Crypto craze

rexdutchman's Avatar
only for the elites nusk alikes
ahab11's Avatar
I remember looking online at the DOGE coin predictions last month. My friend told me I needed to get in on it.. I was ready to do so, but procrastinated.

"A man who procrastinates in his choosing will eventually have his choice made for him by circumstance".

A true quote indeed.. I woke up two mornings later to about 20 missed calls and messages. First text .. the friend who informed me made $259,000 overnight.

*slaps forehead twice*

I wonder if they'll hit another peak soon. Also, Ripple seems promising.. thoughts on that? Originally Posted by Shanell Raely
Shanell looking forward to scheduling a session with you where you can choke and slap me for not selling my BTC at 60K.....I deserve to be taught a lesson for missing that top.

I average out at 10K and one analyst says expect 20K before it ever sniffs 50K again.
Tx Noob's Avatar
Just saw this and wanted to get some opinions. Was thinking about doing some low level investments.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Just saw this and wanted to get some opinions. Was thinking about doing some low level investments. Originally Posted by Tx Noob
Deus_Soul's Avatar
Bitcoin just broke the previous support line (El Salvador is leading the movement in making Bitcoin a new form of legal tender, it’s been in talks that more South American countries will follow suit),moving back up to 60k would be nice. Also I’m expecting ETH and ADA to reach new ATH by the end of August.
I’m a huge fan of ETH, but MATIC and XRP are good also. XRP is under SEC investigation but most all think will be a good outcome. My financial advisor really likes the incorporation of XRP into major institutional money movement which he sees on a regular basis. MATIC is a layer 2 solution on ETH chain which currently has 5x more transactions. On a daily basis than ETH itself and helps facilitate a decrease in ETH “gas” fees which have dropped 90% in the last 30 days. I consider ETH basically the Amazon of Crypto.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Do you guys have a crypto game plan? Are you holding it as currency you expect to appreciaate? are you ready to sell when it (hopefullly) reaches a pre-defined price level?
Chung Tran's Avatar
And so the saying goes - it's worth exactly what someone else will pay for it. They don't mention those unfortunate times when no one will pay for it.
Chung Tran's Avatar
And so the saying goes - it's worth exactly what someone else will pay for it. They don't mention those unfortunate times when no one will pay for it. Originally Posted by Luv4Fun
Yes. For all the chatter about Crypto, it has cratered in the past 4 months.
I've kept my BTC, ETH and LTC for years and to date, pretty good profit but I am letting it ride. I've made small investments (money I can afford to lose) in Safemoon and a few others. They aren't doing as well. DOGE is doing ok. There are those who day trade but not for me. There is a scam (I believe it is) going on right now. I was approached by a couple of people on IG to give them money and they will turn it into a lot of money. They provide a website (which seems legit) but want my BTC wallet info (this is where the scam is, I believe) after I make my deposit. I've tried to figure out their angle but I haven't been able to yet. Investors beware.
Joddxxx's Avatar
I’m focusing on Coinbase as an investment but I think I’m going to pull out very soon. There will be a bubble in this sector and only certain Crypto currency will be around.
I’ve been thinking about doing the same thing recently. It seems that everyone’s got some cryptos already, except for me. My friend advises me to get information from octocrypto io. Hopefully, I’ll decide which currency to buy and not get scammed. The second is actually my biggest fear. How do I know that the website sells crypto and not just steals my money? Also, what currencies would you suggest? I’ve been thinking about buying Shiba Inu or Ethereum. Maybe I should better choose one of the meme coins like Doge Coin? PS. that’s really interesting; probably going to help me choose the currency.
BTC and ETH weekly or monthly buy ins.
Get you some SHIBA INU also.
Keep it reoccurring and forget about it like 401k.
One day you'll be flying in the providers direct. Lol
Then send me a date for the help. Haha.
Speaking of date?!?!?!?
Use or coinbase and you'll be fine