Bill Gates: we need 10 more weeks shut down

HoeHummer's Avatar
I would look at the chart showing the outcomes of the old and those with underlying medical problems,and start from there.

If a motherfucker is older than 70 and is fat, he likely fits the profile. That poor old bastard is probably looking at a 20% mortality rate if he catches COVID-19.

If an oldtimer like me who takes no medication, can show a clean blood panel with no disease, all my numbers are considered healthy, no temperature, height and weight proportionate - fuck I'm not just ambulatory but I can jog at a decent rate -then I get the green QR code on my phone and get to tell everyone to fuckoff who doesn't like it! Originally Posted by friendly fred
Yous are a godl, JL! A Fucking GOD!

If an oldtimer like me..., all my numbers are considered healthy, ... - fuck I'm not just ambulatory but I can jog at a decent rate -then I get the green QR code on my phone and get to tell everyone to fuckoff who doesn't like it![/QUOTE]

Seems Fred really just wants to tell everyone else to go fuck themselves. Which might work if he were living on an island of his own. For the rest of us, listening to one of the smartest people on the planet, and actually reading what they write: determining, based on our own knowledge and experience if what they say seems reasonable, might give us a greater chance at remaining healthy and surviving. Fred, you do know people with no symptoms can have the virus and be spreading it, right? One might disagree with another's opinion, but gut reactions spewing profanities really only serve the purpose of venting ones one frustrations, indicating a lack of strong character.
if people would take it seriously, end of April is a fair end point.. but many are not, still.. my workplace is arguably "essential", but I have to carry a letter from "legal" in case LE believes otherwise. and people still crowd around, ignoring the 6 foot rule, when in fact, it is easy to carry out if people were not careless. we are way behind what we should have been doing a month or 6 weeks ago. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Until yesterday, everybody could shop at Walmart/HEB/Kroger etc with impunity. Now they make you line up in places. What happened to the last 3-4 weeks when everyone was dick to butt? What happens to the clerks and stockers who were exposed to hundreds if not thousands of people per day. The 70+ yo lady who manages the self check out line looks healthy. The people who make the food at the restaurants weren't being tested.

The cats out of the bag. It's too late to be scared and too late to be be taking these phyrric precautions.

I'm on board with this idea, IF we haven't made significant "progress" by the end of this month.

but practically speaking, how can it be done?

I'm listening.. who decides who is "old", who decides who is "sick"? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I was onboard weeks ago. Who's making these decisions now? Anybody know what a thermometer is? You do know that they don't let you back into public school with a fever?

Time to stop listening to some of the voices at the CDC.
Seems Fred really just wants to tell everyone else to go fuck themselves. Originally Posted by PillowPilot
I only want to tell half the people to go fuck themselves!
Until yesterday, everybody could shop at Walmart/HEB/Kroger etc with impunity. Now they make you line up in places. What happened to the last 3-4 weeks when everyone was dick to butt? What happens to the clerks and stockers who were exposed to hundreds if not thousands of people per day. The 70+ yo lady who manages the self check out line looks healthy. The people who make the food at the restaurants weren't being tested.

The cats out of the bag. It's too late to be scared and too late to be be taking these phyrric precautions.

I was onboard weeks ago. Who's making these decisions now? Anybody know what a thermometer is? You do know that they don't let you back into public school with a fever?

Time to stop listening to some of the voices at the CDC. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The fucking CDC would put us all in HazMat suits and keep us 6 feet apart even if the world economy descends into chaos.

Fuck them!
HoeHummer's Avatar
The fucking CDC would put us all in HazMat suits and keep us 6 feet apart even if the world economy descends into chaos.

Fuck them! Originally Posted by friendly fred
Always fuck someone else, eh, Uncle Han?
Missburger's Avatar
So what's going to happen 10 weeks from now after we "totally shut down" and more new CV cases and CV deaths occur? Are we going to shut down for another 4-6 months?

