Trump and Republican Dilemma

L17 you're wasting your time Frankie has the TDS virus Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Yeah, it's obvious he's a total fucking dumb ass. I was trying to be realistic in terms of the virus itself and what we are ultimately dealing with, and he wants to shift it to politics. A virus threat is the least of his problems.
Jesus, You are a retard. Q will help you set things straight. Seriously, listening to freaks like you blaming it on the Chinese when they told us it was coming and gave us the genome on January 11 th and did nothing . Germany had the tests in 10 days, You aren't smart enough or able to understand that the U.S. fucked up on this . They should have preprared. South Korea, Taiwan , Hong Kong did and even communist China whipped it's ass . Countries where they did a lot of testing they were able to stop it. Do a google search and everything says that you have to test and get sick people out of the mainstream. Trump and Republicans keep laughing about this and are saying not to pay attention. Go back to work , sacrifice grandma.

What is wrong with you fucking people? Is Trump your Lord and Savior? He didn't order tests, equipment and said it was a joke, a hoax and the liberal media lied about it all. He comes up with fake cures and will put everyone back to work on Easter. He lies about everything and you morons agree with everything he says.

You have no concept of reality except for what your hear from Rush and Fox. Our poor country dealing with dildo heads like this. Originally Posted by FrankZappa
Yeah, I am a retard because I stumped your stupid fucking ass. You didn't understand a single word of my post because you have shit for brains and are only concerned about the politics of this health crisis. The politics in the equation doesn't matter anymore no one has control over that. It's what we do forward that matters. Do your part and be informed and quit worrying about Trump.
You pull these numbers out of your ass of 0.1%, You show your foolishness in every post to people that aren't a member of Q. Italy has about a 10% mortality rate but you say it is .01%. How did you get so detached from reality. Originally Posted by FrankZappa
Liars figure but facts and figures don't...who's the LYING ass frank crapper??

IMPORTANT CAVEAT: Worldometers continues to revise their data in a major fashion well after their “As Of” Time of 2359Z.** For the immediate future, I will report those numbers and post the graphs accordingly. As Worldometers adjusts them, I will go back and adjust the numbers in the nightly report. Technical issue preclude adjusting the graph after publication. I am looking into resolving this issue. More to follow.
As of 2359 GMT (Worldometers site) March 29, 2020 the U.S. Mortality Rate (M/R) (calculated by dividing the number of reported U.S. Infections into the number of reported U.S Fatalities) was 1.75%, down from 1.79% yesterday.
I will continue to publish this Wuhan Virus Update showing total reported U.S. Cases and Total U.S. Fatalities from the disease, along with appropriate commentary regarding any observable trends until it’s determined to be no longer useful to our readers.

On the left, this first chart shows the data table, starting February 29, the date of the first reported U.S fatality and continuing until today. On the right, are two graphical representations of the data. The top graph shows the decline of the Mortality Rate. As you can see from the numbers on the left and chart on the upper right, today shows a slight down tick (4/100%) of the M/R from yesterday’s reports.
The bottom graph shows the total U.S Fatalities. today’s numbers show a slight bend to the right indicating 251 fewer deaths than yesterday. Whether this is indeed a harbinger of worse to come, merely a spike or just the Fatality count lagging behind the count of newly discovered cases. As I noted when there was “good news,” one or even two days, does not make a trend.

This chart is a “What If” graphic. It represents the M/R for reported infections. It also shows the M/R if we assume for each reported case of Wuhan Virus, there are 1, 2 or 3 other persons out there with it. For today’s report:
M/R = 1.75%
+1 = 0.87%
+2 = 0.58%
+3 = 0.44%
If you believe that there is a good chance that for each known person infected, there are 3 others out there who haven’t been reported, then the United States Wuhan Virus is still well below 1%.
We hope this is of some value. Whether it is or isn’t, please let me know in the comments.
Prayers for all the folks on the front lines of this effort who are putting themselves at risk on our behalf.
**Below is a snapshot of the Worldometers site showing their “As Of time” of 2359


HoeHummer's Avatar
So is there a point yous are trying to make, other than yous knows how to cuts and paste on the old Amiga.
So is there a point yous are trying to make, other than yous knows how to cuts and paste on the old Amiga. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Yous are another lying leftwing nut that doesn't know shit but to post more of your nonsense yous was banned for a reason.
Yous board violating HoseHummer.
It is a FACT ASSWIPE you on the left make shit up and I call yous out. Now get back in yous cave and Humm yous partners Hose. There is a quarantine and I don't want good Americans getting it from yous nasty ASS...WIPE.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Is it a Democratic Hoax? Is the press over reacting? Do we have nothing to worry about? Originally Posted by FrankZappa
It wasn't just Republicans saying anything like that...

