Supreme Court asked to Revive Ban on Oral, Anal Sex

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, the GOP's nominee for governor, filed an appeal on Tuesday asking the Supreme Court to revive the state's law banning oral and anal sex.

And they want government out of people's lives.... What a moron!! c Originally Posted by Browneagle

OMG IB whackeing will go into shock .
OMG IB whackeing will go into shock . Originally Posted by i'va biggen
And family reunions just aren't going to be the same for IIFFOFRDB.
And family reunions just aren't going to be the same for IIFFOFRDB. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Your momma liked it. The pooper was kind of sloppy, though... How did that feel when I was slapping you upside your fucking head with my dick. BITCH...LOL
Your momma liked it. The pooper was kind of sloppy, though... How did that feel when I was slapping you upside your fucking head with my dick. BITCH...LOL Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Another "your mama" joke from the hillbilly king of comedy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Does digging your finger into your own ass count as anal sex? If so, then Cory really WILL go batshit!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It is the job of the state attorney general to DEFEND any laws challenged!

I am curious about how you equate oral and sodomy with ONLY gay sex. You have a very limited view on sex don't you.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I want to know what institution of higher "learning" Conrnyhole graduated (?) from and whether or not its program in STUPIDITY is accredited.

did you even read it? ...this sounds more like something he believes in ..rather than "caring about the rules"

Cuccinelli made clear that he objected to oral and anal sex (at least between gay people) on principle, telling the Virginian-Pilot, "My view is that homosexual acts—not homosexuality, but homosexual acts—are wrong. They're intrinsically wrong. And I think in a natural law-based country it's appropriate to have policies that reflect that...They don't comport with natural law." Originally Posted by JCM800
I suppose Cuntissmelly is really only dispassionately "defending" his state's law.

It is the job of the state attorney general to DEFEND any laws challenged!

I am curious about how you equate oral and sodomy with ONLY gay sex. You have a very limited view on sex don't you. Beats the sh*t outta me, klown. Why don't you enlighten us? That ought to be a fun read. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Once again (it's getting all kinds of redundant, but that's our boy J Buttboy) it is a SCH-WAAAANNNNGGGG AND A MISS!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You mean, our J Junkman!
I am curious about how you equate oral and sodomy with ONLY gay sex. You have a very limited view on sex don't you. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Don't be so disingenuous.

It isn't the sex acts that are equated with gays.

It is the selected enforcement that will be equated with gays.

This asshole wants to ban to apply to oral and anal sex with minors, but not vaginal sex? So grown men can fuck 15 year old girls and get away with it. But he will punish anal and oral sex?

Do you really believe this creep is going to enforce the bans against heterosexuals? He is going to target gays.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Everyone take a deep, cleansing breath........................ .............................. .........................

Does anyone here really think that the State Attorney General of Virginia is trying to promote the idiocy that he was accused of? Namely trying to ban certain sex acts so that he can round up gay men? Does anyone really think that? Other than Brown Eagle which is probably some nom de chicken shit for another frequent poster.

Our sex offense laws in this country are out of date. Jerry Studds of Massachusetts (D) had sex with a number of underaged boys while in Congress. He got away with it because the laws in DC are gender specific. In other words, only a man taking advantage of an underage GIRL is against the law. A woman in Florida was recently arraigned for having sex with an 11 year-old boy and getting pregnant. She could not be charged with statutory rape because it is also gender specific. Only a man can statutorily rape an underage girl.

So we have a guy who wants to have sex with underage girls. Maybe the best strategy would be to rewrite the laws but you know how picky liberals are about sex laws so the AG goes around by bringing back something that he can charge the SOB with. Once again, I can only assume that people like Brown are in favor of taking liberties.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-01-2013, 12:24 PM
I want to know what institution of higher "learning" Conrnyhole graduated (?) from and whether or not its program in STUPIDITY is accredited.

Acme Remedial Learning Center ..
Does anyone here really think that the State Attorney General of Virginia is trying to promote the idiocy that he was accused of? Namely trying to ban certain sex acts so that he can round up gay men? Does anyone really think that? Other than Brown Eagle which is probably some nom de chicken shit for another frequent poster.

Our sex offense laws in this country are out of date. Jerry Studds of Massachusetts (D) had sex with a number of underaged boys while in Congress. He got away with it because the laws in DC are gender specific. In other words, only a man taking advantage of an underage GIRL is against the law. A woman in Florida was recently arraigned for having sex with an 11 year-old boy and getting pregnant. She could not be charged with statutory rape because it is also gender specific. Only a man can statutorily rape an underage girl.

So we have a guy who wants to have sex with underage girls. Maybe the best strategy would be to rewrite the laws but you know how picky liberals are about sex laws so the AG goes around by bringing back something that he can charge the SOB with. Once again, I can only assume that people like Brown are in favor of taking liberties. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes, I do think he is promoting the idiocy he is accused of. I don't give a shit if he promises not to target gays. Even if he meant it, he won't live forever. How do we know what the NEXT Virginia AG will do?

The VA law was struck down as unconstitutional. It bans a specific act that consenting adults engage in. Therefore, there is no law for him to enforce. So he is not doing his duty.

If there is a hole in the law regarding minors, then updated laws need to be passed that protect minors from adults without regard to the specific type of sex act involved.

Here are the key quotes you need to focus on:
"Virginia has a notably low age of consent, which means, in effect, that vaginal sex between a 47-year-old and a 17-year-old is legal, but oral and anal sex between the same two people is not."

"As Mother Joned noted, some 90 percent of Americans would be felons if the Virginia law were to be applied nationally."

"Cuccinelli has remained mute as to whether he's one of them."

That's right. NINETY percent of us would be felons. And you are OK with that because the Virginia AG says he will only use the law selectively?
Is kissing considered oral sex?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I want to know what institution of higher "learning" Conrnyhole graduated (?) from and whether or not its program in STUPIDITY is accredited.

Acme Remedial Learning Center .. Originally Posted by CJ7
Hmmm, maybe we need to change his handle to Wylie E Corneyhole, eh?

Speaking of J Buttboy,.....

YES, you stooped "kollege perfesser," I DO think that The State of Virginia Attorney General is promoting that idiocy, idiot. I guess you aren't involved in the reading for comprehension area at your constipation of "higher learning."

Is this guy really living off of taxpayer money? If he is, it should be welfare because he's incapable of doing anything to earn it teaching.
Browneagle's Avatar
Perhaps Cuccinelli might reconsider his views if he reads the following article: