There's a huge difference between infatuation and obsession vs love and strong feelings. I'd imagine most clients fall into the former category with those emotions coming from some dark place within their lives.

How do you "love" someone you barely know? Love-stricken clients don't even know the provider's real name. That's definitely not love.
I have one client that has fallen in love with me. He hasn't proposed to me.

I've known him for nearly two years and he wants to be in a relationship with me.

I don't want to be in a relationship with him. I enjoy being single and can't imagine myself being in a relationship with a client.
  • hd
  • 10-24-2011, 12:39 PM
I was going to say with age comes wisdom and knowledge, not necessarily smarts, as Prolongus just proved that, but he's a really old fuck and isn't thinking straight these days!

But I think we all, both sides, are looking for a little love, in whatever form it takes to fill a gap we're missing.

In my case, I love my SO and plan on being with her to the end. But I still like to get a little strange on occasions.

I have had feelings for probably every woman I've been with in which the session was a good one, but never to a point I've fallen for her. I have, at least I think had providers feel that way about me too, but once out the door, it subsides and we're all back to the real world. Or we should be anyway. But I wouldn't say falling in love is bad, people do it all the time everywhere. Why not in hobbying, just proceed with caution!
  • Laz
  • 10-24-2011, 01:25 PM
I want to care about and even love the ladies that I feel good enough about to see multiple times. I want to be careful to love them but NOT be in love with them. That could take this from being fun and pleasurable for me to emotionally painful when the feelings are not mutual which would be the most likely outcome.
Yes, this happens more frequently than people think. As cliche as it sounds, it's true - You cannot buy our love.
Never had a client propose to me, but had a few confess 'deeper feelings'. One in particular wanted me to be much lower volume and he would compensate etc. Although he did pay me a lot and basically got me whatever I asked for - I wanted my independence. I felt guilty all the time and that wasn't worth it to me so I cut it off. We still talk and go out to eat every now and again but nothing more.
Doc Holliday's Avatar
Is he over it? If not, the lunch dates could be feeding his desires. sometimes it's best to cut it off cold turkey.
burkalini's Avatar
For that sixty minutes I am in love. I fall out of it very quickly after that
I was hoping someone was going to describe a ring or how he proposed...hmmm
Is he over it? If not, the lunch dates could be feeding his desires. sometimes it's best to cut it off cold turkey. Originally Posted by Doc Holliday
I don't know. Probably not. He's a grown guy... If he thinks it's too much I will let him make the call on not seeing me anymore.
I considered him a friend - not just a client.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Okay, I've never fallen in love with a provider; however, there was this one gal who just hit it off great with me. We liked the same things like movies and music. Our personalities complimented each other. We hit it off sexually as well. I probably performed at my sexual peak with her. I know she enjoyed our sessions. Now, this is not the girl I'd want to marry, BUT she was the girl I'd want to bang off the clock as a fuck buddy. It was one of those sexual chemistry things. We probably would have burned out though after six months.
DoubleDee's Avatar
Am new to all of this but not new to having friends that I play with. My pleasure is to maintain. The gifts, donations, attention, conversations, laughter and afternoons spent in play are what makes that emotional struggle worth the time. I love the struggle and I love to love others until my line to maintain appears. It keeps me filled with fun, emotional pleasure and physical pleasure. Yes, it is often time difficult but always ends with being close to others.
I was hoping someone was going to describe a ring or how he proposed...hmmm Originally Posted by Anita Lay

Depending on the value of the ring of course but wouldn't the ring cover the cost of the visit? I think it would be silly for a client to propose unless he stopped being a client and she thought of him as someone who she could have deep feeling for.
Yes...I was a fresh 18 I met him through aspd, he was 29 and a software engineer with money and no gf. He faithfully came to me every Friday evening for a session for a yr, then he wanted overnights, then he wanted weekends. He paid exteamly well so I had no problem giving him my time. Another yr passes and he is asking I quit this life and marry him and have babbies. And he says I would never have to work again. I tell him I see him as a friend and he says he loves me I never said it back. After a few months he start getting numberd from my phone and calling other clients calling friends and demanding how they know me. At this point I had to cut all ties and he was devastated and said he only did those things because he loved me. So I don't communicate with him for a month and I offten see him in my neighborhood at a store getting gas ect. (He lives 40 miles away and has no other reason to be on my side of town. Then he introduces himself to my mother thinking this will be a way to get me back...but he crossed the lines and told my mother everything from aspd, money and gifts he gave and me and my mother already don't get along...this came to a complete end 3 months ago and I havnt spoke to either while they seem to be best buddies.
So from now on if a client tells me he loves me I'm running..no matter how well he pays...I'm. Too young.
Doc Holliday's Avatar
Wow! Rejection is a bitch.

The double standard is hilarious! Most guys want to fuck around and not marry a girl because they don't want to be tied down. Then, the same guy will turn around and propose to a girl to keep her exclusively to him.

The guys that are proposing on day one are just heat of the moment fellas, the guys that wait a year down the road?? How do you not see that coming? The GFE has to be an act at all times, but if the client looks like he's gettin' smitten and you don't like him, you need to have a talk with him ASAP and nip that shit!
burkalini's Avatar
Yes I agree with Doc. He did cross the line but the signs were probably there way before you ended it. Maybe the money was just too hard to pass. Poor deluded fucker.