Dummy Needs to Go Away

lustylad's Avatar
...they do offer English as a language at most schools. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I thought that pathetic grammar sounded familiar "Dummy Needs to Go Away". Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Oh my! You noticed the same thing I did the first time Lucy the Fraud started posting here!

The dumb bitch sure doesn't know how to articulate her muddled "thoughts" using a level of Grammar or a command of the English language that would befit someone claiming to have three (3) Ivy League degrees!!

What a clever thread title - "Dummy Needs to Go Away".... clickbait for 5 year olds!

You just gave Lucy a well-deserved bitch-slap!!


sportfisherman's Avatar
Does anyone have a defense of Trump's irresponsible behavior other than to attack the people that post exposing his shortcomings ?

Trump has no defense.He is a walking,talking,tweeting disaster.

His presidency has mis-led us into the worst shit of my entire life.
What a fuck-up !!
Lol Lucas. Shirley you cannot "still" be surprised by the stupidity of the ignorant in chief and his ignorant clueless racist redneck supporters. They are what they are smh.

They are fun to fk w though :

Apparently the trump doctors didn't give him an IQ test while he was admitted
lustylad's Avatar
Does anyone have a defense of Trump's irresponsible behavior other than to attack the people that post exposing his shortcomings ?

Trump has no defense.He is a walking,talking,tweeting disaster.

His presidency has mis-led us into the worst shit of my entire life.
What a fuck-up !! Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Oh, puulleeeeze!

Would you rather be storming the beaches at Normandy or re-loading the machine guns at Henderson Field?

You're carrying such a burden, aintcha!

You have to stay home and lie on the couch binge-watching Netflix all day because the chi-coms cooked up a pathogen in a lab...

...and all you can do is whine, whine, whine... and blame trump instead of the chi-coms?

"... the worst shit of my entire life?"

Might be time for you to grow the fuck up, boy!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
What exactly are you prattling on about? Let's recap, shall we:
  • You are still alive
    • Admittedly, that's more of a downside for the rest of us
  • The economy was rip'n prior to COVID
    • Starting to again
    • Guessing you forgot about the Nobel nominations for it too
  • Without knowing a G-dang thing about the Kung-flu, we managed to stave off millions of deaths
    • Not to overlook, we now know a chite-ton about it and have treatments for it
    • To the point that a 74 yr old, who is overweight, spends 2 days in the hospital from it without missing a beat at work
    • Bummer. Huh?
  • A vaccine for it is likely around the corner
    • Fastest pace in world history (avg time is 4-10 yrs)
    • The mechanics for distribution are already in place
  • Peace in the Middle East. Who'd a thunk it?
    • Racked up 2 Nobel nominations for it so far
  • No new wars
    • Bringing home troops
    • That JV team caliphate? Gone-ski
    • Psssst! We are not at war with
      • North Korea
      • Russia
      • Iran, except economically
      • China, though that could change, but likely economically only
  • NATO? Yeah, they be ponying up some dinero finally.
  • The boarder wall? How about 10 miles per week?
    • Remember ol' shovel ready OVomit?
    • Wouldn't know a shovel if it him upside his fat head
    • How many Billions of our $$ did he piss down a hole?
  • The military that ODumbo gutted is now restored
  • The VA? Working now, plus they can fire malcontents now.
Pro Tip: Perhaps the best way for [you] to avoid seeing a fuck up is for [you] to avoid mirrors?

Recapping the recap
  • You are alive, so to speak., along with hundreds of millions of normal folk
  • COVID is dying, plus is close to 99.98% survival rate now
  • Military is solid, troops coming home
  • Trump is git'n 'er dun, each and every day

Does anyone have a defense of Trump's irresponsible behavior other than to attack the people that post exposing his shortcomings ?

Trump has no defense.He is a walking,talking,tweeting disaster.

His presidency has mis-led us into the worst shit of my entire life.
What a fuck-up !! Originally Posted by sportfisherman
You received you "no defend" answer sportfisherman. Makes you wonder what country the defenders are posting from
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Crying Antifa SJW crazy moron OP
lustylad's Avatar
You received you "no defend" answer sportfisherman. Makes you wonder what country the defenders are posting from Originally Posted by Tsmokies
how's the weather in Beijing? Smokey? Wear your mask!

Or are you posting from Wuhan's Level 4 Biogen lab?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The 10,000 number, if true, is totally misleading. A person with heart disease catches COVID and dies. The cause of death on the death certificate would be "Heart disease" even though the true cause was COVID... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

It's actually a shade under 10K. Did you go to the same shoddy skoolz as Lucy? Is that why reading comprehension is a foreign subject to you? What the CDC actually says is the <10,000 people died with only COVID listed as a cause of death. The rest died with multiple causes listed, including COVID. Of those, the average number of comorbidities was 2.6.

