Weird question

coast_encounter's Avatar
Sofia I'm also a sissy when it comes to horror movies cause I get nightmares ! I tried to watch exorcism of emily rose the other day, nope! Lol I don't get the hype about the new 'it' movie lol. I guess I get a bad feeling even I know its fake but knowing that some of it actually does happen in real life. But yet I love Dexter show!! But cause he only tortures , slices up bad people. LOL and as for ghosts I saw 1 when I was 10 and remember every detail. Originally Posted by kiki2012
Ok. Since you mentioned that you saw a ghost when you were 10, I think everyone wants to know more about your experience. At least I do. What happened and what are the details? I am interested in the supernatural.
Omg I can't watch that either. And It.. f*ck that movie. I am terrified of clowns.. so thats a whole bag of nope.. For example of how terrifying clowns are.. lets use John wayne Gacey as an example.. nope nope f*ck nope.
Dexter was amazing.. when the last season, season 8 came on Netflix.. I watched the whole season in one night like a crackhead.. and I was super pissed about the ending. But I have a ton of other good shows that I watch that make up for it.
I have also seen ghosts myself.. which was why I brought the whole topic up.. lol
kiki2012's Avatar
Omg I can't watch that either. And It.. f*ck that movie. I am terrified of clowns.. so thats a whole bag of nope.. For example of how terrifying clowns are.. lets use John wayne Gacey as an example.. nope nope f*ck nope.
Dexter was amazing.. when the last season, season 8 came on Netflix.. I watched the whole season in one night like a crackhead.. and I was super pissed about the ending. But I have a ton of other good shows that I watch that make up for it.
I have also seen ghosts myself.. which was why I brought the whole topic up.. lol Originally Posted by Sexi Sophia
You are just like me then!!!! I was veryyy sad when Deb died. Can't handle it it. Nope nope !!! I refuse to watch the last episode of Dexter ever again!!
kiki2012's Avatar
Ok. Since you mentioned that you saw a ghost when you were 10, I think everyone wants to know more about your experience. At least I do. What happened and what are the details? I am interested in the supernatural. Originally Posted by coast_encounter
It took place in arlington tx at my grandparents house. I was in the top bunk bed with bed door open with view to the hallway and saw a woman in white dress literally holding her head in her right arm, I will never forget that woman.i assume she was decapitated

I was 10 yes but I remember details that still freaks me out!!!
tattooeddragon's Avatar
You both should offer the "Scary Movie Package". You show up, guy pops in the movie and you spend the next hour or so clutching and grabbing and burying your face in his shoulder to hide your eyes while he puts his arms around you all manly like. Then of course, you fuck his brains out. That sounds like an awesome night!
barrythawne's Avatar
Tattoo, I was thinking the same thing but let's be honest. With those two I'd be lucky if I could make it through the opening credits.
I was super pissed when she died. I thought it was even worse when he showed up at the end leaving his son with ol Hannah who is a murderer too.. ugh.. so disappointing. I didn't really like her. I wish he would have stayed with that one woman from season 5. Didnt she say no and leave though?
Scary movie package.. that's not a bad idea there lol.. me and kiki still would have nightmares though.. and thats not fun for us at all. Lol.
I may actually do this.. lol.. maybe.
I'm more like Dean Winchester, shoot 'em and move on.

kiki2012's Avatar
LOL scary movie package !
coast_encounter's Avatar
Omg I can't watch that either. And It.. f*ck that movie. I am terrified of clowns.. so thats a whole bag of nope.. For example of how terrifying clowns are.. lets use John wayne Gacey as an example.. nope nope f*ck nope.
Dexter was amazing.. when the last season, season 8 came on Netflix.. I watched the whole season in one night like a crackhead.. and I was super pissed about the ending. But I have a ton of other good shows that I watch that make up for it.
I have also seen ghosts myself.. which was why I brought the whole topic up.. lol Originally Posted by Sexi Sophia
Please tell you story as well, Sophia. Inquiring minds want to know. Also this goes for everyone, please be careful about Dexter or other show Spoilers. I have not seen it but have it on my future binge watch list after I get finished with a few other shows that I am currently watching. I specifically did not read that part so no harm but just a friendly request on behalf of others who have not watched it yet. Cheers.
Oh my!! I guess I figured everyone has seen that by now.. My apologies!!
kiki2012's Avatar
coast_encounter's Avatar
Oh my!! I guess I figured everyone has seen that by now.. My apologies!! Originally Posted by Sexi Sophia
So much TV, so little time. How about your Ghost story ?
My ghost story is similar to kikis oddly enough. Except it was a little girl and that scarred me for life.. lol.. I'll pm you the rest...
And yeah, I totally understand.. I still haven't gotten around to watching shows like Gotham, Daredevil, or Supernatural. I've seen bits and pieces of Supernatural over the years, but I totally caught your reference RL.. lol
Fyi y'all, I heard the newest season of the walking dead is up on Netflix. I am a whole season behind on that one. Should be catching up on everything now that Game of thrones and Preacher is off..
Kiki.. is it just me or does it seem like ghosts hate children? I was 5 when my ghost story happened.. what the hell.. hahaha. Most ghost stories I have been told said they were children too.