What's your Fav part of a woman's body?

fun.time.hobbyist's Avatar
I would have to say, Smile and Eyes Originally Posted by fawn

A woman's eyes and smile are the first 2 things I notice. Big bright eyes and a smile full of pearly whites just gets my motor running.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Breasts and eyes are a winner.............
pyramider's Avatar
Depends on the lady.
Her mind.

At first my reply was going to be "Are you serious?" but then I read what others had posted. For me, I don't focus on a single body part because I love women who have a brain and a kind spirit that show just how beautiful they are. That means I love her mind first then her body. Understand that her body type has to be one I find attractive but if she has that but does not have the prerequisites... Adios, Sayonara, see you later baby, bye bye!

Oh wait! Sorry y'all meant what I like in the P4P world... tits and ass baby with a nice trimmed p**sy! grrrrr....
lilsmurf's Avatar
The small of a womans back...
BluesMan's Avatar
I guess I may be out of the ordinary here but my favorite part is a woman's back, specifically the small of her back. The part where it starts to taper in and then out again to form the hips just gets me. I think the eyes are a close second for me.
gregory_m2003's Avatar
The obvious aside, I love nibbling on ears and having a nice long neck to kiss and massage Originally Posted by obi-juan
absolutely second that.. considering the obvious includes nice eyes and lips..
Tooly's Avatar
  • Tooly
  • 03-20-2010, 06:47 AM
Well for my first choice it would have to be the mind and soul. Now I am not saying that I don't like the ass, breast, and the kitty but she can have all the physical aspects of a model and if the brains and heart aren't there then you have nothing. Now if you put beauty and soul together you have the ultimate lady. HEHEHE Now that we have the ultimate lady I would probably focus on her eyes because that is the window into the soul. Once you have that the rest is easy. Every Single Part!
In my opinion, face first, followed by eyes and then body assuming of course matured brain...
netman's Avatar
I consider myself an everything man. I look at the whole package because, IMHO, most times, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

With that said, I will admit that I am a little more partial to the ass and then I look for a pretty face and smile along with some nice boobies.

Last, but not least, if she is sweet in her demeanor and has intelligence that is a SUPER BONUS!!!

netman (aka "AssMan" )
mikahranae's Avatar
I love a great ass!
tramp76137's Avatar
Call me weird...I am into the total package! I do enjoy talking to a lady, I love pretty eye, a nice smile and a great attitude. What more could you ask for?
Clouddancer's Avatar
This is kind of a tough question to answer.
I think it depends on the lady.
I mean, sometimes its the eyes, others the smile.
A lady may have killer legs that grab my attention or a great ass.
Maybe its her breasts, or she has fantastic abs.
Could be her hair ...........
Every woman has some part of her that is beautiful.

The part I like best is when she is spending time with me!