COVID vaccine approvals

lilylivered's Avatar
Took vax. Just dont want to see it forced on anyone. Originally Posted by Hard2Kill
same, my choice, not some fuckin politician
rooster's Avatar
I respectfully disagree. It is obvious the vaccines are of limited efficacy.... Originally Posted by Withnail
To say the vaccines are of "limited efficacy" is a matter of opinion. No one every said they would be perfect. But I think that many in the field of immunology, i.e. people who really understand this, are quite impressed with the overall efficacy. They work pretty damn well. Saved a bunch of lives. A bunch. And my opinion is...that statements like this are not supported by the data. Quite the opposite. And they only add to the confusion and misinformation.

rooster's Avatar
My biggest pause is the amount of people i know in medical field against getting them. They are frontline... what are they seeing? Originally Posted by Rainbird4668
I work in that field also. I interact with these people all day, every day. And the thing that gives me pause is the realization that many of these people are just as unscientific and unobjective as the average person off of the street. Very disappointing. And it adds to the confusion and misinformation when it is assumed that they know what they are talking about.

Being a nurse or an X-Ray Tech or a...whatever...doesn't really mean you understand anything other than your job. Don't ask these people for advice outside of their limited sphere of knowledge. They are not qualified to give it. And they make just as many bad choices as the rest of us.

rooster's Avatar
I agree with you regarding the vaccine but where you lose me and are dead wrong is when you make it political. Right now the left is doing a very affective job of making this political and how it is all those right wing Trump loving Republicans that won't get the shot.

First of all FACT #1. Who was it on the campaign trail saying there was no way they would get the shot if it came out during the Trump administration? The current President and Vice President.

Fact #2. Who is it currently that is lagging behind in getting the vaccine? African Americans and other minorities. Last time I checked those are not right wing Trump loving Republicans.

So who is it that is leading all of this divisiveness by claiming it is all Republicans that won't get the shot? Stop watching CNN, MSNBC, and FOX news. Originally Posted by tbear4u77
Ooh, so much good stuff here. I'll only hit a couple.

First, I am as upset as anyone that this is political, and please don't lump me into that group. I didn't make it that way. I hate Pelosi and Cuomo as much as I hate Trump and McConnell. They are all fools and do not really care about anything but themselves and their cronies.

RE: Fact #2. Well, the first thing that comes to mind is "Tuskegee." But there are countless other fuck-jobs that they have been subjected too. They don't trust anyone any more. Why should they? But it is a damn shame because they have thrown out the baby with the bathwater....

Also, I don't watch CNN. Or Fox. Or MSNBC. I despise Anderson Cooper and Chris Cuomo as much as Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity. These are the true mongers of divisiveness. And their bank accounts grow with every view and click.

rooster's Avatar
And.... IF these vaccines DO in fact work like Roo says they work (and I agree with him that they do)....

Then why, DAFUQ is anyone worrying about the unvaccinated????

Like I said -- I've got my shots and could give two fucks less about whether the guy next to me had his shots or not.....
Forcing the unvaccinated to get vaccinated to protect the ALREADY vaccinated just doesn't add up.....

Unless there is a different reason the Dimwats want to impose their will on YOU.
Thinck about it. Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Paulie, Paulie, Paulie.....REALLY? Come on.....

Though there are many holes in your argument, I will remind you of one simple point, which is so often forgotten:

Kids can't fucking get the vaccine.

They need high vaccination rates among those who can get it to help protect them.

Now...notice that I said "help" protect them. Cuz I don't want you throwing the argument back in my face that "vaccinated people can transmit the virus also, so why bother?" That IS true. But the overwhelming evidence is that vaccinated people are much less likely to contract it, and they are contagious for a much shorter period of time if they do.

Also, the unvaccinated schmuck sitting next to you is maybe brewing up the next Delta variant....which your vaccine might not protect against.

(sorry, that's two points)

rooster's Avatar
Traditionally would not be an issue but things have changed…..Government lost the confidence of the people. Too much lying, siding with the powerful and using the fed and govt agencies to enrich themselves and their benefactors. Not to mention using the 2 party system to divide and conquer

Look a little deeper and you will see the reasons. Americans need to become curious of what is happening or they will lose their heritage. Originally Posted by sexman333
Truest post here...

rooster's Avatar
Interesting why posters feel the need to state their vaccine status? Originally Posted by sexman333
Cuz me and Perry beat people down every time they post how big their dicks are. They gotta have sumthin to brag about.....

rooster's Avatar
same, my choice, not some fuckin politician Originally Posted by lilylivered
Ugh. Worst fuckin post in this threAd.....