.. If I was scared I would stay locked up in my house... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Scared and/or at risk people should do 4 basic things:
  • Stay home as much as possible
    • Gheese! You can get just about anything delivered these days
    • We got's the internets. Hat tip to Al Bore??
    • If you can't stay home, armor up - life is rough
  • Practice rigorous hygiene
    • Wash your hands
    • Avoid touching your face
    • Quit space invading and sniffing other peoples hair
  • Live with your own insecurities
    • They are exclusively yours, not ours
  • Quit carping about what other people should do
HedonistForever's Avatar
The argument is, was Covid 19 the "underlying cause of death" which are the only numbers that should be counted but there is evidence by documents and testimony, that this isn't always the case.

If you died from a heart attack at 80 and the death certificate says the underlying cause of death was a heart attack but the patient also had Covid "some doctors, hospitals, those controlling, compiling information" have been known to place anybody that has died "with Covid", died "from Covid".

That is the argument and as I just said, some doctors have come forward with testimony that they have been told to list Covid as the "underlying cause of death" when it wasn't.

Whether these testimonies are true and how many they may represent, we do not know but it is safe to assume that not all deaths listed as "Covid being the underlying cause of death" are accurate.



Physicians Say Hospitals Are Pressuring ER Docs to List COVID-19 on Death Certificates. Here’s Why

The economic incentive to add COVID-19 to diagnostic lists and death certificates is clear and does not require any conspiracy.
Earlier this month, Illinois’s top health official explained that any victim diagnosed with the novel coronavirus would be classified as a COVID-19 death—regardless of whether it contributed to the patient’s death.
“If you died of a clear alternate cause, but you had Covid at the same time, it’s still listed as a Covid death,” Dr. Ngozi Ezike, the director of Illinois's Department of Public Health, explained to reporters.


Fact check: Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID-19, on ventilators

"Hospital administrators might well want to see COVID-19 attached to a discharge summary or a death certificate. Why? Because if it's a straightforward, garden-variety pneumonia that a person is admitted to the hospital for – if they're Medicare – typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000. But if it's COVID-19 pneumonia, then it's $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000."

Ask yourself a very simple question. "If hospitals get more federal dollars from a Covid related death, will some be tempted to put down Covid when it wasn't the underlying cause of death?

As Joe Biden would say "Come on Man"! You know the answer to that now don't you?

sportfisherman's Avatar
I already told you the only time one cause of death is listed is for GSW or MVA generally.

The fact that Covid deaths have other disease processes listed is irrelevant.Has no bearing as to that death being due to Covid.It may indicate that certain comorbidities were present but those people could have lived another 20-30 years with their HTN,DM,etc.

So clinging to an invalid premise is typical of Trump.

How many death certificates has anyone on here filled out ?

And for LL I am presently reading a good book on Guadalcanal and Henderson Field and I am not carrying any burden except concern for my country which has hit the lowest bottom of my lifetime under Trump.

And I would assert that all Trump and his supporters do is Whine Whine Whine and blame his fuck ups on not just China,but WHO,Media,Governors,CDC,etc.

You name it and they will blame it !!
We also know that many deaths by Covid have not been listed as Covid. During the summer FL Dept of Health informed coroners and hospital physicians to only list the cause of death as the final medical condition from which death occurred. This led to pneumonia and renal failure (or results from renal failure such as heart attack) being listed rather than Covid. It goes both ways sadly because it’s been politicized.

BTW, Many people that have died from Covid have been listed as heart failure. This is mainly due to renal failure resulting from Covid which led to build up of potassium which in turn leads to heart attack.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Well, this thread went pretty much how I expected. The Trump lovers stick up for him no matter what. I wish no harm on the man and I wish him a quick recovery but he is setting a really bad example. That's no surprise. He was never a leader.

He has a lot of idiots who believe his every word. They are sitting there thinking like him now and dismissing this deadly virus because they are stupid. What they fail to realize is that they can't hop on a helicopter and get the best healthcare available immediately when they come down with it like he can.

He has the luxury of being reckless, but if he had any empathy, he would realize that a regular person does not have access to what he has. I don't know about you guys, but I don't have a helicopter or a pilot on standby waiting to take me wherever I need to go in a minutes notice.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...What they fail to realize is that they can't hop on a helicopter and get the best healthcare available immediately when they come down with it like he can... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Someone around these here parts said something akin to: One cannot buy their health. Notwithstanding that, I thought OVomit-scare was the be all, end all. What happened with that?
Ironic isn't it that he can act irresponsibly toward protecting himself and others, yet gets the best healthcare available to anyone in the world at taxpayers expense while paying no taxes himself. I think he should be on the hook for the bill himself, instead of freeloading.