Resist Now! Houston Chronicle nails it!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I do...
pussycat's Avatar
This "Resistance" is a joke. Resist what? The Republicans and their nominee swept the country. Only Harris County in Texas and a handful of other places in the whole country have gone Democratic. Why would anyone want to "Resist" the outcome of a democratic election?

"Resistance" is a term normally ascribed to militants who go underground to violently resist a tyranny brought about through invasion or other imposition by force and terror.

Nothing like that is involved here.

You just lost and don't like the outcome of the election.

Nothing you're doing rises to the importance or gravity of any kind of "Resistance."
OMG, truth. Some of these people act like they are in France and it's World War Two. It's hysterical.

This "Resistance" is a joke. Resist what? The Republicans and their nominee swept the country. Only Harris County in Texas and a handful of other places in the whole country have gone Democratic. Why would anyone want to "Resist" the outcome of a democratic election?

"Resistance" is a term normally ascribed to militants who go underground to violently resist a tyranny brought about through invasion or other imposition by force and terror.

Nothing like that is involved here.

You just lost and don't like the outcome of the election.

Nothing you're doing rises to the importance or gravity of any kind of "Resistance." Originally Posted by pussycat
pussycat's Avatar
Not to digress too much but I was living in Chile with my family in 1973 when Marxist Salvador Allende won the Presidency there. He gained 36 percent of the popular vote, but the system there is like our own electoral college. Who ever wins the most votes is inaugurated by vote of their Congress, even if they didn't get a majority. So the Congress voted him as President with 36 percent of the popular vote.

But many people didn't want him because he was a Marxist and they vowed to "Resist" and said they wouldn't recognize his Presidency. In a few months they'd brought the whole country to paralysis and then the military succeeded at killing him. Then they rounded up thousands of his supporters and tortured and killed them too.


pussycat's Avatar
As a citizen it's you're responsibility to disagree with any President.

But when you say you are going to defy him, or "Resist," then you have crossed a line.

In many places now "antifacists" are forming goon squads with masks who riot whenever someone who they disagree with seeks to speak or rally in public.

If that's what you support then fine. But I've seen this kind of violence in other countries and I don't want it here.

It accomplishes nothing and is very messy. It's not easy to wash blood off the sidewalks and pavement.
EagleEye's Avatar
The Republicans and their nominee swept the country. Only Harris County in Texas and a handful of other places in the whole country have gone Democratic. Why would anyone want to "Resist" the outcome of a democratic election?

"Resistance" is a term normally ascribed to militants who go underground to violently resist a tyranny brought about through invasion or other imposition by force and terror.

Nothing like that is involved here.

You just lost and don't like the outcome of the election.

Nothing you're doing rises to the importance or gravity of any kind of "Resistance." Originally Posted by pussycat
Only Harris County and a "handful" of other places? That is as stupid a comment as the GFEJunkie county map. Like is a county with 500 people is equivalent to LA County with several million. How about this, ~65% of our nation's GDP was in places Trump LOST! Handful? (source: Pffft.

Resistance is just a slogan they are using to mobilize their people. Take a deep breath, un-bunch your panties and try not to take it literally. They are not advocating the violent overthrow of the government. They got bitch slapped in the election and they are trying to rally their forlorn troops. I am guessing that they are not a group armed to the teeth to defend the 2nd as well as their bunker in the desert? What demographic does that? "Libtards"? No, "Contards"? More likely.
Guess you haven't seen the " resistance and persistence" video that Hillary made. Yep,she's baaaaack. Disgusting.

Only Harris County and a "handful" of other places? That is as stupid a comment as the GFEJunkie county map. Like is a county with 500 people is equivalent to LA County with several million. How about this, ~65% of our nation's GDP was in places Trump LOST! Handful? (source: Pffft.

Resistance is just a slogan they are using to mobilize their people. Take a deep breath, un-bunch your panties and try not to take it literally. They are not advocating the violent overthrow of the government. They got bitch slapped in the election and they are trying to rally their forlorn troops. I am guessing that they are not a group armed to the teeth to defend the 2nd as well as their bunker in the desert? What demographic does that? "Libtards"? No, "Contards"? More likely. Originally Posted by EagleEye
pussycat's Avatar
Only Harris County and a "handful" of other places? That is as stupid a comment as the GFEJunkie county map. Like is a county with 500 people is equivalent to LA County with several million. How about this, ~65% of our nation's GDP was in places Trump LOST! Handful? (source: Pffft.

