**** WATS UR FAVORITE THING TO DO IN THIS COLD NIPPLY WEATHER ) Originally Posted by Brooke Cumsalot
Have a chai, get under soft, warm blankets and sleep!
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Speaking from an older guy's perspective I can honestly say I prefer the cold to the scorching summer heat. I can dress warmly with several layers, let the truck warm up before I get in it to go somewhere (I must admit living up North and having a remote starter spoiled me; not sure if anyone down here has ever had a remote starter)...

Fast forward to July and August and I'll be running around in flip flops, shorts, a flimsy t-shirt, with AC in the house and the truck, but really missing some of the things I used to enjoy like going to picnics and Ranger games, because this old guy just can't handle very many minutes outside in the Texas heat...