How should you bow out? Providers/Clients Moving On/Retiring

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Please define ‘like’ friends OP.

My initial answer is as a wise whore once said “This is fucks for bucks, not high tea w/ the queen.” So you want out; just go. You don’t owe anyone an explanation or goodbye.

People shit on ‘like’ friends all the time.

Do they owe you money or a session?
I vote for the Irish exit, ghosting, dropping off the face of the earth like in "Good Will Hunting". Thats the classy way of doing it. Dont be a beta bitch.
citizen44's Avatar
I guess this thread shows the differences between how all of us view and operate in the hobby. Any direct communication and time together should be polite and respectful.....but that's it.

I paid for an hour, and an hour is all either of us should expect. She's a hooker, your a trick. It's business, not friendship. If you think she's your friend, try showing up without the donation.

I've bought coffee at the same Starbucks every morning for the last 13 years. I don't plan on sending them a note if I move or if I decide to start brewing my own coffee instead.
Yes sir....we are all different
Fifty ways to leave your lover
You just slip out the back, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don't need to be coy, Roy
Just get yourself free
Hop on the bus, Gus
You don't need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, Lee
And get yourself free Originally Posted by governmentguru

TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Option C for me ...
kerwil62's Avatar
The proper way would've been "A", but everybody ain't proper. Civilian friends do the same thing.

I've been guilty of all three.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Just think of it like this: If you truly have a "Friendship", she'll stay in touch with you after you've "Departed" for Free. Unless your "Like A Friend Money" will make her or break her, she'll more than likely move on faster than you're agonizing over.... (Kept as vanilla as possible for the sensitive folks that use the Escort Industry Business as

Just food for thought, have a great weekend
08cris's Avatar

Always speaking truth to tricks
If you have been seeing them once a month or more for a year or more - C

Less than that to many possible variables to make a call.

IMOP - best policy is to try and not get emotionally attached keep it under control - she is not your girl friend
If you take the time to see someone multiple times and develop a friendship type of engagement, stay classy and give them an in person goodbye. You stay classy San Diego kind of send off.
AcetheJace's Avatar
When I left the first time, I sent a text to the hobbyists I've seen letting them know I was leaving. If they wanted to see me one more time, I gave them a window of time before I was done for good. I will do the same again once my circumstances improve.
tbone77494's Avatar
I agree with citizen. I don’t get to the point where C would be reasonable. Had one I got along with who completely ghosted me after our last session. I reached out a couple times but quickly moved on. Another I saw quite a bit and was really getting into I stopped seeing suddenly. I don’t need emotion contributing the chance I make a bad decision.

What’s the thing about pets? Let it go and if it doesn’t return it was never yours. As a guy with a dick and some cash, we are very easily replaceable. And as they say, new girls turn 18 every day.
mochamagicman2's Avatar
Very classy and respectable. We are all human beings at the end of the day - a small kind gesture and sign of respect says everything.

My definition of hobby friend is simply someone whom you've gotten a chance to get to know over the years. Not a best friend but a 'hobby friend'... believe me I'm still trying to define what that means

When I left the first time, I sent a text to the hobbyists I've seen letting them know I was leaving. If they wanted to see me one more time, I gave them a window of time before I was done for good. I will do the same again once my circumstances improve. Originally Posted by AcetheJace