But there are still a bunch of anti-Semites (see Randy4Dicks) out there, we need to be vigilant and see that it never happens again. Originally Posted by Jewish LawyerAnti-semitic is such a oxymoronic term. Arabs are semitic people and there are no more Anti-semitic people than some Jews (they are very anti-Palestinian and Palestinians are semitic peoples), however, the reverse is true as well because Arabs, semitic people themselves, are virulently anti-semitic against Jews (and other Arabs as well sometimes). That said, we all must be vigilant and see that genocide never happens again whether it is Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Zoroastrians (Parsee's to Indians), Rwandans or anyone else.
Maybe we need to coin a term like Pro-genocidites. To quote "one little Hebe from the heart of Texas" - "But there are still a bunch of pro-genocidites out there, so we need to be vigilant and see that it never happens again."