Tea Terrorists

wellendowed1911's Avatar
OH: Playing the race card is a sign of how weak their position is. And the left almost always plays it when they are losing the arguement. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Oh trust me he's not playing the race card- when is the last time a sitting President birth was disputed? When was the last time a President academic records were disputed?
When was the last time the POTUS gave a state of the union address and a congressman/woman yelled :"You Lie"?
When was the last time kids were taking out of classroom when the President addresses school children?
When was the last time we had this political debacle about debt ceiling? It was raised 5 times under George Dubyah Bush?
Where was the TEA party during Bush's years? Government grow under Bush? Bush spent trillions? Patriot Acts? Aren't all these things Tea party was against?
Yerassman's Avatar
Would one of you BRAINLESS MORONS simply READ the content of the S&P report and then comment. Shooting off your mouths with theories proposed by an AM radio oxycontin addict and a party whose only power was created by BLOCKING an agreement that would have prevented this latest crash proves your idiocy.

Cutting taxes has NEVER produced anything but an insignificant number minimum wage jobs.

Look at that religious zealot Perry bragging about Texas which has the LOWEST average wage in the ENTIRE country.

You guys are long on rhetoric and short on brains and have virtually no understanding of the economic forces at work, either.

Maybe you can convince me with more VOLUME! Have Whirlaway start a dozen more stupid threads and maybe that will cancel the questions I've posed and the statements I've made! Originally Posted by Little Stevie

+ 1 Stevie, you can't argue with people who sign up for the GOP agenda, it does O good. The so called tea party is directly responsible for the debt ceiling fiasco. It is a black and white fact, anyone who does not acknowledge it is swept up in the GOP bullshit agenda by reason of personal gain or stupidity.
tttalinky's Avatar
The so called tea party is directly responsible for the debt ceiling fiasco. It is a black and white fact, anyone who does not acknowledge it is swept up in the GOP bullshit agenda by reason of personal gain or stupidity. Originally Posted by Yerassman

Yerassman.....raising the debt ceiling to help stop uncontrolled waste and spending by our elected officials; is kind of like watching an alcoholic drink more whiskey to get sober. Or maybe allowing a drug addict to use more drugs to help himself get off his dependence. It makes no sense at all to allow the Washington "business as usual" bunch to spend money we don't have.
I'm not a Tea Party member, or a republican, or a democrat, I am an American who votes for whichever candidate can help our country get out of the mess we are in.
Oh, i don't know....perhaps because they were the ones running around claiming to be perfectly ok with the idea of a government default? Or perhaps it was because a running theme of S&P's explanation for the downgrade centered around an extremist refusal to increase revenues?

First off, this statement is simply not true. Everyone who spends money is going to be paying federal taxes somewhere along the line. It may not be in the form of income taxes, but they do pay taxes.

Secondly, to answer your question anyway, because they're on a fixed income? Or scraping by on minimum wage?

Third, I have a better question for you. If capitalism is so great, then why for the love of God do half the wage earners in the US not rise above the minimum threshold of income for paying income taxes? Originally Posted by Doove
I don’t know the exact figure but it is close to 50% of the American people that don’t pay federal income tax. The Earned Income Tax Credit should be done away with and everyone except people on SS, since they already paid taxes on that money in the first place, (There may be other legitimate exceptions, I'm just on the fly here.) should pay taxes. It doesn’t have to be a lot, but it should be something.

As for non-federal taxes such as property tax, state income tax if applicable, sales tax, inspection and registration on your car and the like, yes everyone pays them and they should. The things our government, regardless of the jurisdiction, does for us is astounding, and it’s not free.

I don’t have an answer to your question. Sometimes life isn’t fair. Sometimes people just aren’t lucky. Sometimes…………….I don’t know. It is just the way it is. They would be worse off with dirt roads, no schools, no sanitary sewers or running water, no medical clinics and no Lone Star Cards though. These are the things that tax dollars buy. It’s just the way it is. Money makes the world go around.

