The Deep State or the Steady State?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Tilting at windmills, rexdutchman, in your ever endearing style.
They're not. Alan Dershowitz keeps telling everyone that. And as much as he scares and annoys the left, the simple truth of the matter is Trumpy's personality flaws were on full display during the 2016 campaign. Voters elected him anyway. Originally Posted by lustylad
the choice

vote for a braggadocios, sometimes impulsive, but breath of fresh air new comer, who would upset the stated order of things and wouldn't take crap from the left media and who you knew would do things to help America and Americans even if it was because he had too much pride to be seen a failure


vote for some tried (known) and true to form selfish, lying, self-serving and everyone knew it, same 'ol same 'ol, unimaginative, in a rut person and speaker of trite platitudes without one original idea who would continue the same stuff only more of it that doesn't work
Hotrod511's Avatar
Tilting at windmills, rexdutchman, in your ever endearing style. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No different than your ranting is
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-06-2018, 11:00 AM
No different than your ranting is Originally Posted by Hotrod511
"ranting" seems to be your new favorite word.

Do you use it interchangeably with "White Knight"? You know, the equivalent to "I don't have anything substantive to say so I will scream "RANT!" so I don't have to look ignorant." Unfortunately for you, it just highlights that there is no substance in your post.

It would help your case a lot if you could include real info. I gave you an opportunity in the other thread, so let's see how you respond.
LexusLover's Avatar

It would help your case a lot if you could include real info.
Originally Posted by Old-T
What "case"? He doesn't need a "case"!

The "case" for Trump was made and voted in 2016.

If he weren't doing a good job, the anti/never-Trumpers wouldn't be "resisting" and/or whining like a bunch of spoiled brats. Every day they make up shit, whine, blubber, snot up, and "resist" they prove how effective he is being, because their motive is an attempt to keep him busy so he can't do what he does best .... build and rebuild shit into something shiny and productive.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-06-2018, 11:40 AM
No. Politics has become a whine fest by the out-of-power side for at least the last 25 years, whether the party in power is doing good or bad. Do you really imply the Dems would be praising Trump if he were doing well? Of course not. They are going to whine and obstruct no matter what Trump does, just as the Reps did for 8 years of Obama. It has become "the American way".

And no, the fact that Trump won in 2016--which contrary to the Libs, he did indeed win by the rules we have--that does NOT imply he is doing a good job since then.

If HotRod thinks complaints about Trump are "ranting", especially in the foreign policy area which was the point in the other thread I referenced, then he should point out all the foreign policy successes Trump has had. That is the "case" he should be making.
LexusLover's Avatar

And no, the fact that Trump won in 2016--which contrary to the Libs, he did indeed win by the rules we have--that does NOT imply he is doing a good job since then.
Originally Posted by Old-T
I agree with you. The job he's doing is a good job. And that's the job he was elected to do. The "whiners" lost the election and they don't like the job he's doing. Tough shit! He's not a "HillariousNoMore"!

And that's why he won!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I agree with you. The job he's doing is a good job. And that's the job he was elected to do. The "whiners" lost the election and they don't like the job he's doing. Tough shit! He's not a "HillariousNoMore"!

And that's why he won! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Whether or not Trump is doing a "good" job will be determined by voters on November 6th and not by people on this forum who declare it to be so.
LexusLover's Avatar
Whether or not Trump is doing a "good" job will be determined by voters on November 6th and not by people on this forum who declare it to be so. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Actually, not. The vote this coming November is about Congress.

2020 will be about Trump.

But I do agree about the "anonymous" posters on here!

Even the "not-so-anonymous" ones.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Actually, not. The vote this coming November is about Congress.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not true in the eyes of most. Mid-term elections are a referendum on how well voters think the current POTUS is doing. Why did Democrats lose 6 Senate seats and 63 House seats in 2010? Were the seats gained because the Republican candidates were superior? Doubtful. It was that voters went to the polls to reject Barack Obama.

"The 2018 midterm elections will surely be a referendum on the sitting president, as midterms always are, but new polling shows that Donald Trump will play a particularly outsize role when voters head to the polls in November."

First, Republicans are at a disadvantage because the president’s party tends to lose seats in midterm elections. But this is just the beginning. When presidents are viewed positively their party tends to do better in midterms; when they are viewed negatively, their party does worse.

President Trump’s historically low approval ratings put Republicans at a huge disadvantage. We used data from the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research to show how President Trump’s approval ratings correspond with the past four presidents in April and early May of their second year in office.
LexusLover's Avatar
Not true in the eyes of most. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Still following the "pack" are you?

10-20-2016, 08:03 AM #21

This election is OVER. Republicans should start focusing on 2020. Unless a bomb hits between now and November 8th there is no way Trump can overcome the lead that Clinton has in the polls. For those of you who are still not believing the polls . . . we'll see in a handful of days how accurate they are.
Most of the loudmouths are pretending the midterms are a referendum (sort of an informal "recall" if you wish) on Trump's job in office while they've done just about everything they can to undermine his time in office ... and that onion is still being peeled as we post. And if the blue wave doesn't develop the same crowd will boast about how close it was and it should have been a runaway for Trump.

It's rather immature and amateur.

What's remarkable is they apparently believe it!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Still following the "pack" are you?

Most of the loudmouths are pretending the midterms are a referendum (sort of an informal "recall" if you wish) on Trump's job in office while they've done just about everything they can to undermine his time in office ... and that onion is still being peeled as we post. And if the blue wave doesn't develop the same crowd will boast about how close it was and it should have been a runaway for Trump.

It's rather immature and amateur.

What's remarkable is they apparently believe it! Originally Posted by LexusLover
We will see in less than 9 weeks just how much the voters in this country approve of Donald Trump's time as POTUS. You happen to be the only person around who does not think the November election is about Trump. I have cited 2 links, one of which was from FOX NEWS, that support my statement that this will be a referendum on Trump's performance. I can cite several more if you like. You have given us your OPINION. If you can cite one source that agrees with you that the November election is NOT a referendum on Trump. please do so.

I do like how, for some reason, you continually bring up my 2016 prediction. I don't remember you ever making a prediction on the 2016 election. I haven't seen you make a prediction on the upcoming 2018 elections. It's so easy to criticize those that play the game while you sit on the sidelines.

Blue wave? If you define what you consider to be a "blue wave", which I'm fairly certain you won't do, then I'll tell you whether or not I see one coming.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Tucker Carlson thinks he knows who wrote the op ed letter . Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

another pundit says he know who the op ed writers... its a she...
I agree. We shall see in Nov, whether Trump's doing well or not, by whether we get a red or blue wave.. I am seriously hoping for the RED wave.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar