
Joel Goodson's Avatar
Rebecca was a knockout back in the day. Still looks lovely IMO.
jsparrow's Avatar
Now if Cap Metro would only get the trains running, we could all fantasize with sh**-eating grins on our faces.

BTW Thanks for the memories. You're a beautiful woman, Tess.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Now if Cap Metro would only get the trains running, we could all fantasize with sh**-eating grins on our faces.

BTW Thanks for the memories. You're a beautiful woman, Tess. Originally Posted by jsparrow
For realz.

That's why I asked Tess where she was riding the trains. I was hoping the Cap Metro trains were operating.
I was way up north in Yankee land!
But sir Monk has pointed out to me, I am on Cap Metro's rail line. Should they ever get the rail operational I foresee a few train rides in my future!
GenesisNicole's Avatar
WoW!!!! I had to go and watch that movie again today after seeing the clip, Thanks Tess!!!!

I would love to have an encounter like that!........maybe when I take my summer tour and go to NY.....?

rekcaSxT's Avatar
Maybe we will run into each other on the train sometime.

Seriously, when are they opening that thing? I think it is going to be way cool to have a light rail here. I miss riding the train. On my off days when I lived in Chi-Town I would just get on the 'L' and ride all day. Get off at various stops and walk around, then get back on and venture to a part of the city I had never been to before. The trains here won't be nearly as extensive at first, but in a few years maybe.

My station was Francisco on the Brown Line.
NipLover's Avatar
Rebecca was a knockout back in the day. Still looks lovely IMO.
Originally Posted by Joel Goodson
Rebecca had an awesome ass, that's for sure. Just watch the movie in question. But that photo looks seriously photoshopped.
Which ones? There's allot of freaky deaky going-on in that show. Hell, I think the first few episodes had a demonic, S&M scene, where the vampires head would move all fast, only to stare into the camera... freaked me out. Originally Posted by GRIN OF SIN
I was refering to the scene where bill took sookies virginity. The sex in the books are even better. Gotta love vampire nookie! Back to the topic at hand. The part where rebecca brings all her friends over was hot too.
Joel Goodson's Avatar
Rebecca had an awesome ass, that's for sure. Just watch the movie in question. But that photo looks seriously photoshopped. Originally Posted by NipLover
I doubt it was worked over any more than a normal glamor shot, judging by the website that it came from. (which I recommend browsing if you have some time to kill)

I don't think it's recent by any means though.