' ... there will be NO SIT-DOWN services ...' ' ... avoid groups of more than 10 people, asks to stay home ...'

boardman's Avatar
I'm not changing shit Originally Posted by tbone2u
I'd like to say I'm not changing but things are being changed for me.

I get the whole extreme social distancing thing. WaPo published an article with a good explanation and simulations of different types of ways of dealing with the spread. Flattening the curve is what the experts keep talking about. This is the way you flatten that curve. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graph...ona-simulator/

We're all going to end up with this virus at some point. The crisis that we could face is a lack of medical facilities to deal with sickness en mass. People don't stop having other emergent medical issues just because this virus has appeared. Our hospitals are not equipped nor prepared to deal with a million new patients or even a hundred thousand, not at one time. Health care workers are not immune to this either and they are starting to return positive. That takes them out of the game.
There are way more beds and ventilators available but they are with units like the Military and National Guard and the like. If you think there is a panic now just wait til the NG starts setting up tent Hospitals. People will lose their fucking minds. That's why it's important to flatten the curve.
Once the number of recovered starts coming close to the number of active sick we'll start to see things relax some and get back to normal. That could take several months though.

In the mean time it's a good idea to follow the CDC guidelines to limit the spread. I think it's also a good idea to do things to bolster your immune systems. Take supplements, Vitamin C at least and whatever other supplements you believe help you. Exercise even if that is nothing more than taking a walk. cooking your own meals at home with fresh ingredients will help. You're stuck with that so make the most of it. Lose some weight or gain some weight as needed. Prepare as if you will, at some point, get sick. Chances are you will. You're body's immune system needs to be as strong as possible.
If The nation insists on locking everything down....it will be very hard to come back from it.
You can't ask people to stay home and feed a family with no income.
There are millions of people that barely get by week to week. They don't have the money to go buy 2 or 3 weeks of food. Some can barely buy enough for several days....plus it's hard to buy now even if you have the money.

What will those people do to have food for their kids? Just sit around and watch them starve? They will revert to other ways to find money and food.

That will be a lot worse than the virus.
O'Mike's Avatar
For all y'all that are shutting yourselves and looking for a good book I recommend "The Stand" by Stephen King. It's a great read! Originally Posted by boardman

boardman's Avatar
What is the option? Die so they don't have to watch them starve? Sure that's an extreme but unless we flatten the curve and keep the health care capacity line above the spike in illness.

deaths will increase more than they would otherwise have to creating more orphans than need be.

Food banks are filling up. JJ Watt pledged enough to feed 1 million families in Houston. Kids can go by Gallery furniture and get a free sack lunch from Killens. There isn't a shortage of food at present although there may be a short term problem of keeping it on the shelves but even that is easing up.
We don't let kids starve if we know about it. Look at how we've come together, during natural disasters, to make sure families are fed. I'm more concerned with kids being homeless and in the system because their only parent died from lack of proper health care than them starving.

The other thing to consider is that as people recover they are then able to care for the sick. Sure, by the model a huge spike in sickness means a quicker recovery rate but that model doesn't predict the number of fatalities due to the inability to get health care because doctors and nurses are sick and out of the game. That exacerbates the death toll even more. Flattening the curve addresses those problems.

It also needs to be said that other emergent conditions don't stop occurring because of this virus. Too many infected surgeons, of whatever discipline, all at once and that guy needing a stent or a kidney transplant or even just dialysis may not get it in time. Flattening the curve doesn't just work for the general public it works for Health care professional, first responders, critical infrastructure employees, etc.
boardman's Avatar
Originally Posted by O'Mike
No one is going to die from Starvation..not in our Country.

We have an awesome President and I know who I'm voting for.

We honestly do!!!!

