$2000 Companion vs. $200 Companion

AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
If i could pay that level, I would probably be looking for travel companion type as well, that would want to visit the louvre in paris, aspen colorado, fiji, new zealand. (and she would have to be able to talk) Originally Posted by lostforkate
If you do reach this level, please put me on the list of whom to take with you, lol!
You did miss a fabulous time on the lake!
Yes AB ur on my short list for a long time, in more ways than one. LOL. I may not be able to wait for the boat to go back on the water.
Just curious as to what impressions you folks have as to whether the $2000 lady does things the $200 lady does not do in a session. If so, what does she do to justify the difference in price? Originally Posted by John Bull
I personally think that the level of comparison is an inappropriate one, it leads to the usual "superiority" versus "inferiority" dichotomy and stigma. I`d actually prefer to not " compare" experiences like this in a "has to justify" arena.

There is absolutely nothing that could possibly "justify" a difference in rates, except the providers choice to focus on that area of enterprise.

If we are trying to compare sensual, and wholistic experiences (which I personally see an encounter between two people, no matter if it is a paid one), we would need to do the following: You see a beautiful flower, and then you want to cut it into pieces of partial understanding, and the aftermath is, that the flower is destroyed.

What I mean to say is - in my usual overly complicated way with probably way too many words - that personalities and such can`t be cut into pieces and triggered into "services" as parts of personalities.

This is a general area I critizise very much: The degrading of people into "servants" who deliver something that can be measured. And a comparative justification does exactly that. However, if I go in a five star restaurant I expect my food to be better than Mac Donalds, that is correct. But, escorting I don`t see as something that "serves" a piece. If somebody wants a list of "to do`s" then please get an inflated doll. It does not make sense to be with a "person" then. And I see all escorts as persons, that offer "experiences", that can`t be downsized to "oh she does a, b , c , d and hence it costs this and that.

It is - similar to a therapeutic experience - where you also can`t say "Oh how does this therapist move his left hand when speaking? Is this the reason seminars with him cost twice as much as seminars with the other one?"
It is a personal interaction. Of course - some might say we are not as individualistic as we wish to be - but overall I don`t see any objective measurements possible.

And when saying this I do not only refer to the demi-monde (to find an excuse for lousy services ... hahaha - just kidding, cynical jokes), I see that also represented in studies about the effects of therapies. Some suggest, it is much more about the interaction between two people (which you can`t measure) than the "learned" method of interaction. It`s a tricky subject, but a very very interesting one. I think to discuss this profoundly, we all have to start discussing our "view" of the measurements and how they derive in our social context.

Also, a lot about escorting in general is - like for example with good therapists or attorneys or doctors - about the reputation and this comes with marketing skills.
There are doctors out there who get paid twice as much as a newbie or someone without "the network" and that does not necessarily mean that they offer a "better" service. A lot is about marketing, being in the know, socializing with the right crowd, and so on.

Just my 50.000 cents
I found the question to be odd but in time I liked the 10x contrast is facinating, and the difference is not what is good and better, but what would a client want if money was not a barrier. I don't see it as leading to an inferiority discusion but what would u like to if resources were not so limited? and ironcally for me, it comes down to ambience, not a sexual feast.
In my humble opinion, there are providers who try to give the impression of class and wish to attract a certain type of clientele of substantial social & financial status. In order to achieve this goal, they raise their prices to the $$$$ figures. (Or maybe it is just what the feel their time is worth.. I don't know.)

The cost of ones time also can be dependent on the country/area. For example, the highest rates in Vancouver would differ from the rates in say, Toronto or even England.

The reality of the fact is, a person with true class has no need to flaunt it, nor do they have any need to prove a point to their social peers. Etiquette, chivalry, manners and conducting oneself with propriety are indeed true characteristics of this type of person.

There is a time and a place for everything and one must be able to conduct oneself according to what the situation calls for. Knowing when to be silent and when to speak. Being educated and well rounded enough to engage in conversation with anyone and everyone.

As a companion, it is a must to be able to understand your clients and provide them with whatever it is that they seek, whether is be emotionally, physically or socially.

There are many $$ providers out there, who simply take care of shall we say, one aspect of things, and you are out the door. Which there is nothing wrong with if that is what you seek. However, I would like to think that the ladies $$$-$$$$, offer a bit more to the overall experience when desired.

