Mexican President Writes SECOND Letter to Pelosi Asking Her To Pass USMCA

rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah , Fantasy to think congress will work ,,,,U know do something there paid to do,,,,
Let's deport all these mojados to Mars.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
guess i'm with pussolini on this free trade deal. just wish she was honest with her intentions.
  • oeb11
  • 11-29-2019, 06:52 PM
DPST's have only their "truth" narrative - it is exclusive of "Facts"!
Where is it? Another week that the Dims have wasted on impeachment.

Last I read, Pelosi wants to put in wording that forces a Mexican Social Security system in Mexico.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Where is it? Another week that the Dims have wasted on impeachment.

Last I read, Pelosi wants to put in wording that forces a Mexican Social Security system in Mexico. Originally Posted by gnadfly

really? how exactly does she think the US can dictate that to Mexico? this woman is a loon.
  • oeb11
  • 12-03-2019, 02:12 PM
She understands that she cannot use treaty to enforce her wishes on Mexico.
It is just a political ploy to justify her stand against anything constructive Trump does for America.

Impeachment matters more to the DPST's than governing the country.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ and when the impeachment fails , there gonna blame Big -T for nothing getting done , that's just how they work ( or don't ) now
  • oeb11
  • 12-04-2019, 09:11 AM
RD -+1

In her effort to stall the growth of the North American economy, Speaker Pelosi has been trying to block the USMCA by demanding [falsely and with cover by Trumka (AFL-CIO)] that Mexico start a national Social Security program for all Mexican workers.

There’s a bucket load of political obfuscation on the issue, but that’s generally Pelosi’s intentional poison pill. Meanwhile Mexican President Lopez-Obrador has told Lighthizer that Pelosi can go drink a bucket of spit if she thinks the U.S. is going to dictate domestic economic policy to a sovereign country.
Fancy Nancy will never have to deal with the problems she creates. Look at the recent border shootout by the cartels which took a lot of lives. But that doesn't fit the dims narrative. Ahhh what's the use
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ yea maybe ANYTHING to distort the truth
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
fancy nancy??? lol
Where is it? Should have been passed months ago.
Instead donothing Dims have sat on it and therefore sat on 2000 more stock market points as well as held up China deal.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
It was brought up to the floor before you even asked what abuse of power is.