Oh trust me he's not playing the race card- when is the last time a sitting President birth was disputed? When was the last time a President academic records were disputed?
When was the last time the POTUS gave a state of the union address and a congressman/woman yelled :"You Lie"?
When was the last time kids were taking out of classroom when the President addresses school children?
When was the last time we had this political debacle about debt ceiling? It was raised 5 times under George Dubyah Bush?
Where was the TEA party during Bush's years? Government grow under Bush? Bush spent trillions? Patriot Acts? Aren't all these things Tea party was against? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Are you kidding me? George II had all kinds of disparaging remarks made about his grades and how he got into Yale in the first place.

I don’t know how many State of the Unions I’ve watched where the other side just sat there in absolute silence. How rude. Bush had some guy throw a shoe at him at a speech once. If these three instances are what you have got to hold up and wave the race card with, I’m thinking you don’t have a royal flush, but rather you are bluffing.

+ 1 Stevie, you can't argue with people who sign up for the GOP agenda, it does O good. The so called tea party is directly responsible for the debt ceiling fiasco. It is a black and white fact, anyone who does not acknowledge it is swept up in the GOP bullshit agenda by reason of personal gain or stupidity. Originally Posted by Yerassman
No, it absolutely was not. There are over 550 senators and congressmen. How many are Tea Members? The math isn't on your side of the debate.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-09-2011, 04:14 PM
Yerassman.....raising the debt ceiling to help stop uncontrolled waste and spending by our elected officials; is kind of like watching an alcoholic drink more whiskey to get sober. Originally Posted by tttalinky
And threatening default as leverage to make ideological demands is akin to telling a President "Ok, so there's a bombing attack planned in NYC, and we know you can stop it.....but you need our ok before employing the tactics you'll need to stop it....and we'll only agree to your using those tactics if you agree to cut taxes first. If not, then tough luck buddy".

And since an increase in the debt ceiling is not supposed to have anything to do with controlling spending, i think my analogy beats your analogy.
Yerassman's Avatar
No, it absolutely was not. There are over 550 senators and congressmen. How many are Tea Members? The math isn't on your side of the debate.


Ok I swore I wasn't going to do this but here I go, you are right about the number of congressman on the hill. The big problem was in the house of representatives, all of the wingnut tea partyers got elected to the house last fall. Raising the debt ceiling is normally a slam duck, congress knows this must be done in order to keep the country going finacially. The wingnuts, refused to vote yea for the bill to raise the ceiling unless there was cuts to the budget included in the bill. The budget cutting had O to do with this bill O.
They (teapartiers and the GOP want to cut entitlements to grandma and grandpa to balance the budget,with out increasing revenue ( tax loop holes) on their buddies the banks, big oil, insurance companies and numerous other corporations. The president and his party said no, we want your buds, the top 5% of the richest people in this country and corporations to pay their fair share. They offered Boerner and Cantor a 70-30 deal, on 4 trillion dollars worth of cuts, for every budget dollar 70 cents would be cut from future budgets and 30 cents on increased revenue from the closoing of loop holes to the wealthy and big business. Boerner and Cantor walked out. They wanted no revenue increases period, held firm. They had already held the left hostage last winter with threatening to vote no on the extension of unemployment benefits to millions of americans unless the left voted yes to extend dubya,s tax cuts to his elite wealthy friends. The left caved to their demands to keep needy families getting their checks. You need to understand this entire debachel isn't about the debt ceiling. These poor stupid tea party morons are shooting themselves in the foot and don't even know it. The f'ing GOP got us into this mess with dubya and his cronies at the helm for 8 years. Now it is all Obamas fault??? WTF? They have an agenda, get Obama out of office as soon as possible and have tried and done every low down dirty trick in the book, at this countries expense to make it happen. They should be tried for treason.
Third, I have a better question for you. If capitalism is so great, then why for the love of God do half the wage earners in the US not rise above the minimum threshold of income for paying income taxes?

