My car got stolen from SW

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-23-2017, 01:44 PM
You can't fix stupid, sorry dude
noober's Avatar
Well... hopefully u got full coverage and hopefully she totals it so that way u come out with a new car >.<

And hopefully ur insurance actually covers it. If u have a big name insurance company u should be alright.

Come on guys I'm pretty sure he feels dumb already no need to add more fuel to it.

He's just a innocent guy trying to get pussy and didn't want his SW to swear her ass off.

Too bad she took advantage of the guy.

Ohh this is what happens when we try to be nice to people haha.

But then again u offered 100 minus the room which I assume 40 back to her haha I don't know this might be been the reason she took off lol.
Chung Tran's Avatar
CT, I am surprised you had no comment on this. Is this not a teaching moment about the evils of the CBJ? Originally Posted by NTXReggie
it is a teachable moment, but there is so much that is stupid about this encounter, I figured I would save the CBJ lecture for another day.. but had he known beforehand about the evil that is CBJ, he would have instinctively rejected her, and his money and vehicle would have stayed on the premises.
xtheunknown's Avatar
P.T. Barnum once said something about OP....
2short@desky's Avatar
Did she look anything like Lorena Bobbitt? You just may have missed something else besides cars and bullets.
kingone's Avatar
Dumb ass
Wow...that really sucks bro. I hope you learned something here. Don't leave bullets in a car with a hooker.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Should be an interesting police report.....
ha-ha! yes, that is exactly what i thought. Even the insurance company is going to ask questions about where the car was, what were the circumstances ... etc. I lost my phone once after a night of strip-clubbing and the insurance company asked those types of questions and it was kind of embarrassing to reveal i'm kind of a perv ... lol ...
Chung Tran's Avatar
damn, you have phone insurance? I never knew anyone that did.
I wish some SW will take my beater hobby car. Then i can get a newer beater hobby car.

This is indeed a teachable moment. Never leave the girl inside your ride unless you have everything locked up or put away inside the truck. They will take just about EVERYTHING. This is the first i heard that they take the car.

You should check craigslist to see if someone is selling a cash car, or your local chop shop.

The deductible alone is worth a really good session.
Yeah yeah yeah I know I'm a dumbass and stupid and all that anyways just trying to prevent any other dumbasses or stupid idea itself they're doing the same thing they've done is a while and it's just one stupid little mistake it's it all it takes I really enjoyed everybody's comments and thank you all for the support you guys are awesome safe hobbying by the way