Did Joey Bribes just fire Breyer?


Is Soto "Black"? If Kumola can be, why can't Soto. Thomas certainly is![/QUOTE]

Not sure of here ethnic mix, but what ever it is, it did not impart intelligence.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup ,,,, Not leftist enough ,,,,,,
I'm not making a prediction about whether Biden will name a replacement for Justice Breyer and get his nomination through the Senate successfully. I would, however, point out that the retirement puts the makeup of the Supreme Court in jeopardy. Biden has not had much success, administratively and one must wonder (from a devolution standpoint) if Trump intends to return before a successor can be approved. Originally Posted by bambino
Dumbest post of whatever day it was made. Lol. If I thought you were even a little serious, I’d feel sorry for you, but it’s clear you’re just trolling.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
Good luck getting that sc nominee approved bahahahhahahaha
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Did Joey Bribes just hand his used mask to Breyer?


Yes, he did!!!!!
bambino's Avatar
Breyers Resignation letter


He addressed it to The President

Not President Biden
Yssup Rider's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Retirement Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He resigned, he didn’t want to end up like Scalia.
... Forced out! ... cut loose like a duce... let go.
Put off his job... Fired!

... Good for him, though... He no longer has to continue
liberal support for the absolute disaster of the Biden presidency.

#### Salty
LexusLover's Avatar
He's not old enough to bail out without some "back story" of terminal ailment, or worse! His perception of the upcoming political events seems extraordinarily clear, since he floated the intentions early.

He can always change his mind through this session. I personally find it troubling that a justice on the SCOTUS would readily accept a replacement for himself based on race and gender promised in a campaign.

Soto was such a "choice" ... and her recent mouthing off about alleged victims in the "pandemic" reveals the depth of her ignorance and outlandishly failed thought processes. That's what one gets from superficial characteristics for employees based on affirmative action standards. Someone has even suggested that Senators won't vote against a Black female!

Wokism? They won't vote before the upcoming election! The simply can't on a gender/race basis.

That's how we got a worthless idiot for a VP and Soto.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Women of color, of course. But you knew that’s what would be said when you penned that rant, eh, LLman?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Or, make Hillary VP, she pulls the 25th on Bribes and becomes POTUS. Originally Posted by bambino
Hillary actually has a major problem and it is the fault of the democrats. They have been trying to impeach Trump for an "insurrection" that is only in their minds. The purpose is to use a Civil War statute that says an elected official who has participated in an insurrection can't run for office again. Well, we know that Hillary paid a foreign national to get dirt on Trump. That is a crime of the election laws. She funnels money through a law firm to create a smear organization. That is trying to illegally influence and election. After Trump won the election (and this is important) he was the government and Hillary participated in an insurrection through Russia, Russia, Russia against the president of the United States. We have enough evidence now to know that she is guilty. Is that who they want to put in the White House when the Senate and House will be controlled by the GOP?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Not sure of here ethnic mix, but what ever it is, it did not impart intelligence. Originally Posted by Jackie S
According to the democrats (depending on the time of day) being a latina is just like being white. That is one dumb white woman.