Trump hands over his Vaccination Plan to Biden

  • oeb11
  • 01-21-2021, 12:22 PM
Cuomo imposed such restrictive, punitive regulations on the Wuhan virus vaccines - that thousands of doses were not given - Doctors and providers did not want to deal with the punitive actions for a mistake.

NY would revoke licenses for petty errors in management or paperwork

Cuomo does hate ny doctors and nurses.
OEB- Please substantiate you Cuomo rant from a credible source and data rather than opinion.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Getting vaccines produced Trump get praise for.

Maybe you could have started with that.

Getting people vaccinated (two totally different things by the way) Trump has delegated to the states

No, Trump did not delegate to the sates because the states can not be delegated to on this matter. In the immortal words of Gov. Cuomo "No Mr. President, you don't have that authority" but then you know this which makes me wonder why you repeat something you know isn't true?

even though the need for a national plan would have made that work far better. Trump’s administration had no NATIONWIDE plan for implementing getting actual shots into actual people.

Continue to compare apples and oranges. It doesn’t make you look any smarter. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I think I just made you look a lot "less smart".

I have a word for you. it's called "Federalism". We already went over this about a dozen times on the topic of whether a President can order a Gov. to do anything related to Covid and the answer is STILL, he can't. Once that shipment arrived in Florida, our Gov. made the rules on where it would go and who would get it.

Joe Biden can no more decide how and who gets vaccinated any more than he can tell a state whether they can have indoor dining or not which we have in Florida and New York and Calif. doesn't.

But then, you know this
HedonistForever's Avatar
Yeah it was a blank and empty binder !!

Let the states handle it Trump said !!

Yes he did, right after Gov. Cuomo told him he had no authority to tell states how to handle anything. What is wrong with you and 1blackman1 that you can grasp even the simplest concept?

Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Trump's stunning reversal on 'total' authority claim over governors: ANALYSIS

He falsely argued he had "total" authority to order states reopened.

Even as someone prone to contradicting himself, President Donald Trump's complete reversal in just 24 hours from claiming “total” authority over the nation’s governors on reopening their states -- to then saying the decision was up to them -- marked a stunning switch.
Trump backed down from his extraordinary assertion following a torrent of backlash from governors and even members of his own party pointedly reminding him of the constitutional restraints on presidential power.

At his press briefing on Monday, President Trump said that he had “ultimate authority” on when to open the economy, but Cuomo fired back at the president for his comments, and said such decisions were up to the states.

Who said order. Making up stuff I see. Putting resources in place and developing a plan has nothing at all to with federalism. Deploying FEMA and other fedrsl resources is part of having a plan.

You can’t help yourself with using another of the faulty arguments. Straw man. Making up an argument or fact not used by the other person in order to create a new point to argue.

Another F
HedonistForever's Avatar
Who said order. Making up stuff I see. Putting resources in place and developing a plan has nothing at all to with federalism. Deploying FEMA and other fedrsl resources is part of having a plan.

You can’t help yourself with using another of the faulty arguments. Straw man. Making up an argument or fact not used by the other person in order to create a new point to argue.

Another F Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I'll just speak for Florida. The problem is not, not enough sites. The problem is not enough supply. Gov. DeSantis told Biden we don't need your FEMA camps, we have more than enough distribution centers. What we don't have is enough supply.

I have a hospital so close I can walk to it, one of the biggest chains in Florida, Baptist who could vaccinate thousands of people a day and guess what, they aren't making any more appointments past Jan. 20th even though thousands like myself already had an appointment. They say their supply ran out and they don't know when they will get more.

We don't need any fucking FEMA camps. We don't need "sites" set up because we have more than enough pharmacies and Hospitals. Hell, we have Hard Rock Stadium, site of the Super Bowl, set up ready to go. We have sites coming out our ass and the very last thing we need is a FEMA camp. Wake up. Stop drinking the Kool Aid.

This is just smoke screen bullshit from Biden because he can't admit that it is a supply problem.

I do see a headline that FEMA is setting up 100 regional centers for vaccines. Big fucking deal. What are 100 centers going to do for every city and town in a country of 320 million.

Quit drinking the Kool Aid. You bought into the bullshit, you fail.
Wrong. There is supply. It’s in the wrong place because the guy that was in charge had no idea what he was doing. Pfizer has supply in the wrong places. Moderma has supply in the wrong places. That’s a logistics and guess what planning issue.

Everyone knows and knew there would be supply issues since demand would outweigh supply. Biden isn’t arguing that point at all. The issue is supply doesn’t do you any good if you can’t get it in arms.

I’ll give you another anecdote since that’s the game we are playing. Little Baton Rouge has a issue getting enough shots. But st Francisville has too much. New Orleans not enough. Lafayette too much. Get the picture. Logistics.

If there was a better plan in place I suspect that wouldn’t be the case. You have swallowed the whole Kool Aid pack without even adding water.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Wrong. There is supply. It’s in the wrong place because the guy that was in charge had no idea what he was doing. Pfizer has supply in the wrong places. Moderma has supply in the wrong places. That’s a logistics and guess what planning issue.

Everyone knows and knew there would be supply issues since demand would outweigh supply. Biden isn’t arguing that point at all. The issue is supply doesn’t do you any good if you can’t get it in arms. And that isn't the problem her in South Florida. The arms are waiting.

I’ll give you another anecdote since that’s the game we are playing. Little Baton Rouge has a issue getting enough shots. But st Francisville has too much. New Orleans not enough. Lafayette too much. Get the picture. Logistics.

