17 cultural reasons why this European never wants to live in America

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-14-2012, 04:58 PM
This country saved Europe's ass. There are a lot of problems here now, but no European is going to trash us with impunity. You'd all be speaking German if it weren't for this "teenage" country. Asshole. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The commentary was more on modern day Americans than it was about America. So i think it was pretty spot on, particularly #17. And your comment seems pretty indicative of that.

Show some respect for those graves on Normandy.
And we can start by not hiding behind them because someone said something that got your panties in a bunch.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Doofie, you're full of shit.

More Eurojealousy. In WWIII, let them annihilate each other.
Doofie, you're full of shit.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No, he's "sensitive." Awesomely sensitive.
No, he's "sensitive." Awesomely sensitive. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Exactly. Nobody can criticize the list because it will simply prove that #1 is valid.

I think #1 is spot on, the others are open to debate, but there is no doubt y'all take yourselves far too seriously and you hate to be criticised.

What was that high school graduation talk again?


WU would love #1 re. obese people.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why should we gratefully accept criticism from Europeans who automatically expect us to jump in and save their ass whenever they fuck things up?

I am very critical of my government, but that is an internal battle. If we ever need your help, we'll ask for it. Until then, STFU.
#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1 #1#1#1#1#1#1#1

Get over your petulant teenage years.

Luckily CoG is not representative.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I'm going to make a list of things I don't like about you and number one is that if you object you automatically prove the rest. . . yes there is definitely a juvenile factor in this discussion.
I object about you making a list of things you don't like about me, that simply demonstrates you are a bully who has self image problems and prefers to demean others.

OK, great things about US and US people:

Can;t think of any
On second thoughts (and remember I only really know Texas, but I work with US people from all over the US of a certain age group).

- get up and go
- woman who take care of themselves
- lack of fear of failure
- no stigma to working in restaurants
- great intelligence amongst the elite
- lack of surliness
- self confidence
- charitable giving
- hope and vision
- high motives, aim is to bring peace
- courage and standing by your old friends
- strong stand against evil
- scientific progress
- welcoming to all cultures and nations
- beautiful weather in fall/winter/spring
- unashamed to be proud of nation

I could go on but that is enough for now - maybe I will add more later.

Of course, your bootylicious AA girls are a given.

I had a long lunch with a Texan colleague whom I had not met previously, he made a long trip to UK a year ago, his comment was 'can you explain why I found this prevailing atmosphere of sadness in the UK?' and I kind of knew what he meant, compared to US, and it was nothing to do with weather/economics/London underground etc. We accuse americans of smiling too much, you accuse us of being sad, it is strange but I think smiling too much is a lesser problem!
- great seafood and steaks
- low cost of living
- more sq ft of housing for your dollar
- more space generally
- high emphasis on 'playing for the team'
American men stand and PISS. Europeons squat and.....
LucadeJure's Avatar
The author isn't European, he's Irish ... how many Irish famines have resulted in mass emigration? ... there are so many young, educated Irish leaving the country the mortality rate exceeds the birth rate ... there are not enough people living in Ireland to fill all the single and multi-family dwellings constructed during their building boom ... the Irish banking industry and Central Bank were rescued by the UK and EU, twice!

No wonder the SOB complains when he visits a country full of moderately happy folks.

Wait ... am I being an overly sensitive American?
The author isn't European, he's Irish ... how many Irish famines have resulted in mass emigration? ... there are so many young, educated Irish leaving the country the mortality rate exceeds the birth rate ... there are not enough people living in Ireland to fill all the single and multi-family dwellings constructed during their building boom ... the Irish banking industry and Central Bank were rescued by the UK and EU, twice!

No wonder the SOB complains when he visits a country full of moderately happy folks.

Wait ... am I being an overly sensitive American? Originally Posted by LucadeJure
Naw, you cool. thanks...LOL
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The author isn't European, he's Irish ... how many Irish famines have resulted in mass emigration? ... there are so many young, educated Irish leaving the country the mortality rate exceeds the birth rate ... there are not enough people living in Ireland to fill all the single and multi-family dwellings constructed during their building boom ... the Irish banking industry and Central Bank were rescued by the UK and EU, twice!

No wonder the SOB complains when he visits a country full of moderately happy folks.

Wait ... am I being an overly sensitive American? Originally Posted by LucadeJure
Ugh, the author not European?

do you have the case of the stupids regarding geography or what????

He's Irish which means he's European, that goes the same for the British as well. Culturally, they're not European in that sense.