Just my two cents.
..... and ironcally for me, it comes down to ambience, not a sexual feast. Originally Posted by lostforkate
Yes, that is what I like too, and sometimes ambience in my opinion can be achieved with great resources and sometimes it can also be simple, for me .
Set and Setting

The cost of ones time also can be dependent on the country/area. For example, the highest rates in Vancouver would differ from the rates in say, Toronto or even England.

xx Originally Posted by SxySwtMaria
Totally, For example I have almost no "austrians" (or locals) as clients, which is good for private sphere, because they usually pay no more than 150 for an hour, plus they prefer to set up last minute appointments, which is not possible for me anyhow. Sometimes it is also a question of who you want to cater to? Locals? Travellers? Business travellers? I think that if you have a rate that says 200 an hour, it is to be estimated that you want to attract locals and for a shorter period of time. If you go for the 1h/2000 dollar rate, then I think the clientele is more the traveller type and I can`t imagine that someone really books an hour to 2000 dollar, but much rather sees it as an invitation for a longer trip, which means the 2000 dollar for an hour are there to give the message that a business trip for more money is a better idea. So the area to cater to , is travelling and business trips.

For some ladies to travel is not so easy, when you go to school, have kids and plan on something reasonably serious outside escorting. So they choose to cater to locals, which is a different set and setting.

I had a nice client explain to me this business model once. He told me when he looks at escorts pages, he sees what they charge for hours, and then looks at travel rates and for example he sees 2000 per hour, and 3500 for multiple engagements like a whole afternoon, then he told me that this lady is not keen on having hours and the multiples is what she focuses on.
I think some rates are there to give an estimate what to assume if you book that lady for a business trip. The longer, the more "affordable" it usually becomes. But of course there are exceptions to that rule as well .
So I think, that might be one way to justify without getting into service details
Also, marketing does its part. International standards are different to local standards. So you have to invest a lot more money into all the advertising things, to attract these long dates for international travellers or business people. And overall, if you look at the rates that are set for international clientele it`s pretty similar down the road, no matter where you are in the world.
Oh and of course I expect women who charge more also to wear impecable (and expensive) clothes and lingerie. I am often surprised that this does not necessarily seem to be the case at all. A little Eye candy is necessary imho. Good haircut, good hairdresser, a fit toned body (no matter what type of woman you are) as well. The thing with class and "sophistication" is very subjective and often lies in the eyes of the beholder. But I think expensive clothes and luxury lingerie is an objective must .
Years ago, there was a hilarious lawsuit. A company executive embezzled $1,000 (which was a lot of money then). He spent the money on what then was called a hooker. When he had to explain his conduct, he said that before he died he wanted to know what an expensive hooker did that a free one did not do.
John Bull's Avatar
Though I realize that designer jeans can be, but aren't necessarily, have a better fit and have better material, I still find it disconcerting to have a 2k lady show up in jeans and heels. Not my idea of a classy entrance.
Bigh1955's Avatar
I'm reminded that neither price nor packaging is necessarily indicative of quality. That said, in a free market, price generally quickly aligns with actual "quality."
Though I realize that designer jeans can be, but aren't necessarily, have a better fit and have better material, I still find it disconcerting to have a 2k lady show up in jeans and heels. Not my idea of a classy entrance. Originally Posted by John Bull

aaaaaah. Jeans ....
I have a special wardrobe that I use ONLY and ONLY for escorting. The escorts I know, do that as well. If you work for high class agencies this is a requirement, for example. So I found it good to do this for myself as well. Point in this is, that the quality of the clothing is important. Although I see that price and quality don`t necessarily need to match, I prefer to have "expensive" suits and dresses (business quality) because it is a better quality material. I am always surprised when I see - luxury escorts as well - show up in the latest plastic H&M dress or MANGO.

Not that I don`t like that, I use that too for a day on a beach, or for travelling with a backpack, but usually bad fabrics are seen from miles away, also they tend to be uncomfortable and it shows (wrinkles, too thin dresses - where the linings of your panties show throug, or it kind of looks cheap, after being on a plain).

There is a reason why people with a good career have business suits tailormade. I have never seen an attorney or a doctor run around in wrinkled too thin clothes. They need to be weathering all kinds of storms, and a day in an airplane or a day in an office shows in cheap clothes.

And since part of escorting is the "show", a distinctive wardrobe, specially for a luxury companion is a must.

I have a wardrobe I only use for this occasion, because it is important that it looks good and "new".
For example: SHOES!!!!!

I realized women wearing shoes that are uncleaned and have damaged heels. An absolute NO GO when you charge top dollars. Best is new shoes, or shoes that "look" new. It also surprises me when I see women making photos, that sometimes you can see the "dirt" on the soles of their shoes. I might be really picky, but I think these small little details do matter.
For Photoshoots always new shoes or a stylist that comforts you with them. And in real life escorting, shoes do have to look new or at least repaired and cleaned enough to "appear" new.
That is why I have high quality/high priced shoes, because the quality of the fabric and the leather IS different. I have 10 year old Prada Shoes who I let redo and restyle once a year and they look as good as new.
These are the stuff you should wear when you do escorting.

