Read about the Republican Tax Scam! Learn a lesson, Trump screwed you over!

lustylad's Avatar
CrustyDick your like a whiny little baby. If you have nothing to contribute intellectually to any thread please don’t contribute at all. I know your type, your one of those kids that cries every time he doesn’t get his way, grow up, it’s pretty pathetic after awhile listening to your little tantrums, you need a pacifier. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Yeah punk, you're such a phony you ran off and started this new thread because you were too clueless to respond when I challenged you on this very same topic in your other thread. If you had an ounce of substance, you wouldn't turn tail and run, you little pipsqueak. You've now started half a dozen threads on the tax cut. As soon as someone exposes your ignorance on the topic, you run off and start another one! You have as much intellect as a doorknob. Your favorite word is SCAM because that's what you are. Now go find a virgin to scam, you worthless douche.

StandinStupid knows nothing about the tax plan and it shows!

StandinStraight's Avatar
Yeah punk, you're such a phony you ran off and started this new thread because you were too clueless to respond when I challenged you on this very same topic in your other thread. If you had an ounce of substance, you wouldn't turn tail and run, you little pipsqueak. You've now started half a dozen threads on the tax cut. As soon as someone exposes your ignorance on the topic, you run off and start another one! You have as much intellect as a doorknob. Your favorite word is SCAM because that's what you are. Now go find a virgin to scam, you worthless douche.

StandinStupid knows nothing about the tax plan and it shows!

vvv Originally Posted by lustylad
You whiny little pussy boy, what’s a matter Standinstraight not giving you your way, did he make you mad little baby, you gonna pout now and call him names, have a little crusty Pussy lad tantrum. Get your pacifier and a bottle of warm milk and don’t let mean old Standinstraight bother you. You pathetic whiny little pussy boy go to sleep.
lustylad's Avatar
^^^ Another "intellectual contribution" to the subject at hand by our resident punk troll. He's in his 7th year of taking classes at Allegheny Community College.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-17-2017, 09:11 AM
Yeah punk,
7 Originally Posted by lustylad
Did you and bambino watch a Dirty Harry movie together?

bambino's Avatar
Did you and bambino watch a Dirty Harry movie together?

Originally Posted by WTF
No, but hookers know you’re a “dud”!!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Did you read the article you jackass. It’s a tax scam, read the article and it should end any debate on the topic! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Congress is getting rid of the "mandate" so the scam will be gone.
Did you read the article you jackass. It’s a tax scam, read the article and it should end any debate on the topic! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Explain in great detail how this new tax plan is a scam? Don't post any articles or other peoples opinions. Lets hear about it in your own words, your own interpretation of how the new tax plan is a scam. In other words show you have knowledge of the subject matter.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Deplorables that keep arguing that the tax scam was a good thing please take a minute and read this article. It’s from yahoo news which isn’t a liberal source. You assholes need to wake up and realize what Trump and the republicans are doing to you before it’s to late. This isn’t your parents Republican part , this is a white nationalist movement that believes in gathering all the wealth and power and keeping everyone else as simply sources of cheap labor. Originally Posted by StandinStraight

well i rarely reply to a libtard like you but i find this interesting.

i am what's called a high earner, if you use above 100k as the classic benchmark. i'll make 115k this year. and on that .. according to this i'll pay 28% on that money

28% $91,900 to $191,650

in 2018 i'll pay 24% on the same money ..

24% $82,500-157,500

so. i'm getting a 4% tax break on gross income of 115k. are u gonna say i'm too rich for a tax break??

well are ya? ProfessorShitforBrains?
goodolboy's Avatar
this is a white nationalist movement that believes in gathering all the wealth and power and keeping everyone else as simply sources of cheap labor.
l Originally Posted by StandinStraight
But isn't that what the democrats are doing by flooding our country with cheap labor from Mexico that drives wages down, and then protecting them from federal law with sanctuary city's??
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
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dilbert firestorm's Avatar
well i rarely reply to a libtard like you but i find this interesting.

i am what's called a high earner, if you use above 100k as the classic benchmark. i'll make 115k this year. and on that .. according to this i'll pay 28% on that money

28% $91,900 to $191,650

in 2018 i'll pay 24% on the same money ..

24% $82,500-157,500

so. i'm getting a 4% tax break on gross income of 115k. are u gonna say i'm too rich for a tax break??

well are ya? ProfessorShitforBrains? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
income tax calculator based on the 2018 brackets
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
income tax calculator based on the 2018 brackets Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm


dead on my calc of overall 4k. your link says 3,800. close enough.

Trump will save me 4 k a year to invest as i like. and i like to invest.


Tax Reform Bill You'd save $3,819
Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Deplorables that keep arguing that the tax scam was a good thing please take a minute and read this article. It’s from yahoo news which isn’t a liberal source. You assholes need to wake up and realize what Trump and the republicans are doing to you before it’s to late. This isn’t your parents Republican part , this is a white nationalist movement that believes in gathering all the wealth and power and keeping everyone else as simply sources of cheap labor.
What are you snorting. YAHOO news is most definitely a libtard news source..
LexusLover's Avatar
Deplorables ... You assholes need to wake up and realize ..... before it’s to late. This isn’t your parents Republican part , ...... Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Professor Despicable how would you know?

"Yahoo" ... is a "news organization"? See "Oath"!
StandinStraight's Avatar
well i rarely reply to a libtard like you but i find this interesting.

i am what's called a high earner, if you use above 100k as the classic benchmark. i'll make 115k this year. and on that .. according to this i'll pay 28% on that money

28% $91,900 to $191,650

in 2018 i'll pay 24% on the same money ..

24% $82,500-157,500

so. i'm getting a 4% tax break on gross income of 115k. are u gonna say i'm too rich for a tax break??

well are ya? ProfessorShitforBrains? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yes dumbass did you read the article, you are going to get a tax break and your rate dropped 4 %. People below your income level will get a smaller % tax break even though they have less income, which isn’t fair, it should at least be a equal tax break. Corporations are getting a 14 % tax cut, how is that fair? Then you have to consider all the other tax giveaways to the wealthy such as , carried interest, estate tax changes. If you did a pie chart of all the tax money given away it would be heavily shaded to the wealthy, you have a nice income but your not considered one of the wealthy, we are talking people that earn millions, they got the biggest advantages in the tax scam, you got a bone thrown at you to keep you happy to take the attention away from the massive theft of money moving to the wealthy, it’s a reverse Robin Hood redistribution of wealth.

The conversation behind closed doors probably went something like this:

How can we get away with giving corporations and millionaires and billionaires massive savings on their wealth while keeping the negative feedback at a minimum?

Well the only way is to give the others some token tax break too to shut them up, so yes I guess we have to give them a little tax break.

Do you think they will notice the vast majority of the debt we are creating will be going to payback our billionair doners? And what about all the debt how will we pay it down once we redistribute all this wealth to the wealthy?

Don’t worry, they are pretty stupid and will be happy to get anything no matter how small, then we just tell them that the money redistributed to our billionaire friends is a good thing for them, the uneducated always fall for that and they are our voters. Then down the road a few years when all the backlash blows over we will end the tax cuts automatically in the bill. Then the debt that was created we can re coup by taking good subsides from the poor and end that awful health program for poor children, that will get us a bundle , if there is any excess we will send more to the Koch brothers, after all they bought us and put us here,

So asshole keep your little 4 % tax savings while it last and be happy and keep your mouth shut, that’s exactly what they want you to do!