A great deal of you will be very happy

Twist of Fate's Avatar
I strongly disagree Raphael. I have watched this person slam other ladies and guys and give misinformation on several occasions and with very obvious malicious intentions and I have zero respect for that type of person.

I for one am grateful for whoever has brought this decision on although i do not believe it will last because I have seen her post several contradictions as to her length of time and reasoning for being here.

Hopefully now we will hear form legitimate ladies that have something useful to offer us all.
Awwww, I think the sofia pity-party is hitting full stride.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Does this mean the girls will be Independent now and we would not have to go through you? So there phone bills will be paid and not yours? Are you going to stop managing them so we can get their contact info and hear from them so those of us who wanted to visit finally can without having to deal with you?

Hopefully they will be on P411 so I can finally get to see Layla. Or was there another reason they were removed I should know? Originally Posted by Twist of Fate

and you can't get in you cheap bastard...sorry had to get that out...It means we have our client base and weasel no dicks penny pichers can never get it! Read between the lines dumbfuck...My job here is done...Thank you client base....

Sorry had to get it out...Again, thank you for the client base....
boardman's Avatar
Sofia what did you expect from a much of mongers ?
I think you set the bar too high.
Adios. Originally Posted by carkido45
This is the Houston Forum afterall. Cat hearding comes to mind.

This could be a classic double cross. Be careful DH she might be running off to Singapore with ANONONE
dearhunter's Avatar

Don't give away my evil plan.
Twist of Fate's Avatar

and you can't get in you cheap bastard...sorry had to get that out...It means we have our client base and weasel no dicks penny pichers can never get it! Read between the lines dumbfuck...My job here is done...Thank you client base....

Sorry had to get it out...Again, thank you for the client base.... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
Excuse you? Cheap bastard? LOL, You obviously do not have any idea who you are speaking to since the ladies that know can vouch I am anything but cheap. From what I have read from you and about you is why I stated myself and many others would never call a person like you. very amateurish of you but true to style. Thank you for proving my point.

It is ok, I will get contact info for Layla without you. She does not need a pimp like you. You have done nothing but hold them back.

Thank you again for the laugh. Shouldn't you be gone now instead of watching your supposed last threAD? Don't you have anything better to do with your time?
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Excuse you? Cheap bastard? LOL, You obviously do not have any idea who you are speaking to since the ladies that know can vouch I am anything but cheap. From what I have read from you and about you is why I stated myself and many others would never call a person like you. very amateurish of you but true to style. Thank you for proving my point.

It is ok, I will get contact info for Layla without you. She does not need a pimp like you. You have done nothing but hold them back.

Thank you again for the laugh. Shouldn't you be gone now instead of watching your supposed last threAD? Don't you have anything better to do with your time? Originally Posted by Twist of Fate
watch Layla turn you down...LOL Funny you never posted but the day I decide to leave you show your avatar. Coward! umm no one vouched for you..If they do guys check out their rates...I rest my case.
dearhunter's Avatar

Is ToF going to marry Layla?

We could make it a double wedding...........can I boink Layla as a wedding present?
Twist of Fate's Avatar
"You rest your case"? Did you try and make a point there? Anyone else get this other than you? I have never contacted you so you are correct in saying no one has vouched for me. I never said I have asked anyone to vouch for me with you. I never would or will do that.

Layla turn me down? Highly unlikely, money talks and I have no issue with spending as I said I have plenty of excellent references and over 40 okays on P411 so I do not have to deal with second hand amateurs like yourself. You should not speak before you think because you obviously have no idea whatt you are talking about right now since you do not know me.

Coward? Show my avatar? Despite what you may believe in the short period you have been around these boards watch people like you come and go and you really will not be missed other than as the butt of peoples jokes which I have no doubt will carry on for some time. I am sorry you are so upset with the truth and the fact that you would of had a great client if it were not for your unfavorable personality. You have proven time and time again that you are a nasty person and that is your problem to work out why you are not liked and have lost potential clients. That is not my concern and to all out attack me because I ask for a girls contact info is not shocking at all. Many people were correct about your operation not being any different than a craigslist pimp.

Good Luck to you in your future endeavors and hopefully you have learned something from all of this.
hotelal's Avatar
Well said Raphael!! I don't post much here.. feels too much like Fox News...lol
I'll miss your contribution darling!
boardman's Avatar
Since Sofia is gone can we make this thread about Me, Me, Me? This thread is getting dull.
Twist of Fate's Avatar

Is ToF going to marry Layla?

We could make it a double wedding...........can I boink Layla as a wedding present? Originally Posted by dearhunter
LOL, I have always admired your sense of humour DH and look forward to posting with you.

Marry Layla, not if my life depended on it but for a couple of hours I would damn sure feast on those gorgeous breast of hers. I will do that guaranteed! just have to make sure I save up some batter for a few days so I have a good load to cover them with.
Guest091710's Avatar
We have Our differences, but dont allow others to push You out. Stand up for Yourself girl.
boardman's Avatar
Cilla you're still cute as a button........................ ............

Wanna go to Singapore with a few friends?
dearhunter's Avatar
LOL, I have always admired your sense of humour DH and look forward to posting with you.

Marry Layla, not if my life depended on it but for a couple of hours I would damn sure feast on those gorgeous breast of hers. I will do that guaranteed! just have to make sure I save up some batter for a few days so I have a good load to cover them with. Originally Posted by Twist of Fate
You don't have to live with me..............you people should be feeling sorry for sofia..................till death do us part.