bitten fell for the rope-a-dope

Lapdog's Avatar
I'm not the president, junior. Trump is. But not for very much longer.
Trump has nerves of steel...a plate in his head....and a mouth not dissimilar to a cat butt... Originally Posted by matchingmole
A fascination with cats butts
I'm not the president, junior. Trump is. But not for very much longer. Originally Posted by Lapdog
You're're just a big nothing
Lapdog's Avatar
He wears it well.
winn dixie's Avatar
Amazing that all the lil' yappers for bitten are all crying today? Well, not really he got his ass handed to him and took the bait every time President Trump presented it!
Chung Tran's Avatar
Amazing that all the lil' yappers for bitten are all crying today? Well, not really he got his ass handed to him and took the bait every time President Trump presented it!
lolling!! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Who is crying? Biden soundly defeated Trump last night.
  • oeb11
  • 09-30-2020, 04:55 PM
Basically - the biden and XiNN Commie network lovers think biden won.

Conservatives think Trump won.

Reality - trump allowed wallace to kid glove Biden - and get away with it.
The DPST's are making a personality election of it - rather than an isues election - which with the DPST socialist harris dictatorial plans to destroy the economy and inflict marxism on america - is understandable.

their plans are clear from position papers and statements and platforms,

You want a thriving economy, the Constitution and freedoms our for-fathers fought for and died for - Vote Trump - even if her persona can be distasteful.

You want a destroyed economy and big government Orwellian control as DPST single party rule - Vote biden - actually harris for POTUS.

also unfortunately - the DPST rage and hatred over losing H... in 2016 has decimated any common sense about their positions on issues - and the once sensible Democrat party of JFK has disappeared into a violence enabling, lying, conspiratorial marxist group of power grabbers!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Amazing that all the lil' yappers for bitten are all crying today? Well, not really he got his ass handed to him and took the bait every time President Trump presented it!
lolling!! Originally Posted by winn dixie
What ass were you watching WD?

The only ass on that stage was Twitler. He refused to denounce white supremacist groups, lied every time he talked — did anyone notice that lovely little discussion about his “outdoor rallies?” And he whistled so loud that even dead dumb doggies barked their asses off.

Please explain how Trump won that debate, WD? What points did he make? What points made by Biden did he successfully refute?

What did he say to make you feel better about the future of America?

Are the Proud Boys of ECCIE standing by?
winn dixie's Avatar
What ass were you watching WD?

The only ass on that stage was Twitler. He refused to denounce white supremacist groups, lied every time he talked — did anyone notice that lovely little discussion about his “outdoor rallies?” And he whistled so loud that even dead dumb doggies barked their asses off.

Please explain how Trump won that debate, WD? What points did he make? What points made by Biden did he successfully refute?

What did he say to make you feel better about the future of America?

Are the Proud Boys of ECCIE standing by? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Just seeing ya'lls posts today warms my heart! Knowing that come nov. 3rd ya'll will be bellowing cause loser joe will have conceded the election.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Sleepier? You instantly use personality.

Uh, SF used the word in his post that I merely responded to. Try reading and comprehending what you read before proving you don't understand what you are reading.

Sleepy is a trump given nickname.

Take it up with SF, he is the one that used the word.

Looks like you want a president who is in Putin's pocket,

Yeah, Putin asked Trump to give javelin missiles to Ukraine, to kill Russian tanks and he begged Trump to make other NATO allies pay more money into NATO that opposes Russian aggression and Putin was thrilled when he found out that Trump's approval of fracking made the US the number one exporter of energy in the world which made Russia a poorer nation. Your obsession with Putin is laughable.

You get one vote. Use it however you want.

I intend to.

Easy to sum this up. I disagree with most of what you say.

Yeah, I get that but what I notice you never, ever, tell us why you support particular policies of Democrats like the Green New Deal and free health care for illegals. Want to take a minute and tell us how putting people in office who believe those things will help you, me or this country?

Especially because you make statements as fact when they are only your opinion at best.

I've said this before but since we know your problem with reading comprehension, let me spell it out and hopefully you'll write this down so that you can remember it. Hence forth, ( it has always been so ) assume that everything I say is my opinion. That has always been the case, you just aren't capable of understanding such a simple concept but here is a way you can prove you are right and I am wrong. Find a single post of mind where I start a sentence with "this is not merely my opinion but a proven fact". If you can't do that, then your last sentence was a lie but you knew that.

You don't like having to prove what you say and you sure don't like people asking you for proof.

Now that's funny. There is probably nobody on this board who tries harder to back up what I say by using professional writers from both sides of the aisle. I have often used the New York Times and Washington Post to make the point of what I have just written. And there is nothing I like more than being challenged. I have often said but you missed that too I guess, that there is no question I will not answer. I have never run from a question in my life. I wouldn't be here doing this if I was afraid to answer a question. If you have a question ask me.