And you think FEMA is going to solve that problem? FEMA was organized to go places that had lost infrastructure do to hurricane's and flooding. The infrastructure is in place and maybe if FEMA were to ask the governor who I assume is in close contact with every mayor in Florida who could tell them who is and isn't getting what ( I wonder how FEMA would known this ) maybe this just might work better. Nobody knows a state better than the Gov.

If there was a better plan in place I suspect that wouldn’t be the case. You have swallowed the whole Kool Aid pack without even adding water. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I guess we'll find out if the new logistics guy is any better than the old logistics guy. I just hope Joe Biden and his new Chief of staff, the guy that told us how Joe Biden did literally everything wrong when he was in charge of H1N1 and only for the grace of God that H1N1 wasn't as deadly as Covid or millions would have died.

Biden has fought a pandemic before. It did not go smoothly.

The Obama administration's ability to stop the swine flu came down to luck, one former aide says.

The snafu was the first of many scrambles and setbacks by the Obama administration in its initial response to the swine flu. POLITICO interviewed almost two dozen people, including administration officials, members of Congress and outsiders who contended with the administration’s response, and they described a litany of sadly familiar obstacles: vaccine shortfalls, fights over funding and sometimes contradictory messaging.
“It is purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great mass casualty events in American history,” Ron Klain, who was Biden’s chief of staff at the time, said of H1N1 in 2019. “It had nothing to do with us doing anything right. It just had to do with luck. If anyone thinks that this can’t happen again, they don’t have to go back to 1918, they just have to go back to 2009, 2010 and imagine a virus with a different lethality, and you can just do the math on that.”

So good luck Joe, I'm pulling for ya! If you could rush a new batch to Baptist Hospital, Miami where I'm on a waiting list, it would be much appreciated. Oh and like the Gov. said, no need to send FEMA, we have enough sites.

I hope so as well. I want my shot. I wish I could just scoot up to St Francisville or Lafayette but can’t even do it that way.
Former President Trump assumed the States had enough sense to handle the Vaccination distribution.
Former President Trump assumed the States had enough sense to handle the Vaccination distribution. Originally Posted by Jackie S
As proved by the idiot Cuomo in New York, he was wrong.
  • oeb11
  • 01-22-2021, 08:58 AM
I guess we'll find out if the new logistics guy is any better than the old logistics guy. I just hope Joe Biden and his new Chief of staff, the guy that told us how Joe Biden did literally everything wrong when he was in charge of H1N1 and only for the grace of God that H1N1 wasn't as deadly as Covid or millions would have died.

Biden has fought a pandemic before. It did not go smoothly.

The Obama administration's ability to stop the swine flu came down to luck, one former aide says.

The snafu was the first of many scrambles and setbacks by the Obama administration in its initial response to the swine flu. POLITICO interviewed almost two dozen people, including administration officials, members of Congress and outsiders who contended with the administration’s response, and they described a litany of sadly familiar obstacles: vaccine shortfalls, fights over funding and sometimes contradictory messaging.
“It is purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great mass casualty events in American history,” Ron Klain, who was Biden’s chief of staff at the time, said of H1N1 in 2019. “It had nothing to do with us doing anything right. It just had to do with luck. If anyone thinks that this can’t happen again, they don’t have to go back to 1918, they just have to go back to 2009, 2010 and imagine a virus with a different lethality, and you can just do the math on that.”

So good luck Joe, I'm pulling for ya! If you could rush a new batch to Baptist Hospital, Miami where I'm on a waiting list, it would be much appreciated. Oh and like the Gov. said, no need to send FEMA, we have enough sites.

Originally Posted by HedonistForever

HF - you are spining your wheels

No sense arguing facts and Truth before One's dedicated to the delusions and Lies of teh LSM and its' propaganda .
nor will change the arrogance, sense of innate entitlement and superiority, and denigration of all with a different opinion.
Nor will change the dedication to rooting out all different opinions - by putting 100 million Conservatives in re-education camps at the behest of teh leaders of teh DPST/CCP party.

AOC, her marxist squad, soros, and Xi are ascendant and using the hatred of the DPST/CCP party for his own purposes.
Oeb you have been reported to the DpST. I have forwarded all your posts to their headquarters and they are going to follow Memo 437 protocols. Expect their visit and interview soon.
HedonistForever's Avatar
HF - you are spining your wheels
Originally Posted by oeb11

If I were to have a headstone on my grave ( I will have neither ) it would probably have those very words.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I hope so as well. I want my shot. I wish I could just scoot up to St Francisville or Lafayette but can’t even do it that way. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Now I know why my appointment at Baptist Hospital was cancelled.

As South Florida hospitals cancel vaccines, is the state shifting distribution plans?

Hmmm. State is in charge of distribution ( other wise known as logistics ) who knew?

Florida’s COVID-19 vaccination efforts will shift away from hospital-run sites and toward pharmacies and county-run operations,according to one of the state’s top hospital officials — a change that may explain recent scarcityof appointments and in some cases, total cancellations.

According to Mary Mayhew, CEO of the Florida Hospital Association and the former secretary of the Agency for Health Care Administration under Gov. Ron DeSantis, Florida’s hospitals have been told they are not likely to receive more first-dose vaccines as the state maximizes the role of retail pharmacies like Publix and prioritizes government-run sites.

I can also walk to my local Publix where in recent years, I have received most of my shots and get $10 worth of free groceries.

Baptist Health announced Tuesday that it was canceling all first-dose appointments after Wednesday and Mount Sinai on Miami Beach said Thursday that it was canceling all appointments after Friday.Both hospital systems cited lack of certainty on vaccine supply for the cancellations.