^^ That's because when someone rates it a 1 * star no matter what it automatically goes down a notch...
It will never be 5 stars again unless the higher ups in MGMT. change it. Slim chance in hell of that happening. lol

But the good thing is the SOB can only rate it 1 time. After you rate it you can only do it 1 time you cannot change your vote. So carrying on to FREE AL BUNDY!!
annie@christophers's Avatar
I swear...I try and do it and if I can even be allowed to see it ...IT'S GONE...SO U KNOW I VOTING 5...10 ACTUALLY...LOL xxoo annie
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
I was banned last year for outing a provider with HIV, who wasn't on the board. I felt it was my obligation to do so. One thing this board has taught me, we all look out for each other

Al, god speed mate.
annie@christophers's Avatar
I got banned but we shall not mention the subject. I can say piggy was involved in the shenanigans. Not le...(js) xxoo annie
Hey i went to jail too. Don't leave me out. They claimed my SD was me .... Lol
Oh, i rated this 5*
Spoke to AL BUNDY a few minutes ago, and he is sad, but OK. Him and Peggy Bundy are OK...
He said to thank all of you who are rooting and cheering him on to freedom...

I will wait to hear his inaugural speech when he wins the Presidential Election tomorrow night...


WWAS ? What Would Al Say ?

annie@christophers's Avatar
Can u see the star thingy? Where exactly is it...I'm telling ya mine is gone...reappears when I could care less. Someone explain where exactly that button is. It's pissing me off. Js. Xxoo annie
Rated 5 stars for Bundy. Let's keep this going.
Annie, put your glasses on and look at the top right of this thread
Ran into Al & Peg at dinner last night. Peg looked very nice, but a bit on the heavy (too)heavy side. I had to ask, Al, does Peg's dress make her look fat? He said, No, her fat makes her look fat. Damn!

Why'd he get banned?
I was banned for 6 weeks for helping a newbie provider, showing her the ropes of the site and screening. The mods saw my url on her profile, and I got banned for having a Fandle. Didn't, just helping her, but they saw it otherwise. Oh well.

Hope Al's offense was minor like mine, and much less than the Aussie. We do want him back on the boards. One of the literary wonders here that livens the site up. His stories are classic. Speedy return AL.

Wonder how the local Houma Hoes are fairing? Without his constant presence here, he may be needing to keep them busier than he normally does. He may be "venting" his frustrations of being banned all over their faces, tits and asses.
I'm sure Al is finding new and creative ways to vent his frustration. Am also sure there is now an element of rebellion in his methods that he will regale us with upon his triumphant return.
gimme_that's Avatar
I was banned last year for outing a provider with HIV, who wasn't on the board. I felt it was my obligation to do so. One thing this board has taught me, we all look out for each other

Al, god speed mate. Originally Posted by australian_hell_yun
Same reason I got banned in the same thread.........

And guys are still seeing her in close neighboring cities.......aww well.