
shorty's Avatar
A provider not on birth control?! That blows my mind. Especially for her not to have ran to CVS for the morning after pill? If this moron is really pregnant make sure she doesn't keep that baby. You will be stuck with stupid for 18 years plus. I wouldn't be surprised if she was lying to you. Totally gross. What is a vinegar stroke? That sounds disgusting. Originally Posted by KatieKatieNYC
Most providers I know isn't on birth control or that's what tell me. I think most ladies prefers not to be on BC, due to side effects. Also, if a client asks about BBFS, then they can just say there not on BC and that will be that. A client doesn't want to become a Baby Daddy.
KatieKatie's Avatar
There are "no side effect" birth control options. I use one! Don't defend an escort/provider/prostitute who doesn't watch her ass. How are your provider friends going to feel about the side effects of an abortion or a pregnancy with someone they don't even know? It is our responsibility to cover that side. A truck driver wears a seatbelt and has insurance just in case it doesn't work--I hope!
shorty's Avatar
There are "no side effect" birth control options. I use one! Don't defend an escort/provider/prostitute who doesn't watch her ass. How are your provider friends going to feel about the side effects of an abortion or a pregnancy with someone they don't even know? It is our responsibility to cover that side. A truck driver wears a seatbelt and has insurance just in case it doesn't work--I hope! Originally Posted by KatieKatieNYC
I see where your coming from and do think ALL Providers should use birth control. It's another form of contraceptive and you can't be to careful.
I apologize if this has already been covered, but have you given scheduled an STD test yet? Not to sound like a jerk, but if your protection broke to the point of a possible pregnancy, you may want to make sure that you and her are both healthy. It's just the responsible thing to do.
If I were the woman in question I would think #1 of the cost of an abortion, #2 having a little cash to get by while bleeding the baby out of me. Help her for 2-3 weeks till she can stop bleeding and come back to work. She would probably agree with that?
Abortions are a quick solution and at times it seems the right answer. The lady will deal with it the rest of her life and it may change her in ways that isnt good.... If she is shown any kind of pics of the baby if she has a heart it will hault her everyday even if it is 20 yrs later. I believe the laws have changed over time where she will have to go to counseling and can not just have an abortion the same day. You are in a tough spot and I feel for you. I hope everything works out.
Yes, this test is a blood test, so not invasive at all. I had a similar one done in Decemeber, to test for genetic abnormalities and that's how I found out the sex at 14weeks, instead of the normal 18-22 weeks and the results were 99.4% accurate.

The only thing for the OP's situation is that if they wait until 12 weeks or longer for testing, she will have to keep it versus terminating.

The better way is what I first posted. OP, the new DNA testing works, and is usuable without a potential of a miscarriage and within 8 to 12 weeks of conception. The above method is the old estabilshed way that presents the potential of a miscarriage, and would also present a potential objection by the possibly expectant Mom.

Here are three links for your edification -
This link is to a press release from August 2011: :

This link is to he DDC's website and a write up which has a phone nuimber to call the DDC::

This link is to the DDC's website which offers three levels of testing. In your case, I suggest you use the legal one:

Good luck to you. Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera
Is there not a pill that is an emergency contracepive also known as "plan B" available? That would have been my first move if it ever happened to me and I wasn't on birth control. It's most effective before 3 days after conception.
Oh boy...
My advice, first verify she is pregnant and not lying (have her take a test in front of you), then if she is pregnant and you know the condom broke, then there's a chance you are the papa. If she is willing to abort, take her to the clinic and pay for the procedure. Then treat her to a nice lunch or give her a day at the spa to make up for helping her into this mess.
If she is not willing to terminate, then at 5 month she can get an amniocentesis which will have the DNA for a test to see if it's yours. If it is, then you have a lot of figuring out to do.
Good luck, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly
Obviously you need to see for certain she is pregnant, then you just have to wait for a DNA test. If she is willing to terminate, split the cost with her 50/50 and go with her to see that it did in fact happen. Plus, nobody wants to go through that alone, I'm sure. If she isn't willing to get an abortion, then it looks like you possibly have a problem on your hands, and 9 months of uncertainty before you can find out for sure if it is yours. There is the option of Amnio, but most Dr's frown upon it for something as simple as a DNA tests because of the risks associated with it. The part you said about telling her thats her problem is pretty comical. Its actually not if its yours! She'll have you for 18 years! Wish you luck!
Obviously you need to see for certain she is pregnant, then you just have to wait for a DNA test. If she is willing to terminate, split the cost with her 50/50 and go with her to see that it did in fact happen. Plus, nobody wants to go through that alone, I'm sure. If she isn't willing to get an abortion, then it looks like you possibly have a problem on your hands, and 9 months of uncertainty before you can find out for sure if it is yours. There is the option of Amnio, but most Dr's frown upon it for something as simple as a DNA tests because of the risks associated with it. The part you said about telling her thats her problem is pretty comical. Its actually not if its yours! She'll have you for 18 years! Wish you luck! Originally Posted by LittleMiss
Why split the cost 50/50. He will go about his merry way, working and supporting his family while she goes through the hell of an abortion, then bleeding the weeks after. I mean if it were me, and thats all he had to offer I would keep it and collect child support. He has to have some kind of sympothy for the poor girl. He did cum inside of her, MAN UP! On the off chance its not his, just do whats right and terminate and help her, or let her keep it and flip a coin and HOPE its not his.
9 times out of 10 she is lying! stay strong! this scam has been around for years.
LaStang's Avatar
could be the huggy bear needs another tax write off and knocked her up , your mishap might have become the perfect way they could score some extra green .
Grace Preston's Avatar
Why split the cost 50/50. He will go about his merry way, working and supporting his family while she goes through the hell of an abortion, then bleeding the weeks after. I mean if it were me, and thats all he had to offer I would keep it and collect child support. He has to have some kind of sympothy for the poor girl. He did cum inside of her, MAN UP! On the off chance its not his, just do whats right and terminate and help her, or let her keep it and flip a coin and HOPE its not his. Originally Posted by bustyamy
Because she is supposed to be the fucking professional.. and should have the presence of mind to take the precautions to prevent unwanted pregnancy-- why is that hard to understand? There are professional hazards that we are faced with all the damned time.. and this is one of the MANY reasons why we are compensated well beyond the earning potential many of us might have in the civilian world.
Still Looking's Avatar
Because she is supposed to be the fucking professional.. and should have the presence of mind to take the precautions to prevent unwanted pregnancy-- why is that hard to understand? There are professional hazards that we are faced with all the damned time.. and this is one of the MANY reasons why we are compensated well beyond the earning potential many of us might have in the civilian world. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Hummmmmm now I like that! Well said!
Because she is supposed to be the fucking professional.. and should have the presence of mind to take the precautions to prevent unwanted pregnancy-- why is that hard to understand? There are professional hazards that we are faced with all the damned time.. and this is one of the MANY reasons why we are compensated well beyond the earning potential many of us might have in the civilian world. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Call it "hazard pay."