I'll pay for a boat ride to Cuba, Bro.
Colonel Jim's Avatar
The debt problem extends back to FDR's administration and the Keynesian economic theory that the federal government has to save the economy by infusing dollars into the economy. There are two basic problems with the theory: even Keynes himself said that when the economic crisis passed, the programs that were used to infuse the money should be eliminated. Politicians won't do that, because programs bring jobs and pork to their districts. So, each time there is a bump in the economy, the Congress uses it as an excuse to buy more votes. And the programs never go away regardless of whether they are effective or not. The second problem: Economists (Paul Krugman being the current Keynesian banner-bearer) insist that programs, such as the $900 billion "we found that not all shovel-ready projects weren't shovel-ready" stimulus, weren't adequately funded. There's never enough money to satisfy the Keynesians, but it's a "progressive" philosophy, so the Democrats buy into it.

I'm a tea party participant. I subscribe to the classical economic theory that created the most powerful economic engine in the world. An economic theory that understands basic human nature. "If you give something away, people will want more of it" explains why every welfare, medicaid, medicare, obamacare or other "entitlement" program costs more than was projected. "If you continue to provide money without requirements, then people will adjust their behavior" explains why someone on 99 weeks of unemployment will not take a job, any job, to get them through until conditions improve. "If you increase the tax rate on the wealthy, they will adjust their behavior to avoid paying the tax" explains why Carter's luxury tax on yachts almost destroyed the boat building industry in the United States, while prices on untaxed used yachts went up as the wealthy bought those instead.

The tea party was successful because they insisted their candidates restrict their campaigns to limited government and reduced spending. Unfortunately, presidential candidates must take positions on social issues. Even limited spending becomes a social issue: reducing spending by limiting or eliminating federal funding for birth control, for example.

But solely blaming the tea party congressmen for the debt crisis is sophistry. The house of representatives vote for the debt deal was 269-161. There are about 40 tea party representatives and not all of them voted against the bill. So, what about the 121 representatives, including 95 House Democrats who voted against it? http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/02/us...pagewanted=all The tea party watched as Speaker Boehner cut a deal for an advertised $1.1 trillion on FY 2011 budget deal, which after passage we found that it became $5.4 billion, and then CBO revised the reduction as $38 billion, less than one day's interest on the debt. After being side-swiped once, the tea party was going to insist on real reductions, and the only way to get it was to refuse to vote for debt ceiling. We are tired of accounting games and out-year reductions that will never come to pass.

And yes, I must be a racist because I want to de-lect an unqualified man who never ran a business, never served as chief executive of anything (the Harvard Law Review doesn't count), didn't serve a full term in the Senate, never sponsored any significant legislation as a Senator, voted "present" an inordinate amount of time as a state senator, supported a bill that would allow the murder of attempted aborted babies after birth, has a mindset that European socialism is better for America (that a vast majority of Americans reject), has little or no understanding of how private jobs are created, excoriates Wall Street while at the same time courting millions in campaign donations from them, promotes class warfare, and - most importantly - doesn't support the Constitution because it only has "negative rights". And because he's half-white. Okay, skip the half-white part. I just wanted to show how ludicrous the whole race card thing is.
TexTushHog's Avatar
No, it absolutely was not. There are over 550 senators and congressmen. How many are Tea Members? The math isn't on your side of the debate.