I mean of course you can also wear cheap shoes and throw them away after one evening (because that is how much it takes to ruin your feet and the shoes ..) and buy new one for each client, but I prefer to buy one time something pricey and then keep it up.

For me personally, the first thing I do is - I look at shoes and hands. When I realize a man has unclean shoes, it is kind of strange for me. Or wrinkled clothes. Sometimes the "pretentious wannabe`s" (men) who run around and pretend how much money they have, trying to show off, do that.

And then you realize at the way their jackets are buttoned (good suits have holes for each button and are not just "made as hole" - like even some designer jackets do .... who are expensive but not "good"........that they simply have no taste. In Vienna I had a girlfriend, who was treated really bad by a man and as a revenge she took him shopping (he inquired her good taste for business suits) and she showed him the most expensive business suits with the most "bad" taste. Like how the buttons are sewed onto the fabric, how many holes the arms of the jacket has, and stuff. So she made him waste a ton of money to look like a cheap "newly rich". He was complaining about the buttons falling off after a week and how expensive the clothes were and how that is possible. Of course, we girls were rolling on the floor laughing. ) (lol) -- yes I know - bad girls :-) but it was a justified reaction ....
It is mostly small little details that make the difference.

And when you charge top dollars for this business, you should not look as if the man on your arms just paid for you, no matter how you are dressed, or how expensive it is.

Sorry for being so bitchy, but it is true that sometimes money can`t buy class or taste .

Oh and impecable lingerie is a must . Many escorts I know go to full lenght to buy something nice that you can`t find so easily anywhere. Some won`t even give out the names of the designer because they fear to be copied . One of my best lingerie choices were "secrets" of luxury escorts, who I became friends with.
And I think it`s nice to make this kind of effort, it shows you care and try to come up with something original.

I mean going to Mango and buying some lingerie off the stock anyone can do .

That said in my private life I run around like a Hippie Bum .... (just kidding....)
I think one thing overlooked in this discussion is the personality of the hobbyist. Some people only think of themselves in the upper echelons of mankind. They are elitists and that is where they want to be thought of in society. Thus high dollar only.

Others, may have the same net worth or not , but are as comfortable eating at Per Se on special occasions as they are Macaroni Grill. They are not nearly worried as much about how they are perceived by others but spend money wisely. They may drive a nice car, but it is because they like that car, not because they are trying to gain status. They may spend money foolishly once in awhile but it is not a habit.

Some are just middle class people that cannot afford such luxuries and even if they could may not find any value in eating at Per Se. They are more comfortable at Macaroni Grill.

Others are in the hobby because they want to bang something. They eat a smorgasbord because it fill them up and they could care less about Bon Appetite magazine. They might even have some money, or they may be lower middle class, the bottom line is the finer things in life are irrelevant to them. One person stated in this thread basically that they just want the lady to shut up and get busy.

That is why there are different restaurants, cloths, art, wine, cars to meet your particular taste. None of them make you less than someone or better., but they are made to fit your own taste and sense of style

If you can afford a 2000 a hour lady and she meets everything you look for, great. If you want to bang a lady off backpage for 15 minutes and that fits your needs great.

I generally prefer wonderful food and wine, but a greasy burger from time to time sure tastes good too as long as it doesn't give me heartburn. No one wants heart burn not matter what you pay for the food.

Class cannot be purchased nor described, it is just there or it is not that is what most people don't understand.
DDBD Photography's Avatar
This is a question I hear often and find some of the responses very interesting. Coming from the viewpoint from one that works with providers of all price points and social levels I will tell you one difference is presentation and I believe it starts there. Of course, higher pay affords you the ability to have a better presentation but honestly when you are making $$, $$$, etc. an hour you can take the time to invest in your presentation but many don't.

I have shot with providers in the $$ price point and providers in the $$$$ price point and there are major differences - there are exceptions - but typically the $$$$ providers understand and embrace the business side of things more. They see that their appearance physically, their marketing materials, etc. have to be top notch and there is a difference in conversation, attitude, etc. That is not to say that some of the $$ ladies don't have some of the same attributes and I have often wondered why some of the women I work with don't charge more because they do posses some of those same $$$$ provider qualities.