Tell me what policies you like

I just did but I guess that nasty reading problem you have just can't be over come. I prefer Trump's economic policies that pre-Covid had the best economic numbers in 50 years.

and show some proof they are effective and being used.

If you can, put aside for a moment your opinion of Donald Trump’s words and actions and let’s be perfectly honest: One year into his presidency, could the economy be any rosier?
The economy grew at a rate of about 3 percent in the last three quarters, something that economists said was very unlikely just a year ago. The more than 40 percent increase in the Dow Jones industrial average since Election Day means a nearly $7 trillion jump in wealth. That has benefited the rich, yes, but every one of the 55 million Americans with a 401(k) plan, the 20 million with IRAs and the millions more with public and private pension plans have benefited, too. I would argue that investors are turning lower business tax rates on profits and the administration’s rollback of regulations into higher stock valuations.
The job market improved impressively under Barack Obama’s presidency after the Great Recession, when millions of jobs vanished seemingly overnight. But the past year’s continued decline in joblessness is impressive as well. In recent weeks, the number of new unemployment insurance claims and the unemployment rate for blacks and Hispanics have been at or near their lowest levels in more than four decades.
Then there is the cheerful news for the Rust Belt areas of the country: Blue-collar manufacturing, construction and mining jobs have risen by almost half a million in just one year.

All of this is punctuated by the daily news of more jobs, higher pay and fresh investment in America just one month into the Trump tax cut. Apple’s plan to bring some $250 billion in profits back to America, create 20,000 jobs, open a new business campus and pay $38 billion in taxes to the Treasury Department is just the kind of response we hoped for from lowering corporate and repatriation taxes.
Fiat Chrysler has announced it is moving an auto factory to Michigan with 2,500 jobs. After decades of outsourcing jobs from America, companies are creating jobs here. In recent days, we have seen similar announcements of worker bonuses or new hiring from Disney, Home Depot, JPMorgan Chase, FedEx and other companies.
A new Quinnipiac poll finds that two-thirds of American voters now rate the economy as good or great, the highest number since the question was first asked 17 years ago.
Admittedly, these are short-term trends, based on just one year of Mr. Trump’s term. If I’ve learned anything as an economic analyst, it is that the stock market and economic winds can shift by the hour. But for now, it’s hard to see many dark clouds on the horizon. They will come, of course, as they do for almost every president. But few presidents can claim to have presided over the kind of economy the United States is enjoying now. And surely the primal screams from both the right and left that President Trump would ruin the economy now seem hysterical.

That's the way I roll Munchie, I try to back up every position I take. Every time before I write on a topic, I research it to make sure I don't take a position that can easily be disproved. I can count on one hand with less than 5 fingers used, the number of times I have been caught taking a position that can be accurately proven as wrong. I don't make those kind of mistakes because I researcher every topic I write about.

If a trade war with China is one of yours....well they aren't buying that extra stuff, are they? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

There were two or more points to the so called trade war. It is a historical fact that our trade balance with China is in their favor by a large margin and has been so for a long time. Here is a little light reading for ya!

One of the most controversial macroeconomic issues of this decade is the question of how China has run such massive trade surpluses and has accumulated so much in foreign reserves over the past 20 years. Generally, developing countries tend to run current account deficits and capital account surpluses, meaning that on net they import both goods and capital investment, which they repay in later stages of development. The benefit is that they can use developed countries’ wealth to fuel domestic investment and growth (Buera and Shin, 2010). China began to follow this strategy at the start of reform and opening in the 1980s. Beginning in 1992, however, domestic demand fell, the economy shifted toward exports, and China began running trade surpluses (Huang and Tao, 2010). While it is natural for some countries to temporarily run current account surpluses and some to run deficits, the magnitude and longevity of China’s surpluses are noteworthy, especially for a developing country.
One reason Trump "took on" China. The other reason was to try and get business back from China like pharmaceutical manufacturing which pre Covid seemed to be working and after Covid is a sure thing. The reason China may not be "buying stuff now" is because of Trump's hard line on China and yes, that was my position before Trump ever became President. I knew years ago that our policy towards China had to change. We had to take a more aggressive approach to China because that is how China operates. They only understand and respond to strength.

Now, if there are any further questions you would like to ask, don't be shy and remember, always assume that what I am saying is my opinion. I try to let professional writers do the "this is the truth" bit even when they can't back it up with facts. I try never to say something is a fact if I can't prove it. You merely said that out of spite because you are incapable of actual debate.

Ad hominem attacks are the only thing you are good at. It's most likely the only thing you have ever been good at.

The really funny thing is, the irony is, you are just like Trump. You're a bully but unlike Trump, he gets things done while you merely try to bully people with attacks on a political debate board which you never seem to do, actual debate as we just witnessed in this post.
Great thread Lose. Way to go. What color is the sky in your world?

