHT is one thing, but
standing up to authority when you are NOT, well you now see where that get you. Originally Posted by kSoze
12 whole days, guess I better be a good little boy? NOT!
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  • kSoze
  • 10-13-2012, 09:46 AM
Blame Marco anytime something is not going your way. In fact since you bring it up. Can you name one account of Marco outing anyone? Just one. I am not in that camp that pretends to NOT know Marco. I have never had an issue with him during the 6yrs of great service everyone here enjoyed.

So, DH I challenge you can you name one reputable member that will chime in and give an account of Marco outing them? I won't hold my breath. But, if you can enlighten us.
Sorry,I don't drag ladies through the mud like you Marco. Guess you could always check the yahoo group,I'm sure everyone of the listed Marco girls has been outed at one time or another. Only way a wanna be pimp can keep control and all.........
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  • kSoze
  • 10-13-2012, 09:50 AM
I'm only asking for one account DH, just one reputable member (not any of your sidekick groupies) willing to start a thread and give details about being OUTED...Can't do it can you? Wanna know why?

Cause they are assumptions you can't back up. No one will chime in to support differently will they? I will bet there are few providers that can honestly say the do NOT know Marco. So unless you are willing to produce any evidence to say otherwise STFU already you sound like a broken record.
Says the broken record? Don't you have some lovely lady to be tipping or something?
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  • kSoze
  • 10-13-2012, 10:14 AM
You can't do it can you. I did NOT think so... Some credibility you are building even when challenged with the smallest task. It just can NOT be done DH, admit it you are a liar making assumptions about members with NO evidence, you always have.

I have to get back to real world tasks, take this opportunity to make statements and assumptions while Im gone. But, be careful upon my return I will call your ass out so, chose your words wisely.
When's the dance off starting?
P411: P102480
Blame Marco anytime something is not going your way. In fact since you bring it up. Can you name one account of Marco outing anyone? Just one. I am not in that camp that pretends to NOT know Marco. I have never had an issue with him during the 6yrs of great service everyone here enjoyed.

So, DH I challenge you can you name one reputable member that will chime in and give an account of Marco outing them? I won't hold my breath. But, if you can enlighten us. Originally Posted by kSoze
He outed Still Looking, put all his info on his RBB site along with many other guys. He outed that chick to her family what was her name. In the miss threads he outed 6 gents for activities or other things.

I've had a few of his girls without incident and would have more if he wasn't such a dick. The man does Know how to recruit and have talent. 6 years of service could still be going strong if he would just learn how to interact with the hobby community. No one ever doubted his talent just didn't like how when you went to see Maya that your licence plate was took down and your session was video taped and then you started getting unsolicited texts. Then the RBB site with guy info and pics etc.....

Should have just been a standup guy running an agency. Look at Peter, do you know how many girls that guy handles? Do you know how many agencies he is actually behind the scenes in charge of? How many incalls he manages?

No and we don't care either because he stays behinds the scenes and doesn't need to be the center of attention or start a site giving out the guys info or chasing down and outing chicks.
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  • kSoze
  • 10-13-2012, 05:44 PM
He outed Still Looking, put all his info on his RBB site along with many other guys. He outed that chick to her family what was her name. In the miss threads he outed 6 gents for activities or other things. Originally Posted by homer13
I am NOT defending Marco in any way but, what is your definition of outing a member? I mean those are SERIOUS accusations. Do you have 1st hand knowledge or are these more assumptions with no evidence?
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No possible way that there could be two guys around here constantly asking for people to define things for him....

This is txaustin202 behind the kSoze handle....

Not Marco or any wannabe pimp..... just a wannabeimprtant or wannahearmyselftalk.....

From what I was told when I asked, every case of a new Handle registered while banned eventually results in added time to the original ban.....

the youngin will surely be on vacation for a long time.... unable to post his self serving pics....

not a bad thing at all....

how sad is it to have such an empty life that a guy gets kicked off a SHMB and can't occupy himself in any other way than to keep coming back over and over for more and more abuse.....
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  • kSoze
  • 10-13-2012, 06:01 PM
I think people are tired of all the accusations and assumptions with NOTHING to back them up. Everyone around here talks in circles and when someone challenges the bro-code then words get twisted and assumptions are made with nothing to back them up.