Cruz to Run

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-23-2015, 07:42 AM
Ted Cruz is the RWW's equivalent of LWW Jessie Jackson. A pompous loudmouth egotistical who loves to hear himself talk and is more about self-promotion. Just think, we can have Dueling Wackos.

Cruz is as qualified as our last two presidents, and we don't need a third disaster in a row.

By the way, glad to see some folks still want to believe all blacks are the same, and all Hispanics are the same. No wonder the reps can't make inroads in either group very well. Why don't you stand up and say "Some of my best friends are....". You let the dems grab those voters because you are too stupid to understand them.
His candidacy helps Hillarious.

She will be off the front scandal page shortly. Cruz will be the target.

The liberals take Hispanics for granted, so they can trash Cruz all they want. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Cruz is anti-immigrant which translates to anti-Hispanic for virtually all Hispanics.

His candidacy helps all Democrats. He is a bomb-thrower, way outside of the mainstream and stands zero chance of getting the nomination. What he will do, as we see from this post, is divide the TP whackadoos from the GOP mainstream. In fact, I expect that he will run as a third-party candidate once it becomes clear to him that he can't get the GOP nomination, thereby drawing votes away from whoever that nominee turns out to be in the general election.

Good stuff all the way around for Hillary or whoever the Democratic nominee turns out to be.

Ass-clowns like Cruz are going to ensure that we all have a very amusing GOP primary season.....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
it will be a reality check for Republican voters, to be sure. If they embrace this lunatic, then they'll sign their own death warrant. If they don't, I do not expect Canadian Candyass Cruz to accept that and try to run as an independent.

Nothing good comes out of this for the Republicants.

You honestly don't think this lying little weasel will run a straightforward campaign, do you? If I was on the D Team, I'd let him assassinate the other GOP wannabes for me. His words will be poison in the well for them in the General.

Say good night, RWWipes!

I can't wait to see how many of our ECCIE idiots fall in behind this malignant poseur...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The way I see it, this should neutralize the Democrats advantage with Hispanics and immigrants, since Cruz is both. He is too conservative for me, but I like his style otherwise. If he picks an ultraconservative African-American for a VP choice, who knows what will happen?
Myself, I'm still backing Hillary, in spite of her negatives. Originally Posted by DSK
Canadian Candyass Cruz is not slightly attractive to Mexican Americans, who make up the majority of Hispanic Latino voters. Lumping "Hispanics" together is typical of the RWWipe mindset, and why RWWers like Cruz will NEVER win the hearts and votes of the Spanish-speaking public.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
All politicians are liars. We get two for the price of one with Hillary. Ole Bill will learn her how to do it right. Originally Posted by DSK
Ok. That is not an answer. What makes Hillary better than more honest and less corrupt liberals? What accomplishments impress you? What are your hopes for her Presidency?

Oh, and "Hi" WPF!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Oh, and "Hi" WPF! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Wrong again, Glory Hole. It definitely isn't WTF. Ithink we ALL know who that is.

It appeared to be the same guy who wanted to use IBIDiot as his "bookie" on his stupid little "bet."

He thinks he's smarter than us. You've proven that he's partially correct.

  • shanm
  • 03-23-2015, 09:35 AM
Another classic moment in Idiotville!

Have to say, he seems like he could be a great president. Might be able to brainwash the next generation of LLIdiot's and JD Morons.
From this point on we can dispense with the Canadian bullshit. The legal experts have already weighed in and he is an American citizen according to the law. Anyone who brings it up now is possibly braindead and certainly a moron of epic proportions.

Right. The same way the legal experts weighed in and opined that President Obama is an American citizen according to the law. That certainly settled that debate, eh? But, I'm glad we agree that the folks on here who continue to assert the position that President Obama is not an American citizen according to the law are braindead morons. Oh, and while the issue should be settled for Cruz, it isn't and won't be. And you whining about it should be pretty amusing to watch for the next 18 months.

Actually Cruz and most of black America are aligned philosophically in what they believe. But the AA community does not vote the way they think. Besides the Hispanic community, there is the immigrant community in general (that means former Canadians), and there is the Harvard angle. One perennial weapon for democrats has been to demean the intelligence of ALL GOP candidates. Hard to do when the GOP candidate has a higher gpa (and can prove it) than the current office holder and is a graduate of the great and powerful Harvard. He even has more experience as a senator than the Mad Boy-King when he officially throws his hat into the ring. Plus, as a senator, Cruz has done something more than vote "present".

Your insight into how African Americans think, vote and behave is pretty astonishing for an ass-clown from the mid-west who probably doesn't know a single black person well enough to do anything other than nod hello in passing.
Again, I am glad we are in agreement that graduates of Harvard law school are smart and hardworking. Both President Obama and his wife attended.
And, yes, he has done something more than vote present. Shut down the government for 17 days. We'll hear a lot about that.

Back to the OP, why would you support Hillary even after you say that you like Cruz's style. Really, I'm asking, what qualifies Hillary to be the president (forgot about comparing her to someone else, this is solely about her). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Right, someone that has been a US senator and the secretary of state for the United States of America has less experience and qualifications than somebody who has been a US senator for what? 18 months? You're on Pluto.....
boardman's Avatar
Lumping "Hispanics" together is typical of the RWWipe mindset, Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Looks like it's not just RWWs who lump people together...

Cruz is anti-immigrant which translates to anti-Hispanic for virtually all Hispanics.
Originally Posted by timpage
tp, do you even know any Hispanics?
  • DSK
  • 03-23-2015, 10:55 AM
Ok. That is not an answer. What makes Hillary better than more honest and less corrupt liberals? What accomplishments impress you? What are your hopes for her Presidency?

Oh, and "Hi" WPF! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
She secured 21 billion to redevelop the WTC sight.
She visited 112 countries, repairing our badly damaged reputation.
OK - someone help!!
I just like her, I guess.
What does WPF mean?

I hope she continues to encourage the loose money policy of the Federal Reserve.
I hope she taxes Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and others just like him more.
I hope she doesn't practice any more crony capitalism.
I hope she gives us an improved version of welfare to work like Bill tried to do.
I hope she withdraws all troops from overseas, and uses the savings to balance the budget.
I hope she terminates spying on website postings.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
More hope. What we know is that she is dishonest and corrupt. But you have "hope". You have acute Kool-Aid poisoning.
No chance at all, most Americans are through with the religious whackadoodles trying to turn the bible into legislation.
He also sounds ridiculously stupid when trying to talk about women's reproductive organs. Hillary will embarrass him.
Let's see...fill in the bubble on the ballot for Cruz or Zippy The Pinhead...
Zippy it is...better a pinhead than a Boy Scout...
Ted Cruz has about as much chance of being President as I do, and I ain't even running.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Unfortunately the Canadian Born Tea- Party psycho is eligible to run since one of his parents is a naturalized citizen, but it really saddens me that the constitution allows a foreign born person to run for POTUS hopefully they will amend that loophole.