DeBlasio: “Well, Jake, we should not be focusing in my view on anything looking back on any level of government right now,”

There you have it, ZappaCrappa. The Mayor wants you to get the fuck over it.
LexusLover's Avatar
None of the usual Trump koolaid drinkers have answered my question,.... Originally Posted by FrankZappa
Some "questions" deserve to be ignored. Yours is no exception.

Reread your bullshit statements about what people have said.

Your ridiculously ignorant allegations underlying your "questions" demonstrate how worthless they are.
Your ridiculously ignorant allegations underlying your "questions" demonstrate how worthless they are. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah, his question reminds me of..."So, when did you stop beating your mother?"

Bullshit underlying theme, deserving no answer. And the moron has already had those same underlying themes debunked directly to him and his TDS is too deep to admit that it is bullshit.

I especially liked his three week progression. 250K in seven days, 500K the week after that, and 100 Million the week after that. Math genius at work here or DemPanic?
None of the usual Trump koolaid drinkers have answered my question,.

Is it a Democratic Hoax? Is the press over reacting? Do we have nothing to worry about?

All of the Trump supporters were proclaiming this and cutting everyone down that believed in Science. Trump has blood on his hands for telling the American people that this was all fake. Originally Posted by FrankZappa
What the President means by a hoax is the Democrats will blame him for what ever he does, when the reality is we are dealing with a virus that is very nondiscriminate.

The Democrats thought he was a Russian Agent. False

The Democrats brought up phony impeachment charges that were dismissed by the Senate.

Their willing lackeys in the press will report ANYTHING negative concerning President Trump while avoiding any, if not all, positive aspects of his Administration.

Just think how great a Commander in Chief President Trump could be if he had even a smidgen of support from the Left.
  • oeb11
  • 03-30-2020, 11:00 AM
Fascist DPST fz is just trying to stir up panic - the DPST's are desperate to prolong dealing with the virus - and enhance the recession into a depression - which they view as their vehicle to "Get Trump"!
That is the end game of all their lying propaganda.

Suggestion - put the idiot on Ignore - and pay no attention to the "It" behind the curtain!

bb- thanks for your contribution!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
None of the usual Trump koolaid drinkers have answered my question,.

Is it a Democratic Hoax? Is the press over reacting? Do we have nothing to worry about?

All of the Trump supporters were proclaiming this and cutting everyone down that believed in Science. Trump has blood on his hands for telling the American people that this was all fake. Originally Posted by FrankZappa
Oh ye moron of bitter, constipated thoughts. The hoax (and this has been explained to you) was the response by the media and democrats to what Trump did initially. As for the false choice you present (overreact or nothing to worry about) their the reasonable middle ground of rational concern. Speaking of concern, why no virus questions in the January democratic debates? I guess they didn't take it seriously.
Even Joe Biden said "come on, man" when responding to Chuck Todd's bloody hand comment. If the addled Biden can see that what is your excuse?
  • oeb11
  • 03-30-2020, 05:55 PM
Thank you - TBC - almost everything the DPST's have been up to the last three years is to generate one hoax after another in their sick, hateful attempts to "Get Trump".
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Thank you - TBC - almost everything the DPST's have been up to the last three years is to generate one hoax after another in their sick, hateful attempts to "Get Trump". Originally Posted by oeb11

movie name!!!!
  • oeb11
  • 03-31-2020, 08:34 AM
i can see the Hollywood creation: "Throw Trumpy from the Train"!
Arnold will pass on it.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Thank you - TBC - almost everything the DPST's have been up to the last three years is to generate one hoax after another in their sick, hateful attempts to "Get Trump". Originally Posted by oeb11
Another cogents and constructives comment, oebsy. Yous are a fraud and fucking coward.

Folks, I’ll bets this viral warrior hasn’t left his mom’s cellar in two months.

Other health care professionals are working 24/7 to help soften the impact of the Orange Fever. In your own country, nurses and med school students are being forced onto the front lines.

Oebsy? Your brave courageous oebsy?

He’s right here on ECCIE, torching other posters and spewing his daily hate against anyone who disagrees with Trump.

So what are yous, doc?

A fraud or a fucking deserter?

Just like the rest of your sidelines quarterbacking pals.