Dude, you never said jack shit about having to get the measles vaccine. Or smallpox. And you probably knew that it wasn't just about YOU not getting it. It was to help protect everyone.

Again....HELP protect. Not guarantee. But this is all about odds and time people. The vaccines are the best tools we have to get this bullshit under control.

lilylivered's Avatar
Got measles, and chick pox, no vax, get it right
Small pox and polio, Those were concerns.
I dont give one shit if you believe the government!
I dont!
rooster's Avatar
Got measles, and chick pox, no vax, get it right
Small pox and polio, Those were concerns.
I dont give one shit if you believe the government!
I dont! Originally Posted by lilylivered
So COVID not a concern, then. For you or anyone you might come into contact with?

Whew! Glad to hear! I wuz worried....

...and whatever happened to Herd Immunity...?
valkyra's Avatar
...and whatever happened to Herd Immunity...? Originally Posted by Withnail
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but my thought has always been that herd immunity is something that is naturally brought about. We all naturally build up an immunity to a lot of basic sicknesses by being exposed to them and being around other people who are exposed to them.

With all of the mask wearing and hyper-cleanliness, these little bacteria aren't having a chance to get into our systems, which means that we aren't able to build up an immunity against them when they get big enough to invade our bodies and make us seriously sick.

Herd immunity would only apply if we were all exposed to it and our bodies built up an immunity to it, and then we shared the immunity with other people so that they couldn't get sick. I don't think herd immunity is a shot that everyone collectively decides to get, because it isn't something we came up with naturally and because not everyone has it for this reason.
(Or does it not matter? Someone please clarify this, I'm actually not sure)
With all of the mask wearing and hyper-cleanliness, these little bacteria aren't having a chance to get into our systems, which means that we aren't able to build up an immunity against them when they get big enough to invade our bodies and make us seriously sick. Originally Posted by valkyra
I am actually interested in the answer to the rest of your question as well. Great question.

But what cracks me up is that people actually believe the masks they are wearing are doing any good. And I don't want to hear they are better than nothing. The surgical masks, cloth masks, and all the other homemade g-strings are nothing more than a 1 year old carrying around their security blanket. But if it makes all the folks feel better go for it.

Remember follow the science as we tell you it is. Not the ACTUAL science.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but my thought has always been that herd immunity is something that is naturally brought about. We all naturally build up an immunity to a lot of basic sicknesses by being exposed to them and being around other people who are exposed to them.

With all of the mask wearing and hyper-cleanliness, these little bacteria aren't having a chance to get into our systems, which means that we aren't able to build up an immunity against them when they get big enough to invade our bodies and make us seriously sick.

Herd immunity would only apply if we were all exposed to it and our bodies built up an immunity to it, and then we shared the immunity with other people so that they couldn't get sick. I don't think herd immunity is a shot that everyone collectively decides to get, because it isn't something we came up with naturally and because not everyone has it for this reason.
(Or does it not matter? Someone please clarify this, I'm actually not sure) Originally Posted by valkyra
How do you think natural herd immunity would work for the aids virus?
They work. He lost. There was no steal. Originally Posted by rooster
Ooh, so much good stuff here. I'll only hit a couple.

First, I am as upset as anyone that this is political, and please don't lump me into that group. I didn't make it that way. Originally Posted by rooster
Yeah ya did make it political!

Like I said it is my belief that people should get the shot. It is not meant to keep you from ever contracting the virus but it just may save your life if you do and will slow the spread.

The biggest problem I have is the people in charge doing what they do best and pinning people against one another. Like the people not getting the shot are bunch of Covid infected monsters going around giving it to everyone.

Mandating people with natural immunity and have legitimate religious or health concerns is fucking bullshit. It is Government overreach at it's finest. It is allowed because of what they are doing in previous paragraph. See how that works.

Use your best judgement. Talk to YOUR doctor. Do what is best for you. Don't listen to these fucking assholes that tell you to do it for all of us because those people could give two shits about you. Get the vaccine, awesome. Don't get the vaccine, your choice. Either way your not an asshole, shouldn't be shamed, and those that tell you that you are, are the true assholes!!!