The economy is already in shambles. Just wait until the end of April. Shit is starting to get real. More quarantines. More prisoner releases. People lining up at Walmart. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Our leader orange man

Said we have it under control it’s a hoax

I’m gonna fuck Halle berry too tonight

The best thing about this is watching the right wing on Fox News try and make a case fir his re-election in the midst of a depression coming outway
FrankZappa's Avatar
Hell, I thought Bill Gates was a Tech Guy not a man of Science. He needs to get back on his corner. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Obviously, you aren't well read just a shit talker. If you got out of your Breitbart bubble , you might be able to figure things out. Bill Gates has pretty given up all of his money to try and solve problems in the world. Unlike your President and the Republican party which doesn't believe in science, he does. You guys laughed about this and let it spread.

Call Dr. Trump if you get sick.
FrankZappa's Avatar
The fucking CDC would put us all in HazMat suits and keep us 6 feet apart even if the world economy descends into chaos.

Fuck them! Originally Posted by friendly fred
Please by all means, go to work. We need to thin the herd of morons.
HedonistForever's Avatar
It's already started in theory. If you test positive for antibodies to COVID-19, you are cleared to go back to work and for the foreseeable future, everybody coming to work will have their temperature taken and what ever other indicators we are finding out about daily. When this antibodies kit that reacts like a pregnancy test is readily available, people will slowly start going back to work.

Imagine that, before this you couldn't find a job. Now if you have survived COVID-19, you go to the front of the line for a job.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
What could possibly go wrong?

  • Tiny
  • 04-07-2020, 07:40 PM
Billionaires Have Their Uses

Thank heavens there wasn’t a wealth tax on Bill Gates.

by The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board

Let us now speak in favor of billionaires. We refer specifically to Bill Gates, who was recently asked what good his fortune could do in this pandemic. “Governments will eventually come up with lots of money,” he replied on a TV show. “But they don’t know where to direct it. They can’t move as quickly.”

The Microsoft mogul turned philanthropist said his “early money can accelerate things” in developing a vaccine against Covid-19. “For example, of all the vaccine constructs, the seven most promising of those, even though we’ll end up picking at most two of them, we’re going to fund factories for all seven,” he added.

Rather than waiting to find out which vaccines are most effective and safe, and then building factories, Mr. Gates wants to ensure that the manufacturing capacity is ready to go immediately.

“It’ll be a few billion dollars we’ll waste on manufacturing for the constructs that don’t get picked because something else is better. But a few billion in the situation we’re in, where there’s trillions of dollars” at risk is worth it, he said. “And normal government procurement processes, and understanding which are the right seven, in a few months those may kick in. But our foundation, we can get that bootstrapped and get it going and save months.”

Bravo. Mr. Gates’s money could save millions of lives and help restart the global economy if his manufacturing bet pays off. This effort comes in addition to the billions Mr. Gates already has spent fighting other infectious diseases, and the $125 million he announced in March to tackle Covid-19.

Mr. Gates’s plans are a rebuttal to proposals for confiscatory tax policy that punish wealth creation. If wealth taxes of the kind proposed by Elizabeth Warren and now entertained by the Financial Times were in place in the 1980s, Mr. Gates’s roughly $100 billion fortune might be a tenth of that. And it’s unlikely he’d have the capacity to act this boldly.

Private actors—business and nonprofits—will play a major role in easing the economic and medical pain of the virus. The Gates Foundation and other philanthropies can often move faster than government, which suffers from political interference and turf issues as we’ve seen with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention failure on coronavirus testing.

Once the virus is conquered—and it will be—the biggest risk will be the political campaign to expand government control over far more of American economic life. Society will be better off because Mr. Gates is the one spending his billions rather than having to turn them over to the ministrations of the U.S. Congress.
Please by all means, go to work. We need to thin the herd of morons. Originally Posted by FrankZappa
You should start thinning the herd of morons by fucking Yssup Rider in the ass and giving him AIDS, faggot.
What could possibly go wrong?

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Excellent point!
if people would take it seriously, end of April is a fair end point.. but many are not, still.. my workplace is arguably "essential", but I have to carry a letter from "legal" in case LE believes otherwise. and people still crowd around, ignoring the 6 foot rule, when in fact, it is easy to carry out if people were not careless. we are way behind what we should have been doing a month or 6 weeks ago. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Why should people take something stupid seriously?