Women love a sharp dressed man, a man that smells good and takes care and pride in his appearance, a man that is well groomed and presents himself with style and sophistication. They see that and they assume he has it together and has his money right. Well, men also want to see a well dressed woman, not someone who just throws on some walmart jeans and a shirt and calls it a day, a woman that smells good can drive us wild, a woman that takes the time to present herself in a manner that entices and seduces is more likely to receive the higher fee than one that does not. Before you get behind closed doors, it is the visual impression that entices us, how doe she look, smell, dress, where is she located, how does she talk, etc.

Men and money are not easily parted - especially when it's higher costing items - unless you can show the investment value to that man and, speaking as a man, if I were to see a woman that charged $$$$ and she had cell phone photos, used a free ad driven website, did not take the time to invest in her business - because this is a very lucrative business, and showed no signs of investing in herself there is no way in this world I would part with my money, but if she presented herself in a manner that sets her apart, top notch images - not overly photoshopped but professional images, a professional website, upscale incall location, impeccable physical presentation, things that shows she cares about her business and her clients and is willing to invest in herself and her business, things that puts her on that higher level, then yes the $$$$ fee in my mind could be justified based on the presentation of the experience.

I was in the Bulgari one day and there was a pro athlete there also. We both made purchases. My purchase was a small piece I had my eyes on for a while and his was a $$$$$ timepiece. After my purchase I got a handshake and my receipt and a kind thank you. After his purchase they went in the back and came out with champagne, toasted to what he purchased and had a lil fun talking about how he will love the item. We both purchased something in Bulgari but his high dollar item came with much more than my item and honestly, if I could have purchased what he got I would have popped champagne my damn self...lol. Moral of the story is most of the time there is a difference and unless you are in that "financial lane" to experience the difference you won't see it but when you cross over that barrier with a true $$$$ provider you will understand why she charges that and why those that visit with her have no problems paying it.
I think one thing overlooked in this discussion is the personality of the hobbyist. Some people only think of themselves in the upper echelons of mankind. They are elitists and that is where they want to be thought of in society. Thus high dollar only.

Others, may have the same net worth or not , but are as comfortable eating at Per Se on special occasions as they are Macaroni Grill. They are not nearly worried as much about how they are perceived by others but spend money wisely. They may drive a nice car, but it is because they like that car, not because they are trying to gain status. They may spend money foolishly once in awhile but it is not a habit.

That is why there are different restaurants, cloths, art, wine, cars to meet your particular taste. None of them make you less than someone or better., but they are made to fit your own taste and sense of style

Class cannot be purchased nor described, it is just there or it is not that is what most people don't understand. Originally Posted by oktome
I absolutely agree, hence I do really tend to hate the "quality versus quantity" discussion, and the inflated sense of self some High Dollar Hotties seem to bring across. It does most often not not hold any justification towards reality, imho. It is just words and marketing.

Of course, dress codes and an overall aesthetic sense and photographs that not everybody has and probably a marketing strategy that knows what it does and how to achieve your business goal - as the previous poster as well pointed out - do make a difference. But that does not say something about class or sophistication or education or anything, really.

I just think, if you cater to a certain area you have to be wise enough to know how to do it. And know what it takes. Overall, the success or failure gives the bill afterwards anyhow.

I personally, if I was a man, would certainly not pay top Dollar for women that present themselves not really different than regular providers. It does not make logical sense to me. But I am also not one of these people who gets fooled easy and I am money-savey, which means I care about how and why I spend.

Also, I think age matters as well. I think women between their 40ies and 50ies are best suited for Top Dollar escorting. Simply because they have already lived a while and are probably not in school anymore or have an overall less inflated sense and more practical abilities.

The women I know who do get 5000 Euro per Session are not escorts at all. They are in their 50ies, Top Business Woman making Top Dollars and they really do not care if anyone pays the money or not. And that is why they get these offers in first place. It`s a side-hobby like swinging for them. And none of them posts on boards or does have homepages, at all.

I personally think, once you work as an escort - and I say so even if I myself am an escort - you can forget about people paying really much money for a session with you. It`s the Tease of getting a "Non EScort" woman, who does not need the money, and who plays in the same league like you, to do something like that. Paying an escort anyone can do, too, as we all pointed out.

I think that is something that should not be underestimated as well.
Between escorts is not so much difference. It all depends on where you want to market yourself and how much time you want to investigate in the hobby. If you do it full time for a while and you are smart, you charge lower rates. If you stop partially because you found a real job in real life or your education finishes, then charge more money, but make more effort.

That is simply all in my book. All this class , sophistication talk that some seem to "interprete" in some and not other escort personas is all fake per se. I met many escorts and they are not so different from each other, and personally, the more inflated sense of self they have, and they more they push on how educated they are, the less of it is true in real life.

Someone that has an education and a career does not need to rub it in your face every three minutes. :-)