Resistance is just a slogan they are using to mobilize their people. Take a deep breath, un-bunch your panties and try not to take it literally. They are not advocating the violent overthrow of the government. They got bitch slapped in the election and they are trying to rally their forlorn troops. I am guessing that they are not a group armed to the teeth to defend the 2nd as well as their bunker in the desert? What demographic does that? "Libtards"? No, "Contards"? More likely. Originally Posted by EagleEye
"a slogan to mobilize the people"

Sorry but you're wrong. Those using this term also say they don't regard Trump as President and that they reject the outcome of the election because it didn't go there way.

How fucking fragile is our country anyway?

In other countries the differences between candidate are major, but here their differences over the years have been almost non-existent.

The whole point of a Constitution is to resolve these issues WHEN THE DISAGREEMENTS ARE SERIOUS, and not when they are trivial.

For the first time since FDR in 1932 we had an election where the two candidates stood for radically different visions.

And now the Left wants to throw away the whole Constitution because they didn't win.

Well sorry but your vision was rejected. Trump not only has the Presidency but both Houses of the Congress and the Supreme Court and most state legislatures and most Governorships.

His vision is what most people want in all but a few enclaves like Harris County, and a few outlying states like California and New York.

You won't be able to stop people like him from speaking and people like him from voting or running for office.

It's called Democracy. Not "fascism."
pussycat's Avatar
Trump has been President now for a little time and so far nothing he has done with all this power, or anything he's trying to do, has threatened to destroy the country or usurp it into a fascist hell.

All these wild claims by the Left that Trump will destroy our civilization are just hysterics.

There will be a wall, a restriction of immigration somewhat from what Obama did, and some reform of taxes and tariffs.

Not exactly a horrendous calamity.

But the Left just can't stand the symbols and emotions he invokes. They are carried away by the rejection of all there beloved symbols and ideals of inclusion and acceptance.

And it doesn't matter how many kind things he says about gays or women or anyone else. They will always WANT TO BELIEVE he's a bigot when he's never done a bigoted thing in his life.
EagleEye's Avatar
You just rant with no facts, and thus you are not persuasive at all. What facts back up your that the left wants to "throw away the Constitution"? Are there anarchists, on the right, sure. Many? Not likely. The left's version of the MvVeigh/Posse Comitatus/et al on the right.

It doesn't matter that some may not think he is the President. The fact is, he is the President. Some on the right felt the same way in 2009 as some on the left do today. Some thought he was a Muslim (probably still do) and was not a US native citizen. Don't you remember that? Were you ranting about the birthers and Obama-is-a-Muslim as well?

I am a centrist and it cracks me up that partisans on each side of the aisle have such a warped sense of history.
pussycat's Avatar
You just rant with no facts, and thus you are not persuasive at all. What facts back up your that the left wants to "throw away the Constitution"? Are there anarchists, on the right, sure. Many? Not likely. The left's version of the MvVeigh/Posse Comitatus/et al on the right.

It doesn't matter that some may not think he is the President. The fact is, he is the President. Some on the right felt the same way in 2009 as some on the left do today. Some thought he was a Muslim (probably still do) and was not a US native citizen. Don't you remember that? Were you ranting about the birthers and Obama-is-a-Muslim as well?