The level of myopia displayed on a daily basis by the likes of Lose Dixie and Ebbie Debbie is stunning. Of course many others fit into this category as well. You all know who you are, and it is so not worth my time to name every one of you.

I will now post the typical responses from Lose and Debbie. Change that -- I am not going to post a typical response from Lose. His writing style is way too far beneath me.

So is Debbie's for that matter, but here goes anyway:

Lib Dems bad, Orange headed Trump and his $70K a year haircut good. Marxist takeover, Xi Jinping ruling our country, corrupt Bidens, get professional help (like the main goal of psychiatrists everywhere is to get you to change your political views. Seriously, can you think of anything more absurd and myopic than that?) DPST rage, blah blah blah.

We've all heard it before. Hundreds of times each day. It is not necessary for you to repeat the same crap here again Debbie.

I forgot my personal favorite: Civil War coming: Are you freaking kidding me? I suppose in your myopic world such a thing is actually a possibility.

But seriously, do you really want to take your little pop guns up against the tanks and armored personal vehicles of the 8th Armored Division? Do you even have a clue of the firepower they possess? Are you really this fucking stupid? Don't bother responding to that either, I already know the answer.

Just be secure in the knowledge that if you redneck fuckheads go to war with the US again, this time there will not be any "Malice toward none and charity toward all." That was offered to you a long time ago, but no, one of your stupid rednecks had to assassinate the messenger and everything ended up not really working out the way Lincoln hoped. You pull that Civil War crap again and you won't get that offer is off the table. Of course you will try your best to blame your upcoming Civil War on the Black Lives Matter movement, Antifa and the like. Like you always do.

There Debbie. I formulated your typical response for you so you don't have to bother this time. It's not even close to being necessary for you to add to this. We have all heard it before. Numerous times a day.

I'm sure you will respond anyway, because typing virtually the same response numerous times a day is obviously the only thing you have going on for you in your life.

I'm sure you won't believe this statement either, but I pity you. I can't even imagine an existence such as your's. I mean seriously, absolutely no self respecting person would actually choose to reside in your myopic world.

Let all your pre programmed responses begin.
winn dixie's Avatar
Great thread Lose. Way to go. What color is the sky in your world?

The level of myopia displayed on a daily basis by the likes of Lose Dixie and Ebbie Debbie is stunning. Of course many others fit into this category as well. You all know who you are, and it is so not worth my time to name every one of you.

I will now post the typical responses from Lose and Debbie. Change that -- I am not going to post a typical response from Lose. His writing style is way too far beneath me.

So is Debbie's for that matter, but here goes anyway:

Lib Dems bad, Orange headed Trump and his $70K a year haircut good. Marxist takeover, Xi Jinping ruling our country, corrupt Bidens, get professional help (like the main goal of psychiatrists everywhere is to get you to change your political views. Seriously, can you think of anything more absurd and myopic than that?) DPST rage, blah blah blah.

We've all heard it before. Hundreds of times each day. It is not necessary for you to repeat the same crap here again Debbie.

I forgot my personal favorite: Civil War coming: Are you freaking kidding me? I suppose in your myopic world such a thing is actually a possibility.

But seriously, do you really want to take your little pop guns up against the tanks and armored personal vehicles of the 8th Armored Division? Do you even have a clue of the firepower they possess? Are you really this fucking stupid? Don't bother responding to that either, I already know the answer.

Just be secure in the knowledge that if you redneck fuckheads go to war with the US again, this time there will not be any "Malice toward none and charity toward all." That was offered to you a long time ago, but no, one of your stupid rednecks had to assassinate the messenger and everything ended up not really working out the way Lincoln hoped. You pull that Civil War crap again and you won't get that offer is off the table. Of course you will try your best to blame your upcoming Civil War on the Black Lives Matter movement, Antifa and the like. Like you always do.

There Debbie. I formulated your typical response for you so you don't have to bother this time. It's not even close to being necessary for you to add to this. We have all heard it before. Numerous times a day.

I'm sure you will respond anyway, because typing virtually the same response numerous times a day is obviously the only thing you have going on for you in your life.

I'm sure you won't believe this statement either, but I pity you. I can't even imagine an existence such as your's. I mean seriously, absolutely no self respecting person would actually choose to reside in your myopic world.

Let all your pre programmed responses begin. Originally Posted by Jam3768
Unhinged !! bahahahahahahahahahahaha
winn dixie's Avatar
Keep trying Lose. You might actually be able to post a sensible response some day.

However, this is not that day
winn dixie's Avatar
Keep trying Lose. You might actually be able to post a sensible response some day.

However, this is not that day Originally Posted by Jam3768
Your posts remind me of mushmouth!