Lies blame & same bs from trumpf

ICU 812's Avatar
President Biden fumbled so badly that whatever one may think of Former President Trump, good or bad, the power brokers on the progressive left are looking for someone (anyone) to replace him with.. . . .and a mechanism for doing it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Rage posting. I'm sure there was a whole heap'n steam'n pile of it from Demonicrats all over the joint last night. Gonna be a heck of a sobering up today on their part. Though I'm sure the Hitler part just makes ya feel a bit better. AmIrite? Maybe tea with honey and lemon would calm your nerves. OR maybe a steamroller...
Yeah I'm teed off. Trumpf is the reincarnation of Hitler! I believe that! Only his hate is for Latinos and Muslims. Look at his past policies and what he continues to say about these groups Originally Posted by winn dixie
winn dixie's Avatar
I sleep very well at night knowing that I call out and don't support the reincarnation of the ultimate evil. The likes we haven't seen since 1945.
Over 2 dozen lies by trumpf confirmed.
winn dixie's Avatar
Love seeing magas quoting libs talking about concern for bidens performance.
But these same libs also pointed out all the lies trumpf told! Magas either won't acknowledge their dbl standard or will ignore this fact!
Love seeing magas quoting libs talking about concern for bidens performance.
But these same libs also pointed out all the lies trumpf told! Magas either won't acknowledge their dbl standard or will ignore this fact! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Stop lying to yourself. It's been universally accepted by all on lookers with cognitive reasoning that Biden was a sinking ship from the beginning to the end of the debate.
Stop lying to yourself. It's been universally accepted by all on lookers with cognitive reasoning that Biden was a sinking ship from the beginning to the end of the debate. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Remember, WD said Biden was going to wipe Trump out in the debate.

His hatred for ANYTHING Trump has went from obsessive to being delusional.
Remember, WD said Biden was going to wipe Trump out in the debate.

His hatred for ANYTHING Trump has went from obsessive to being delusional. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Spot on and if you will notice some of the other flaming lefties who have been so frequent to bash the right have suddenly gone very silent. Wonder why?
winn dixie's Avatar
I see zero panic from the libs
After analysis. A dementia patient with a cold mostly stayed on topic and talked about policy and the issues.
Joe actually won the debate.
This morning trumpf was found to have lied over thirty times. Up from 2 dozen reported right after debate.
With this factual analysis no one is panicked in the dnc. Factions for Newsome or others may blow smoke screens for their candidate. But Joe won the debate... No issue here!
I love the anonymous resources. Lol
Trumpf has no plan. Just more chaos and corruption.
Budman's Avatar
This is fucking funny. All you lefties must be suffering from a massive hangover. The only trash taken out last night was biden. It's got to be hard on you after all the BS you post. You will make yourself dizzy if you keep trying to spin this into a positive. Once Trump is elected in November your head will explode. Have a nice day.
winn dixie's Avatar
Iam ashamed of trumpf turning our democracy into such a mockery.
Remember, WD said Biden was going to wipe Trump out in the debate.

His hatred for ANYTHING Trump has went from obsessive to being delusional. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yeah, I remember. That statement would have been a great punchline for a Stand Up Comic. But WD was serious which really makes it funny.
Budman's Avatar
Iam ashamed of trumpf turning our democracy into such a mockery. Originally Posted by winn dixie

You and every other lefty should be ashamed for supporting this dementia ridden old man. I can't wait for your head to explode in November.
winn dixie's Avatar
When an open mind analyzes the debate.
Biden won. And with a cold.
A dementia riddled feeble Joey crushed the convicted felon. Over 30 lies told by trumpf confirmed by many fact checkers and news outlets.
When trumpf will continue to lie about trivial things like his actual height, it shows he'll lie about anything.
And he does biggly
txdot-guy's Avatar
You and every other lefty should be ashamed for supporting this dementia ridden old man. I can't wait for your head to explode in November. Originally Posted by Budman
You and every right wing cultist should be ashamed for supporting a serial liar, twice impeached, convicted felon, old man.
Budman's Avatar
When an open mind analyzes the debate.
Biden won. And with a cold.
A dementia riddled feeble Joey crushed the convicted felon. Over 30 lies told by trumpf confirmed by many fact checkers and news outlets.
When trumpf will continue to lie about trivial things like his actual height, it shows he'll lie about anything.
And he does biggly Originally Posted by winn dixie

The only thing open about you is your big mouth. Biden came as close to winning the debate as the Dallas Cowboys did to winning last years super bowl.