The United States Constitution won today

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
6-3 would include him, too, dipshit. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What if you learned to read? That could be a thing. The 6-3 ruling involved the case in Mississippi limiting abortions to 15 weeks or earlier. In that case, the plaintiff's side argued that the there should be no restrictions. That abortion should be legal or illegal. So the plaintiff still won by losing.

In the item that over turned RvW it was 5-4, with Roberts switching to the minority.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... We'll see IF he has the integrity to apologize... Originally Posted by Salty Again
^^^^^ That shit right there is hilarious ^^^^^^^^
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-25-2022, 07:46 AM

Rights not explicitly spelled out in the Constitution are reserved to the States in the 9th Amendment or to the people in the 10th Amendment.

Now the people in every state can determine what is what regarding abortion. Originally Posted by ICU 812
So I'd you think it a great idea to take the choice away from the Federal government and give it to the State governments...would it be logical to then the states give that choice to the counties and the counties give it to the cities and the cities give it to the individual?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Sorry there, mate.

Surely couldn't resist schooling him yet-again.

We'll see IF he has the integrity to apologize...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Apologies for ruffling your pinfeathers, pretty-bird.

I thought you were talking about the case before the court.

My bad. I shall now flagellate, prostrate myself at your feet and beg your forgiveness, ye tosser.

Thank you so much for your highly educated insight into the issues of the days. Without the schooling from you and your fellow patriots, I’d truly be speechless in this esteemed forum.

You are my hero and an example of truth justice and the American way.

Now go home and get your fucking shinebox.
Another racist statement. You're losing it bubba.

Now go home and get your fucking shinebox. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
ICU 812's Avatar
My personal recollection is that for the most part of my life, the SCTUS has been increasingly liberal. In the 1960s there was a movement from conservatives to have Chief Justace Warren impeached.

Democrats and liberals had full overall control of the federal government ever since the early 1930s when President Rosavelt was sworn in. All life there has been a steady liberalization of every aspect of our society.

Now that SCOUTS is swinging the pendulum back the other way, the liberal progressives are howling "unfair" and calling for "rebalancing" the court.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Ya sup has always been a dumbass, Roberts didn’t join the majority decision , he wrote his own lil opinion where he gave a one nut opinion . Like a fellow Patriot stated Roberts is a pussy. Y R , to have a right taking away it has to be a right to begin with. Abortion isn’t a right , it’s a choice . Now go fuck yourself
... Surely appreciate the strong barrack from all o' me mates here,
but this abortion issue got everyone all arse-over-tit.

I can understand the liberal lads being blue about it, but shouldn't
the decision on abortion laws and rules be decided by PEOPLE who
live in the states? ... Let each state decide what their-own
citizens want? ... And they then "decide" by voting-on
elected officials who agree-with their point of view.

Trump made no secret that He disagreed with Roe/Wade and would
nominate "pro-lifers" to the Supreme Court.
And voters surely ELECTED Trump. ... To do exactly THAT.

... If YOU need to have a abortion - then travel to a state
that has them.

#### Salty
based on history, rhetoric and the dark side being surfeit and the one thing they will never abort

I’d not be surprised if some states might allow abortions well after birth, giving the illogical “its my body” crowd full recognition of their “rights” and cementing in nascent brains the idiotic extension of the idea that hey, alive in or out of me I still get to decide
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another racist statement. You're losing it bubba. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Ever see Goodfellas? The movie, not the trick.

You really are that stupid! I am astounded! Betcha Salty knew exactly what it was about.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Now go fuck yourself Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Nice talk. You kiss your mother with that mouth?
Did that comment trigger you?? Most people kiss their mothers on the cheek they don't DFK them like you do your mother!!
adav8s28's Avatar
My personal recollection is that for the most part of my life, the SCTUS has been increasingly liberal. In the 1960s there was a movement from conservatives to have Chief Justace Warren impeached.

Democrats and liberals had full overall control of the federal government ever since the early 1930s when President Rosavelt was sworn in. All life there has been a steady liberalization of every aspect of our society.
Originally Posted by ICU 812
Did the Democrats and liberals have full overall control of the federal government when Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush41, Bush43 and Trump were president? I don't think so. Even when it was ruled that the fine you had to pay for not having health insurance (when the ACA was passed) was really a Tax so it was constitutional. Roberts sided with the democrats on that one but the makeup of the supreme court was 5-4 republicans to democrats at that time. Your statement doesn't seem to be accurate.
HedonistForever's Avatar
John Roberts grew 1 nut today perhaps he might actually reason the Constitution and grow ball #2?? Originally Posted by oilfieldace

John Roberts did exactly what I suggested in another post weeks ago. I suggested that if Roberts wanted to do the most expedient thing to help Republicans win in Nov. it would be to take this issue of banning Roe, out of the conversation by merely giving a thumbs up to the Mississippi case before them. They didn't have to decide if Roe is Constitutional but they did so anyway because it was time to settle this once and for all.

Roberts voted to uphold the Mississippi law (6 to 3 ) but voted against the final draft banning Roe ( 5 to 4 )

Some people are still having trouble understanding this. I've heard more than a few people, like Bill Mahr last night, mis-read the results, stating that Roberts voted to over turn Roe, he did not.