Tara Reade's walking it back

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
She is not walking anything back much to the dismay of the Democratic party. I knew this was going to happen when I saw what they did to Kavanaugh. In fact, I was villanized by another woman provider on this board for supporting Kavanaugh. I noticed she hasn't said shit. Nope - this is going to be the game changer.

Biden's comments on Kavanaugh resurface as he faces his own sexual assault allegations https://news.yahoo.com/bidens-commen...wer&soc_trk=ma Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I backed Trump when 20+ women accused him of sexual misconduct. Innocent until proven guilty. I believe I backed Kavanaugh when 3 women accused him of sexual misconduct. Innocent until proven guilty. I'm sure that you and other Trump/Kavananaugh supporters did the same.

Now that there is a single charge of sexual misconduct against Biden, he is guilty until proven innocent. Talk about hypocrisy. Pot meet kettle.
I backed Trump when 20+ women accused him of sexual misconduct. Innocent until proven guilty. I believe I backed Kavanaugh when 3 women accused him of sexual misconduct. Innocent until proven guilty. I'm sure that you and other Trump/Kavananaugh supporters did the same.

Now that there is a single charge of sexual misconduct against Biden, he is guilty until proven innocent. Talk about hypocrisy. Pot meet kettle. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Think it is more about holding people to the same standard they try to hold you to. The same people ready to crucify Kavanaugh are utterly silent (or dismissive) when it comes down on "one of their own". Unless there is some smoking gun in those sealed Senate records, the only thing (so far) that makes Reade's claims more credible than Ford's (which weren't very credible at all) was that phone call her mother made to The Larry King Show on CNN...and that's not saying much.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
She told multiple people about it and they confirmed that she did. She knows where it happened, when it happened, how she got there and back, and apparently complained about it at the time. Her story is actually credible, Balsey’s was anything but, yet the same people who wanted to hang Kav for a completely not credible story want to give Sniffy Joe a pass. Pot meet kettle simply doesn’t apply.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Those people said she didn’t say what’s you says she said they said.

Yous are confused!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
"She started talking about Joe Biden. And I didn't really know much about Joe Biden," she said. LaCasse said that Reade told her that when she was working in Washington some years prior, Biden "had pushed her up against a wall and he put his hand up her skirt and he put his fingers inside of her, and she was dealing with the aftermath of that." Originally Posted by XiNN
She told multiple people about it and they confirmed that she did. She knows where it happened, when it happened, how she got there and back, and apparently complained about it at the time. Her story is actually credible, Balsey’s was anything but, yet the same people who wanted to hang Kav for a completely not credible story want to give Sniffy Joe a pass. Pot meet kettle simply doesn’t apply. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
In all fairness, she could have had the vendetta against Biden since her staffer days. Maybe she got passed over for some sort of internal promotion. However, like you stated, if Ford's accusation was given that much weight, this accusation deserves just as much consideration, if not way more than that...especially given Biden's public demonstrations of his inappropriate touching with women and girls. I think if there was ever an argument for unsealing those Senate records early, this is it. If he settled with her out of that congressional slush fund that former Rep. John Conyers dipped into to quiet his accuser, that has to give even more credence to these allegations...

Well, Tara Reade's starting to crawfish on her story. Did Biden pay her off? Maybe so, maybe not. If he did, we'll see if ol' "Sleepy Joe" leaves a paper trail like Trump did with Stormy. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Trump wasn't in a position of power nor was he running for president at the time. Biden on the other hand was in politics and holding a political office. But it really doesn't matter because Joe Biden is a dumb ass and won't make a good president. That should be everyone's main concern.
Lapdog's Avatar
Trump wasn't in a position of power nor was he running for president at the time. Biden on the other hand was in politics and holding a political office. But it really doesn't matter because Joe Biden is a dumb ass and won't make a good president. That should be everyone's main concern. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I really don't think that you would recognize a good president if one bit you on the ass.
  • oeb11
  • 05-07-2020, 08:55 AM
Trump wasn't in a position of power nor was he running for president at the time. Biden on the other hand was in politics and holding a political office. But it really doesn't matter because Joe Biden is a dumb ass and won't make a good president. That should be everyone's main concern. Originally Posted by Levianon17

L17- Agreed!
Hotrod511's Avatar
Worthless thread without a link. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
Space dog is worthless
Are you talking about this? Now who's the pot and who's the kettle?

Democrats’ Desperation about Tara Reade Is Growing. So Is Their Hypocrisy. https://news.yahoo.com/democrats-des...wer&soc_trk=ma

I backed Trump when 20+ women accused him of sexual misconduct. Innocent until proven guilty. I believe I backed Kavanaugh when 3 women accused him of sexual misconduct. Innocent until proven guilty. I'm sure that you and other Trump/Kavananaugh supporters did the same.

Now that there is a single charge of sexual misconduct against Biden, he is guilty until proven innocent. Talk about hypocrisy. Pot meet kettle. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I B Hankering's Avatar
Are you talking about this? Now who's the pot and who's the kettle?

Democrats’ Desperation about Tara Reade Is Growing. So Is Their Hypocrisy. https://news.yahoo.com/democrats-des...wer&soc_trk=ma Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Exclusive: 1996 court document confirms Tara Reade told of harassment in Biden’s office

(San Luis Obispo)
And now Biden's accuser is calling for him to "step out of the presidential race" ..... it's running live right now on MSNBC ..... this shit couldn't get any better .....
  • oeb11
  • 05-08-2020, 08:22 PM
I backed Trump when 20+ women accused him of sexual misconduct. Innocent until proven guilty. I believe I backed Kavanaugh when 3 women accused him of sexual misconduct. Innocent until proven guilty. I'm sure that you and other Trump/Kavananaugh supporters did the same.

Now that there is a single charge of sexual misconduct against Biden, he is guilty until proven innocent. Talk about hypocrisy. Pot meet kettle. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

SR - You oversimplify the issue - which is the unequal response of the left to the accusation against kavanaugh and biden.

Kavanaugh was viciously attacked and blindseded by Sen Feinstein, and vilified as guilty upon accusation by the leftist press.

Biden's accusation has been met with denial and obfuscation by the leftists press -and ignoring the issue, plus Lies that the NYT cleared Biden ( they denied that).

The leftist response is completely different and self-centered and self-protective of Biden - who is deemed innocent upon accuation - very different from the treatment kavanaugh got.

i applaud you for your agreement of the Process of law - Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law - of course kavanaugh never came to that - he was just "Guilty" according to the leftists.

Biden , on the contrare- is simply innocent - with no process needed.

and that , Sir, is the difference, and the hypocrisy of the leftists.

They have decided that the principle of due process and innocent until proven guilty in a court of law - are just anachronisms unnecessary to the promulgation of the Leftists narrative.

That strikes a blow at the core of our Constitution - but the leftists care not for Constitutional Rights - except for when it is their own Rights.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Are you talking about this? Now who's the pot and who's the kettle?
Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
The article was mostly about Diane Feinstein. Yes, there are certain individuals who have been hypocritical on this issue, including several high up in the Democratic party unfortunately.

I'm just pointing out that you being one of those hypocrites. Trump innocent until proven guilty. Biden guilty until proven innocent.