War & Culture War: Patriarch Kyrill & LGBT

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
"I was pained over the Ukrainian schism, and quite annoyed with the Ecumenical Patriarch for getting involved (his rivalry with Patriarch Kyrill is well known), but I had no idea that the US Government played such a role. (John Schindler, by the way, teaches at the US Naval War College, so he’s not an Internet rando making this claim.) This infuriates me! Typical American meddling, only seeing religion in political terms, pushing ahead heedless of the damage this does to a thousand year old church. "

So, our government was involved in pushing for the split between the Moscow and Ukrainian Orthodox churches. Something to ponder. Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet

I had no idea that the U.S. state dept. got involved with the religious aspect of the of a new orthodox run region.

I was following this UKR/Moscow church split with interest.

theres 2 churches in UKR. one was tied to the Moscow church and one was not and wasn't an official church. a faction wanted to split from the Moscow church. something the religious leaders in moscow opposed.

the Greek pope following the rules of his orthodox order created a new orthodox church for UKR amidst Moscow church opposition.

did you know theres an american orthodox church and its not official one.
I had no idea that the U.S. state dept. got involved with the religious aspect of the of a new orthodox run region.

I was following this UKR/Moscow church split with interest.

theres 2 churches in UKR. one was tied to the Moscow church and one was not and wasn't an official church. a faction wanted to split from the Moscow church. something the religious leaders in moscow opposed.

the Greek pope following the rules of his orthodox order created a new orthodox church for UKR amidst Moscow church opposition.

did you know theres an american orthodox church and its not official one. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
There are many complicated historical and cultural issues between Russia and Ukraine which the West is exploiting for it's own reasons.

As I understand, there is some question of the canonical validity of the Ukrainian church . Unlike the Catholic church there is no single leader such as the pope and granting autocephaly requires a synod of bishops from the various Orthodox churches to gather and make a decision. It is not something the ecumenical patriarch can unilaterally determine.

If you are referring to the Orthodox Church in America , this article may be helpful :


For a more complete understanding of Orthodox history, belief and practice , I recommend The Orthodox Church by Timothy Ware.
Hasn’t the Episcopalian Sect in the US embrace the LGBTQ Agenda?
Just a rhetorical question.

Trying to justify Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as a strike against the LGBTQ community is as asinine thought as I have every heard.
I suppose this “bishop” in the Russian Orthodox Church knows he can’t tell his congregations what is really going on with his “holy warriors”. Murder, Rape, Genocide, ….yeh, Gods on our side.

If he says otherwise, I’m sue his next zip code would be Siberia.

As to a lot of these nut case Teachers holding camps for 8 year olds to discuss Sexuality, well, you’re nothing but a bunch of pedophiles and need to be treated as such by the Law.
Hasn’t the Episcopalian Sect in the US embrace the LGBTQ Agenda?
Just a rhetorical question.

Trying to justify Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as a strike against the LGBTQ community is as asinine thought as I have every heard.
I suppose this “bishop” in the Russian Orthodox Church knows he can’t tell his congregations what is really going on with his “holy warriors”. Murder, Rape, Genocide, ….yeh, Gods on our side.

If he says otherwise, I’m sue his next zip code would be Siberia.

As to a lot of these nut case Teachers holding camps for 8 year olds to discuss Sexuality, well, you’re nothing but a bunch of pedophiles and need to be treated as such by the Law. Originally Posted by Jackie S
"Hasn’t the Episcopalian Sect in the US embrace the LGBTQ Agenda?
Just a rhetorical question. "

Largely. Many for Episcopalians have converted to Orthodoxy for this reason, among others.

"Trying to justify Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as a strike against the LGBTQ community is as asinine thought as I have every heard.
I suppose this “bishop” in the Russian Orthodox Church knows he can’t tell his congregations what is really going on with his “holy warriors”. Murder, Rape, Genocide, ….yeh, Gods on our side."

Understanding the larger cultural battle as a factor in the conflict is not the same as justification.

"As to a lot of these nut case Teachers holding camps for 8 year olds to discuss Sexuality, well, you’re nothing but a bunch of pedophiles and need to be treated as such by the Law. "

You may be more in sympathy with ' some' of the Metropolitans statements then you realize. Some see Ukraine as the front line in a cultural battle against such practices.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
"Hasn’t the Episcopalian Sect in the US embrace the LGBTQ Agenda?
Just a rhetorical question. "

Largely. Many for Episcopalians have converted to Orthodoxy for this reason, among others.

"Trying to justify Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as a strike against the LGBTQ community is as asinine thought as I have every heard.
I suppose this “bishop” in the Russian Orthodox Church knows he can’t tell his congregations what is really going on with his “holy warriors”. Murder, Rape, Genocide, ….yeh, Gods on our side."

Understanding the larger cultural battle as a factor in the conflict is not the same as justification.

"As to a lot of these nut case Teachers holding camps for 8 year olds to discuss Sexuality, well, you’re nothing but a bunch of pedophiles and need to be treated as such by the Law. "

You may be more in sympathy with ' some' of the Metropolitans statements then you realize. Some see Ukraine as the front line in a cultural battle against such practices. Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet


"All of the above indicates that we have entered into a struggle that has not a physical, but a metaphysical significance."

Would you provide an article or editorial so I can understand the big picture? Is it a major religion split?

I'm interested to know how conservatives view progress. Maybe a French piece. Supporting le Pen maybe?

France braces for Le Pen-Macron showdown


Le Pen insisted that opinion polls giving Macron the lead would be proved wrong and took aim at her rival's plan to push back the retirement age to 65 from 62.

Macron for his part said Le Pen was trying to mask an authoritarian "extreme right" platform that stigmatises Muslims with a plan to outlaw headscarves in public.

Analysts say abstention rates could reach 25 to 30 percent, in particular among left-wing voters unhappy with Macron's pro-business agenda, not least his tax cuts for businesses and the highest earners.