Advice/vent. Amateur vs. pro.

Pussy is easy to get.

Friends are hard to come by.

You can always get more pussy but once you loose a friend, it hurts a lot more.

Do what you want to do but think long and hard.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Fuck the friendship. Hit it. If she wants it that bad, your friendship ain't likely to last if you don't. But look, Gonzo's willing to be a friend here. Just kidding, sort of... But I will say I've had four or five relationships with married women that started this way. We were just gonna fuck each other's brains out now and then. Then it became every week, then every time we could get away. Then the five worst words in the English language came up: I think I love you. Once that happens, there ain't no easy way out. Think about it, but think about this also: some day you're going to reflect back on this and you'll wish you'd hit it. But maybe I'm just bent that way.
Please hit it. When you have sex, make it mind blowing fantasy sex for her. She wants you. Be a Man, and show her how a Real Man should fuck her. That is what she is fantasizing about - YOU!

Take her out, have a few drinks so that both of you are relaxed, and go for it.
But I will say I've had four or five relationships with married women that started this way. We were just gonna fuck each other's brains out now and then. Then it became every week, then every time we could get away. Then the five worst words in the English language came up: I think I love you. Once that happens, there ain't no easy way out. Originally Posted by Gonzo DFW
So your saying he should do something your own experience has shown does not work out? Hmm, great advice
Hercules's Avatar
Read the reponses. Appreciate the input.

Additional thoughts:
*This lifestyle is NOT bullet-proof from emotions. Prostitutes and johns are just as capable of falling in love as anyone else. We're all human. Mtr-o-fct, just recently I sufferred a broken heart at the hands of a provider.

*To me, there can be no greater turn on then a woman who confesses her true lust when no compensation is involved.

*I do appreciate the ladies here though in that they've helped keep my lust in check in order to keep this platonic....but I wanna fuck this gal sooooooo bad.
Sasquatch's Avatar
The Hobby is much cheaper. There is nothing as expensive as something that's "free". You will always pay much more than you realize.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
No. I'm saying he should do it anyway BECAUSE there is no way out. She, and he, are both too far along. Might as well hit it. G