Ok I swore I wasn't going to do this but here I go, you are right about the number of congressman on the hill. The big problem was in the house of representatives, all of the wingnut tea partyers got elected to the house last fall. Raising the debt ceiling is normally a slam duck, congress knows this must be done in order to keep the country going finacially. The wingnuts, refused to vote yea for the bill to raise the ceiling unless there was cuts to the budget included in the bill. The budget cutting had O to do with this bill O.
They (teapartiers and the GOP want to cut entitlements to grandma and grandpa to balance the budget,with out increasing revenue ( tax loop holes) on their buddies the banks, big oil, insurance companies and numerous other corporations. The president and his party said no, we want your buds, the top 5% of the richest people in this country and corporations to pay their fair share. They offered Boerner and Cantor a 70-30 deal, on 4 trillion dollars worth of cuts, for every budget dollar 70 cents would be cut from future budgets and 30 cents on increased revenue from the closoing of loop holes to the wealthy and big business. Boerner and Cantor walked out. They wanted no revenue increases period, held firm. They had already held the left hostage last winter with threatening to vote no on the extension of unemployment benefits to millions of americans unless the left voted yes to extend dubya,s tax cuts to his elite wealthy friends. The left caved to their demands to keep needy families getting their checks. You need to understand this entire debachel isn't about the debt ceiling. These poor stupid tea party morons are shooting themselves in the foot and don't even know it. The f'ing GOP got us into this mess with dubya and his cronies at the helm for 8 years. Now it is all Obamas fault??? WTF? They have an agenda, get Obama out of office as soon as possible and have tried and done every low down dirty trick in the book, at this countries expense to make it happen. They should be tried for treason. Originally Posted by Yerassman
Actually, Obama offered 19% tax hikes and 81% spending cuts eventually.

And don't use "top 5%". Polling done during the Bush Gore race showed that 40+% of the people thought that they were among the top 5% of the earners in the country (the dumb shits). That's why you should always say "people making more than $250,000."
Wow, a lot of vitriol....and not many facts. I especially like the person who commented "people should read the S&P report", when it is so obvious that he did not read the report, lol.

Fact is, Gov't is spending too much, with horrible results for what they have spent. Since this is a hobby board I like to think of it in terms of a hobby. If we were to see a provider and the service was bad, would we give her more money? For some stupid reason we have decided that the way to make the experience better was to double down and spend more money. Hence, we decide to do a doubles with her. Horrible experience, teeth on dick, puked on dick, shit the bed, started her period, robbed us, etc. The other girl has scabbies, is doing god knows what with a bloody needle. Well, what do we do now? We could always try to double down again, 4 girls have to be better than 2, which was supposed to be better than the one, right?

Why not go see a new provider, one with actual experience. Not just a pretty face, who gets us hot and bothered over the phone. In this hobby, I like to orgasm. That's it.

In life, I want my Gov't to provide an environment for a good economy and stay out of my life. Let me do what I want, when I want, and with who I want. Like the Rajin Cajun says, "It's the economy stupid", time for a much needed change.

Nothing personal about B.O. I am sure he would be fun to drink a beer with, but when you ain't getting it done....time to go. I wish him well in all of his future endeavors, I just don't think that they should any longer included the title of POTUS.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-10-2011, 07:33 AM
Hi Olivia,
You've always seemed pretty level headed in these threads, why so down on the TEA party movement? Do you really not think the government has grown too big and spends too much? Name calling just seems completely out of character for you. I hope all is well. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Yes, the government is too big. The problem with the TP simpletons (and yes, that is what they are) is they are for the most part far too simplistic in their thinking.

One local one--reading right from the script of the day--said at a local meeting, "All we really need to spend taxes on are the military and social security". That's exactly the kind of simplistic foolishness that comes out of the TP.

Add this to their livid insistance that "no new taxes" now is the same as "don't close any tax loopholes".

If I were overweight (which sadly I am) and decided to lose 20 lbs, one option that would seem simple is to cut off a leg. It weighs even more than 20 lbs, so I'd get the job done quickly with a little extra to boot! THAT is the dietary equivalent of most TP "thinkers". It took us decades of bad decisions to get where we are, and I do not see the TP legislators (nor the far end of the liberal block) seriously wanting to look at how to get out of it SANELY.

Sceraming to cut government is the easy part.
Wow, a lot of vitriol....and not many facts. I especially like the person who commented "people should read the S&P report", when it is so obvious that he did not read the report, lol.