I am a centrist and it cracks me up that partisans on each side of the aisle have such a warped sense of history. Originally Posted by EagleEye
Don't know what planet you're been inhabiting since the election, but not since 1860 has there been a situation where so many people have said "not my President." There are legions of people on the Left who claim that he has no legitimacy and is not fit to be President and claim that they will not recognize his authority. The whole "Resist" movement is a movement of those people. This goes way beyond anything that's happened since the Civil War. What's going to happen though, as I've posted above, is that Trump is not going to do anything outrageous. So these snowflakes and anarchists are going to whale and cry at small little things he might do which have nothing more than symbolic effect.
EagleEye's Avatar
Don't know what planet you're been inhabiting since the election, but not since 1860 has there been a situation where so many people have said "not my President." There are legions of people on the Left who claim that he has no legitimacy and is not fit to be President and claim that they will not recognize his authority. The whole "Resist" movement is a movement of those people. This goes way beyond anything that's happened since the Civil War. What's going to happen though, as I've posted above, is that Trump is not going to do anything outrageous. So these snowflakes and anarchists are going to whale and cry at small little things he might do which have nothing more than symbolic effect. Originally Posted by pussycat
According to what studies is this the worst since 1860? There have been plenty of dark periods in our history, at this point disgust with a new president doesn't rank with events like the Great Depression, Cuban Missile Crises, Watergate, Prohibition, etc.

Some people have real issues with him, just like people had with Hillary, and would have had if elected President. This is a democracy and the "resisters" have the 1st Amendment. As long as they don't break the law, what problem is it for you? If they do break the law, bring the hammer down.

pussycat's Avatar
According to what studies is this the worst since 1860? There have been plenty of dark periods in our history, at this point disgust with a new president doesn't rank with events like the Great Depression, Cuban Missile Crises, Watergate, Prohibition, etc.

Some people have real issues with him, just like people had with Hillary, and would have had if elected President. This is a democracy and the "resisters" have the 1st Amendment. As long as they don't break the law, what problem is it for you? If they do break the law, bring the hammer down.

Originally Posted by EagleEye
Read what I said. I didn't say the whole country was in a crisis worse than anything since 1860. I referred only to the issue of a segment of the public not recognizing the legitimacy of a President, which resulted in civil war after the election of 1860.

Lincoln was not even on the ballot in many southern States, and no one in the South voted for him. But he was elected anyway with only 38 percent of the popular vote, all his votes coming from working class people in northern States because:

1.He called for an end to immigration
2.He called for an imposition of protective tariffs

Lincoln's platform was identical to Trump's, and for the same reasons. But Lincoln also said he wanted to not extend slavery to new states, and that meant the eventual end to slavery, so southern States didn't put him on the ballot.

When he won with only 38 percent of the vote the publics in South Carolina and other places said they wouldn't recognized his Presidency and he was not legitimate. Then one by one they started breaking away from the Union altogether. Lincoln thought Maryland would be next so he send Federal troops there to occupy it, then he called for a volunteer force to occupy Virginia, and that was the last straw for many states who didn't like him. Texas Governor Sam Houston stumped in Texas' largest cities to oppose leaving the Union, but he was arrested in a coup of secessionists and Texas joined the Confederacy.

I'm not claiming that there will be civil war, but there is no grounds for anyone to claim his Presidency is not valid.

And there's not been such cries of "Resistance" and claims of an invalid Presidency since what happened with Lincoln.
EagleEye's Avatar

I'm not claiming that there will be civil war, but there is no grounds for anyone to claim his Presidency is not valid.

And there's not been such cries of "Resistance" and claims of an invalid Presidency since what happened with Lincoln. Originally Posted by pussycat
Explain why you care what the Resistance folks say? Trump is the President, until end of term or removal from office. They can't change that.

We live in a (mostly) free country and people can say Trump is a misogynist, a space alien, a member of the Masons or not a valid President... whatever they want. It doesn't really matter what you (or I, for that matter) think of their words or actions, so long as its legal. That's typical of what happens when a party is thrown out of power.

There was as much, or greater "resistance" to Obama after his election. Did you fret about the whole birther or Obama the Muslim claims? Or was that a different sort of not-a-valid-President thing? If not, you are a hypocrite.
pussycat's Avatar

There was as much, or greater "resistance" to Obama after his election. Did you fret about the whole birther or Obama the Muslim claims? Or was that a different sort of not-a-valid-President thing? If not, you are a hypocrite. Originally Posted by EagleEye
No there wasn't. No one said about Obama that they were forming "a resistance" to him, or that he "was not my President."

This has not happened since 1860, as I explained.

Why do I care?

Why shouldn't I?

Nothing on this board rises to the level of life altering if that is your standard.