It's only going to get better chin up!!

boardman's Avatar
Originally Posted by O'Mike
We need a Eccie/The Stand cast of characters

I've got dibs on Stu cuz it's my post
CVK is Frannie
Tbone is Ralph
Dear John is Glen
SC is Lloyd
PX is trashcan man
Shinepro is The rat man
Alyssa XO is Nadine
Crypt is General Starkey
Who is
Mother Abigail
Randall Flagg
Tom, M-O-O-N, that spells Cullen
The Judge
or any other favorite characters you want to add?
BM......No one will watch them starve. The point is that you can't lock down a city and keep everyone inside for several weeks.
I think this whole thing is blown way out of proportion.
Will some people die? Yes. Since October of 2019 over 20,000 have died from the regular flu. People die everyday from a multitude of things.
Over 600,000 died last year from heart disease.

You might slow the virus down but you will never remove it. We will all, over time, probably get it. The vaccine is the only thing that will really slow it down. Until we have that we are turning the country upside down for little reason in my opinion.

I'm old and I smoke but I'm more than willing to take my chance with it.

Hell....mosquitoes kill 3/4 of a million people in the world a year.
boardman's Avatar
BM......No one will watch them starve. The point is that you can't lock down a city and keep everyone inside for several weeks.
I think this whole thing is blown way out of proportion.
Will some people die? Yes. Since October of 2019 over 20,000 have died from the regular flu. People die everyday from a multitude of things.
Over 600,000 died last year from heart disease.

You might slow the virus down but you will never remove it. We will all, over time, probably get it. The vaccine is the only thing that will really slow it down. Until we have that we are turning the country upside down for little reason in my opinion.

I'm old and I smoke but I'm more than willing to take my chance with it.

Hell....mosquitoes kill 3/4 of a million people in the world a year. Originally Posted by tbone2u
I get what you're saying and I agree with much of it. Yes 20,000 died from the flu in the last 18 months or so. Our hospitals are equipped to handle that number of people over that period of time. Are they equipped to handle that number of people in a month? Two months? A certain percentage of the population is immune to the flu strains, vaccinations are available. That mitigates the spread. Corona Virus isn't able to be slowed the way we slow flu, not yet. That's what flattening the curve is attempting to do. Slow it down so it doesn't overload the system.
Cat Daddy...over 20,000 have died since last October of the flu. That's not 18 months. Visit the CDC website.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
The world will keep spinning, & next year & the year after that people will find something to complain about

I just wanna know where will the International TP Fort Competition will be held after this blows over. I'm expecting greatness from the Swiss Team this year.

I rather cook at home and do anyhoo.
But it's a total loss for wait staff

Time for some to brush up on your cooking skills. Originally Posted by Italia DiBella
I slow roasted ribs in my smoker today.

I would cook you a wonderful dinner beautiful.

Also - I'm of the same mind as CatDaddy (boardman). We're all going to get it. Let's just get it when the system can deal with it.
You are right sir, eventually we will all get it
4PawgLovers's Avatar
We were locked down 2 weeks during Harvey easy. We still survived.

Houston will be okay. This is not a Houston problem. It's a National situation now. The two can not compare!

At end of the day, somehow I pray this situation calms.

Until then, BBQ On it is !

Classy there are lil ppl who depend on school lunches, homeless ect... don't be so quick to speak! America has plenty of ppl who go hungry daily, before even dealing with the daily effects of this virus.

Lmao BM that list tho ^^^^^ funny shit !!
Anyone know who is running .. oh hell never mind accounts these days?
Italia DiBella's Avatar
I slow roasted ribs in my smoker today.

I would cook you a wonderful dinner beautiful.

Also - I'm of the same mind as CatDaddy (boardman). We're all going to get it. Let's just get it when the system can deal with it. Originally Posted by idiot savant

All going to get it?
Ya mean the man made virus?

I'm not claiming that
And I'm not going to be a
Dumb Dumb and take that so called vaccine either lol
I never take the regular "flu" vaccine.
Never had the flu either mmmm???

The government can kiss my patootie

I'll take some roasted veggies with homemade dipping sauce please