Fact is, Gov't is spending too much, with horrible results for what they have spent. Originally Posted by disilene
People who are one-dimensional BORE ME! Government is spending too much? Stop the oil company subsidies. The unlikelihood of Congress stopping the Bush Tax cuts was IN THE REPORT and was a factor in the downgrade, moron! Tax revenue is also the flip side of government spending.

It looks as though YOU are the one who didn't read the report. It also looks as though you missed several interviews with John Chambers (I assume you know who he is) who SAID that the urgency was precipitated by tying a simple bill to raise the debt ceiling to a spending bill. He also mentions the lack of revenue sources in any plan. To be fair, he does go into entitlements but he also ties them DIRECTLY to revenue sources to pay for them!

Since YOU apparently don't read well and since YOU are all too willing to accuse me of not reading the report, it is not a leap for you to also distort the REAL reason for the crash and who did the shoving.

Those things that caused the downgrade that precipitated the crash were NOT the things we could have worked on over time to solve. The things that precipitated the timetable of downgrading by S&P were the things that the TEA PARTY simply took off the table! They even DECLARED that they were prepared to risk a Government shutdown and possible default.

Just in case you missed a key part of what Chambers said, I'll paraphrase it for you. "Most of the other reasons for the downgrade did not need to be solved immediately. The timing of the rating was based on the inability to undertake the simple steps that have been a matter of course before AND the extrapolation of that contentious gridlock upon the unlikeliness of it getting better as those future problems were visited by this bill ."

Chambers even mentions tax revenue as something that could have stalled the rating downgrade - an issue the Tea Party Morons refused to allow to be discussed as a part of debt reduction. Chambers also mentions the last TEN YEARS as problematic and mentions Bush by name. He also freely used the word "brinkmanship" without being prompted to do so. In other words, it was his own description of the politics.

S&P's Chambers - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjcGcAXFaoI

Tax.com article - http://www.tax-news.com/news/SPs_US_...____50856.html

But I digress. There is no reason to debate or school a Tea Party "Patriot". They are just not intelligent enough to understand.

If you believe Fox and Limbaugh and like the Tea Party, the jury is no longer out. They have been back for a while with the verdict. You are an IDIOT!
Funny how the left will call these patriotic Americans, who peacefully exercise their right to assembly and petition their government 'terrorists'. This is what the American right looks like when it takes to the streets of America ! They don't represent a threat to America.........

When the terrorists actually look, act and think more like these lefties. And this is what the American left looks like/does when it takes to the streets ! These types definetly are a threat to America(ns)

Yerassman's Avatar
I just love the republican agenda, feed the rich, starve the poor. They are running this country into the ground. This garbage started when Rush, the head of the party, started with all his twisted thinking and bullshit lies and has gotten worse over the last 20+ years with the fox crew hopping on the band wagon of distortion and deception.
The electorate will be out in force in Nov of 12, and there will be a major shake up in the business as usual crowd on the hill. The GOP will pay, people are pissed, and their rhetoric doesn't cut it any more, they have managed to alienate there own party.
Yerassman's Avatar
Yerassman.....raising the debt ceiling to help stop uncontrolled waste and spending by our elected officials; is kind of like watching an alcoholic drink more whiskey to get sober. Or maybe allowing a drug addict to use more drugs to help himself get off his dependence. It makes no sense at all to allow the Washington "business as usual" bunch to spend money we don't have.
I'm not a Tea Party member, or a republican, or a democrat, I am an American who votes for whichever candidate can help our country get out of the mess we are in.

I agree, we need to address the spending issue, at the proper time. Raise the limit, then go into negotiatons on budget cutting, which is sound thinking. The democrats are very aware that we can't keep spending more than we take in and cuts will have to be made. Don't throw the country under the bus to serve your own show time agenda. Their show time and 15 minutes of fame cost this country more than you know. Cantor is a real piece of work, thats all I am going to say about that weasel.