San Antonio PSA

KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Question.....OP has no issues outing the ladies he did, yet will not put his own face in the same spotlight even though he is in the same predicament. And so he has said multiple times that he is seriously but only just "considering" leaving the hobby and yet also is dead set on making the argument that even safe sex practices CAN and DO still potentially spread this specific disease. So unless he exposes his true handle AND/OR emphatically completely quits the hobby then I call bullshit and think this warning is fucked up with the way he did it. He contradicted himself and badly so. Unless he really does quit (and how will WE know?!?!) and unless he exposes his identity, he is helping no one NO ONE here at all. Period. This specific ailment can present within 2 to 14 days, to months or even a year later. Who's to say OP didn't contract BEFORE this hobby life or from SO? Fucked up to do this the way it's been done. Assumptions can Fuck people up. Ignorance. Sheer ignorance. I'm all for safe sex and warning people when need be but Damn a whore is not ALWAYS at fault. BUT yet easiest to blame. For shame.
PillowChaffer's Avatar
Escort Client Community Information Exchange

Some of it good info and some not so good.
HedonisticFool's Avatar
Did anyone request a pm stating ladies handle?

Sam Originally Posted by Samcro84
The OP pm'd web links for each...
Perhaps OP wishes to remain on this handle in order to keep his rep in case he "decides to stay."

That's kinda fucked up as I'd be outta dodge and two states over if I caught the herpily burpilies.

However, OP CAN & should post reviews on girls seen if he considers this to be a GENUINE WARNING.

Few girls in a few weeks, few reviews, let the other gents decide and take that chance on their own but at least they'll know. are only trying to help right??

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
This reads like the work of a pimp a ho or a jealous wife.
Dr Grey's Avatar
The OP does not specify hsv 1 or 2. Over 50 percent of the American population have hsv 1 which isn't necessarily an std. Can get it from drinking after someone, kissing, etc. If he's talking about getting a cold sore on his lip, go get some neosporin, an acne facial cleanser or cream and call it a day. He wasn't specific where he flared up at.

On the other hand, if it's genital herpes, hsv2, than please give us your handle, reviews and pm me with any women you've seen. This is not a joking matter or time to be quiet about shit. Sure, you can pm and email folks though. Do share Hobby_Man.

And please, do not hobby anymore. Just got my test results this week I'm perfectly fine with all results negative and I don't need to catch the herp derp.

In the meantime, I'm with Johnny here...
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
The OP does not specify hsv 1 or 2. Over 50 percent of the American population have hsv 1 which isn't necessarily an std. Can get it from drinking after someone, kissing, etc. If he's talking about getting a cold sore on his lip, go get some neosporin, an acne facial cleanser or cream and call it a day. He wasn't specific where he flared up at.

On the other hand, if it's genital herpes, hsv2, than please give us your handle, reviews and pm me with any women you've seen. This is not a joking matter or time to be quiet about shit. Sure, you can pm and email folks though. Do share Hobby_Man.

And please, do not hobby anymore. Just got my test results this week I'm perfectly fine with all results negative and I don't need to catch the herp derp.

In the meantime, I'm with Johnny here... Originally Posted by RogueOne
This reads like the work of a pimp a ho or a jealous wife. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Lot of hostile denial going on here, regardless of the original poster's veracity. Quite interesting..
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Hostile? Maybe.
Denial? Not a chance.

We are all adults here and well aware of the risks the hobby involves. Therefore, I don't believe there's denial in that we're aware of said risks and everyone "should" be protecting themselves as much as possible.
There should be no excuse not to do so. Anyone who does otherwise is just plain stupid.

The OP is correct when he states that use of protection is not 100% effective against everything. These are all things that we already know and do not deny.

The hostility comes from the fact that the OP states he's trying to HELP the community with this "public service announcement" yet it doesn't help because he chooses to hide his identity which STILL endangers providers AND hobbyists alike if he continues to hobby. After all, he said himself he is only "considering" dropping out of the hobby. Wouldn't the responsible and most HELPFUL thing for the community be to stop altogether or at least let us know who he is so we have the choice to avoid him for our own safety? I mean...fucking duhhhh!

It is commendable if not just merely responsible to warn the community if such an issue or situation happens, yet he is not doing it the proper way which is obvious from the comments by other members here. If we providers and hobbyists alike do not know his original handle how can we be more aware of the situation in order to protect ourselves further?

He had no problem naming those he suspected therefore why should he have a problem with identifying himself? And not doing so it defeats the purpose does it not? The answer is yes, simply yes because being that this particular medical issue can arise with symptoms appearing from 2 days to anywhere up to a year or more means there is a huge possibility he may not have even gotten it from anyone here.

I think it is unfair for him to assume that he did get it from only those people he named just because the symptoms happened to appear within the time he started hobbying.

If we knew his identity, he would also have more credibility backing his "announcement." You gotta understand anyone can sign up and post here and we get weirdos and morons doing shit like this for fun, revenge, etc.

So sue us for wanting more.
Dr Grey's Avatar
I would hope....

If anyone ever comes across a "life threatening", permanent transmitted, or even curable disease....

-Post your handle
-Ladies you saw in the last year
-And quit the hobby if the std is not curable.

You are not saying they have anything. You are simply exchanging info. The ladies in question can post their results if they are good. Not hard. Why people are so ashamed of it makes me think there is more shit floating around then this post.

We should really take care of each other. Make it safer for everyone.
Dr Grey's Avatar
...He had no problem naming those he suspected therefore why should he have a problem with identifying himself?

...I think it is unfair for him to assume that he did get it from only those people he named just because the symptoms happened to appear within the time he started hobbying... Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn
Don't recall any handles mentioned...
Don't recall any handles mentioned... Originally Posted by RogueOne
His original post in Alerts named the five "suspects." He got his pee-pee whacked for that and the post was removed.
Dr Grey's Avatar
I see. My apologies.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
I see. My apologies. Originally Posted by RogueOne